Hugo Chavaz se está quemando en el infierno!

They will just elect a new dictator as they did with old Hugo, seems they don't last to long there since he was only 45 when he caught cancer.
Hugo Chavez RIP.
He was a breath of fresh air for South America.
(I'm not being sarcastic this time)
Hugo Chavez RIP.
He was a breath of fresh air for South America.
(I'm not being sarcastic this time)

He was a dictator! Sure he gave to the poor and was a great populist, but he disband the legislator, replaced all the judges with his own, removed term limits on his self, took over the media, closed down media that spoke out against him in any way. He made the people trade freedoms for bread a move that will most likely harm them in the years to come. Venezuela's growth has not been as great as its neighbors, it now has one of the highest crime rates in the world, meat, milk and electricity are scarce, oh and a country that has more oil reserves then anywhere else in the world is in debt!

They will just elect a new dictator as they did with old Hugo, seems they don't last to long there since he was only 45 when he caught cancer.

He was 56 when diagnosed died at 58.
CNN puts it in a nutshell:
"Chavez leaves Venezuelan economy more equal, less stable".

Those living below the poverty line fell to 36.3% in 2006 from 50.4% in 1998, according to the World Bank, and infant mortality fell from 20.3 per thousand births when Chavez came to power, to 12.9 by 2011. Education also became more accessible, with the number of children enrolled in secondary education rising from 48% in 1999 to 72% in 2010, according to UNESCO figures.

All revolutions leave their countries less stable, don't they?
What kind of help.

What they needs is to stop dishing out money for other nations

Just kidding.
No, they need to be left alone.
Hopefully, the next leader will take up his championing of the poor, but control the country better.

He was not a dictator.
He won three fair elections.
What Venezuela needs now is some help from America.

your wishes:
The future of Russian companies doing business in Venezuela remains uncertain. It is highly likely that the new government of Venezuela will ask Russian investors out, just like Chavez did to U.S. investors, without any compensations. Russia will have to say good-bye to the bonuses that our companies paid for the right to invest in Venezuela
Well Chavez almost got George II right. George II is certainly an amoral arrogant spoiled rich kid who likes playing war with his toy soldiers but he was not the Devil. George II was not even remotely smart enough to be the Devil.
El no esta en el infierno . El hombre no le dio bolas a los USA El fue un hombre de corage , yo se que el cometio muchos errores pero el tiempo no le dio la oportunidad para corregirlos .

This is an English speaking forum, the title of the thread was for effect.

No Chavez did not get too correct his errors, many of which have only compounded. Sure Chavez gave to the poor but he did not go about it in a sustainable manner: instead of selling off oil and expanding oil production to make more money for social welfare programs, he reduced production by sacrificing foreign investment for ideology: be had the state taken over the oil mining and production has gone down and development of venezuela's huge reserves has moved at a snails pace. He then gives away that oil at low prices instead of making a profit from it to finance his social reforms, instead having to take out loans and putting the country in debt!

And that is just one of the many things he did wrong. Oh but all should be forgive just because he gave that idiot Bush the finger? The problem is its not easy to bad mouth a man whose predecessor was far worse, who did do alot of social welfare, but compared to Columbia and Brazil, Venezuela has not progressed greatly. Compared to some developed nation's governments Chavez was a dictator who cracked down on free speech of his opponents, who centralized power under him, who tried to be made president for life, but settled for no term limits. Relatively speaking sure he was not nearly as demonic as many other dictators, but not a true democratic president either. much like Senor Bolívar (whom he models himself after) he was a man of mix accomplishments, many great, many that likely doom his nation for generations to come!
He was not a dictator.
He won three fair elections.

Fair elections where his opponents were only allow only a few minutes of air time a day on radio while he did hours via TV? Fair election where he tried to become president for life but settle on no term limits instead? Sure one might say the polls were fair, but the media was not nor the government.
ElectricF Compared to some developed nation's governments Chavez was a dictator who cracked down on free speech of his opponents said:
I read the Venezuelan News paper El Universal . He can not be a dictator sense they ha election and the opposition was very loud specially in the western state Zulia , I witnessed other dictators there and the press censorship , This man Chaves was not a dictator as in the 1950 , I can say he was fairly democratic , yes he had an ego, bu who does not.
I read the Venezuelan News paper El Universal . He can not be a dictator sense they ha election and the opposition was very loud specially in the western state Zulia , I witnessed other dictators there and the press censorship , This man Chaves was not a dictator as in the 1950 , I can say he was fairly democratic , yes he had an ego, bu who does not.

Again just because he was not as bad a previous or other dictators does not mean he was not a power hunger thug, the facts stand that he crush private and free media to spew his propaganda free of competition, he had critic persecuted and silenced, he centralized power under him and abolished term limits.
They will just elect a new dictator as they did with old Hugo, seems they don't last to long there since he was only 45 when he caught cancer.
How do they ELECT a dictator? So these days Dictatorship is democratic eh?

Anyhow, Chavez was certainly not a dictator, perhaps you would like to share how you reach such a conclusion?