Human of the future

Mankind erased by 2/3 in 40 years

Hello, Banshee! Where did you get the tip that mankind will be wiped by 2/3 in 40 years from now? Maybe from the same people that made Paul Ehrlich predict that a huge famine was going to kill more than half the Earth´s population (back in 1968) when he said in his book "The Population Bomb" that the United States would reduce its population to less than 150 million in ten years.

He said "The fight against starvation is lost". It seems that he didn´t know about Borlaug's Green Revolution, the advances in biotechnology, genetically modified crops, decreasing costs in new technologies that made natural resources more available to human beings (especially in developing and poor countries).

Those 40 years prophesized surely are a guarantee that most of us won´t be here to see if it came true. Try to make a more shorter term prediction that could be really useful.
Back in 1968, Information Technology was in its infancy. The then predictions were based on available information and linear projection of that information. While we now know the capability of Information Tachnology, we still tend to predict in linear terms, since humans have a difficulty visualizing new technology and advanced in science or changes in society.

The result is no one knows where we are headed ....we hope only in a good direction with the new world order....
Edufer, I don't even know about those prediction in 1968, I am sorry.

But it will happen within 40 years, not 40 years from now.

And this has nothing to do with iformation out of a book or the Internet.:)

But I have to tell you there are a lot of young humans coming up with the right vision and that gives a lot of hope for the future.
And a few of them are members at Sciforums.

So you see, it is not all bad what what the future brings, it is just the way you handle towards other humans and Earth and Her Nature and its inhabitants.

Handle from within, from your Inner feelings and you have a better balance and understanding with other humans and the rest of the Cosmos.

About the message, as I said before, the subject is closed. I was only asked to pass this message for it is a major warning.
Never ever do I post messages, only this one, because I was asked to do so, as a lot of others among us. For you to decide what you do with it....
That is all.

And, really, I don't have it from the Internet or some predictions made by scientists, for I never listen to them any way or any how.
All theories they gave you, no proof.

Well, I can't give you proof either, but I know where I got my messages from and that are no theories, not at all.
But you can think whatever you want.
I can't care less.
:p :p :p

The human race shouldn't think so much, better listen first some more careful to themselves and act from out there.
It certainly would make a difference in the behaviour towards one another.
Think about that...with your books and theories.
I studied too at the University, for years, and I know my lessons very well, I am not some kind of fool, but you are free to think of me that way.
Have fun...

And have a nice day.

what humans...
there will no more humans in the future... only electronic waves..
our mind and memory will be downloaded inside a computer like thing..we will have no more decaying bodies.. we will become imortal....

Like Highlander? In the movie? Great...:)

Humans won't become immortal. Only if they become completely artificial. Like Arnold Schwarzenegger in that other movie. Forgot the name, but there was a second movie also and there Arnie plays the good, and the 'liquid' man the bad AND the ugly.;)
Hey, I like the concept of the liquid man. Totally indestructible, change form to become male or female or a

Just one major meteor strike will wipe out a large percent of our population. We need to move to a virtual world inside a computer underground with ability to morph back to physical form where the danger is over...let us work on that.
Yeah...lets dig holes underground, like rabbits, and crawl away in there. :) Perhaps the scientists can make that virtual computer world in there. Let us all become artificial 'liquid' figures.;)

And stay underground for a long, long time. Don't forget your sunglasses when you finally can get back to the surface of the Earth...:cool:
Have you seen those greys in pictures with big eyes and genetically engineered built-in sunglasses? May be they are living underground in a planet of low gravity, need big eyes to see in the dark, and so on...

Could it be MARS? And we are kissing cousins from eons ago and that they want to run reproductive experiments on earth women to merge the two specis back? :D
Yeeeeaaaahhhh...those Grey's have to be watched, they sneak in and 'abduct' all those Earthly women. Then inject them with Grey sperm and try to take over Earth, because Mars is getting to cold for them.:p Especially underground there. Now they want to come live here on Earth, so they mingle here and there with Earth women to 'create' lungs for their little Grey children. Horror oh horror...:D
Hi Banshee:

It is not the size that matters. I understand they give multiple Org to women....hehehe...:D
Oh my goodness...then we get GIANT Grey's all over the place here on Earth. They better start digging big, big wholes. Wonder how the Grey's manage that on Mars.:D Feeding all that freaky multiple Org breed...:p
I've been to your link and I am amazed about what the humans have invented now again. It seems like they are so bored, they can't find anything else to do than to make sure every human lives as long as possible and WITH artificial garbage in their bodies. I am deadsick and tired of it!:(

If that is our future, I don't even want to be part of it...
First... comments...

Posted by Bebelina: I would like that we would become like butterfly-humans, wouldn´t that be nice? With beautiful coloured wings?



Posted by Banshee:
Only the ones who nurture Earth and Nature will remain.

Iuhuuuu!!!! I'l survive!!! :D:D

Posted by Banshee:
But I have to tell you there are a lot of young humans coming up with the right vision and that gives a lot of hope for the future.
And a few of them are members at Sciforums.

I Love when this happens...
Then I'm again like a child :D

Hyphotetical (all Copyrights reserved)... :D :
Nelson: Hi!! Here I'm!! :D:D (childlike)
Banshee: Yeah... I know... I know you are one of them (young humans)... :rolleyes:


The world is a mess but life is still beautifull... :)

I'll post the "right" vision of the future soon...

PS: Damn sciforums... it's not posting my smiles... :(

Love Letter for The Children of Earth

Posted by Banshee:
Humans won't become immortal.

I have to disagree...
As Light Beings we will be "immortal" someday.
As the energetics vibrations of Mother Earth become more subtle, we will become more aware of our true Nature, of what we truly are. We will discover that we are made by Light, we are made by Love.

We will also understand Nature much better. We will be able to communicate in different manners and use more advanced technology, through other dimensions.

We will literally be in the Heavens for 1000 years, after all this mess we live in today go away. Death will become History, we will become immortals, as Spirits. God will live among us.

We will be fully connected with Mother Nature. Our relationship will improve astronomically. Peace will reign for a thousand years.
We will live among Love. Love will be in Terra. Love will BE Her (She is Love, but then, we will perceive it ;))

As the energies of our Mother become more subtle, what it's already happening, we start to awaken from our looooong sleep. we won't be sepatated from the Universe anymore. We will be the Universe and find friends outside there.

We will truly be the Children of Love... :)

Light Being?

What if the soul is a light being travelling from one physical husk to the other.....learning, growing, changing....until ready to create new universes and life....
Your Inner Self is immortal. This doesn't say that the human race is immortal. Only if there comes a total change in attitude and behaviour toward one another and Earth, there'll be a chance.

I admit that there are a lot of humans becoming aware of the situation which is going on in our civilization. So, let's join in and awaken humanity.

The road leads on to glory, but we used up one last wish! Or didn't we? The answer lays in the near future...:)

What if the soul is a light being travelling from one physical husk to the other.....learning, growing, changing....until ready to create new universes and life....

Just change soul into Spirit... ;)
