how would you isolate chemical elements.


Valued Senior Member
In trying to experiment with nearly half the periodic table of elements. How would I go about separating them into about a mole of each one. I'm interested in the process of purifying each individually.
In trying to experiment with nearly half the periodic table of elements. How would I go about separating them into about a mole of each one. I'm interested in the process of purifying each individually.
You would have to consider each of them individually. It would take a paragraph to explain how for each one. You can find a lot of the relevant information here:

Happy reading.
Thanks this is actually helpful. Mostly electrolysis, chemical separation, and charcoal absorption at high temperatures for noble gasses.
Thanks this is actually helpful. Mostly electrolysis, chemical separation, and charcoal absorption at high temperatures for noble gasses.
Not quite. Noble gases are mostly obtained by low temperature liquefaction of air or other gas mixtures and then fractionation. But isolation of alkali metals and halogens certainly makes extensive use of electrolysis, and some alkaline earths and (famously) aluminium are also produced this way.
You might enjoy browsing in Partington's brilliant History of Chemistry (in 4 volumes). The stories of the discovery of each pure element are fascinating.