How to spot a bastard

Discussion in 'Free Thoughts' started by birch, Feb 18, 2016.

  1. birch Valued Senior Member


    This is part comic relief. 'How to spot a bastard by his star sign' by adele lang and susi rajah., eharmony questionaires or any psychological attempts to determine compatibility do not have any better understanding. Science has not made any serious attempts at understanding relationships - which is very odd. They will look for cures for the most obscure of diseases but the plethora of failing interpersonal relationships just is not their concern possibly because it cant fit on a slide to be viewed under a microscope or grow in a petri dish.

    well, we're on our own or resort to the latest cosmo article 'what men want' or 'what makes women tick' written by people who also have failed relationships and basically - just guessing. Go to the self-help section of the library and peruse 'women are from venus, men are from mars' next to 'how to become a millionaire in thirty days or less' type of wisdom.

    Lang and rajah's premise is rather man-bashing. Its not just a few, their premise is that ALL men are bastards. There is a self-questionnaire at the end to help determine which bastard is right for you or you can stomach for life, at least.

    Do you agree with their premise that all or most men ( i guess past the innocence of childhood, 14-15?) are bastards underneath or it will come out eventually?
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  3. sculptor Valued Senior Member

    as/re How to spot a bastard?

    Based on your recent posts, I would hazard the guess:
    Look for you birch, and the guy in close proximity to you is likely a bastard.

    (you make it to easy girl)
    danshawen and Edont Knoff like this.
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  5. Oystein Registered Senior Member

    An equally stupid premise . . .

    Do you agree with the premise that all or most women ( i guess past the innocence of childhood, 14-15?) are bitches underneath or it will come out eventually?
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  7. birch Valued Senior Member

    Of course because its all about me. Have you noticed i am also the author? Oh thatz right. Its other women having a hard time with men. What a surprise!
  8. birch Valued Senior Member

    I dont know. When a man writes a book whining that most women are lying philanderers, you can discuss it. No one is that deluded to touch that with a ten foot pole quite yet because the male in question (however innocent) knows their gender well enough that it would be outright bs.

    You may be in luck as it seems more and more women are turning from the 'follow and obey' longsuffering syndrome of yesteryear. It seems men will soon get a chance to accuse the entirety of the female gender of 'trying to be like men' ergo: tables have turned or succintly - male pot call female kettle black.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2016
  9. Oystein Registered Senior Member

    I won't get involved in your stupid discussion. I was showing how ridiculous the premise was that you brought forth . . . by posting an equally stupid premise. Neither one is true, BTW.
  10. birch Valued Senior Member

    Correction. There is nothing equal about it. A smattering of faithful men here and there among the male population does not equate. It may in your neat made-up belief in your head but reality has shown otherwise.

    Euphemisms such as 'males are here to sow a seed' to either excuse or explain their proclivity toward infidelity did not come about without reason.
  11. Oystein Registered Senior Member

    In your case, I think you could bring out the worst in any man. A can see Jesus Christ saying, "Please, just leave me the f**k alone birch. That shite coming out of your mouth is poison."
  12. billvon Valued Senior Member

    Heck, there are women _and_ men who whine about that.

    The Real Reason Why Women Are Such Great Liars
    Christine Schoenwald

    “I’m fine.” “That dress looks great on you.” “Everything is going great.”

    As women, we lie all the time — sometimes to other people, but more often to ourselves. It’s not that we’re shady and bad people; it’s more complicated than that.

    We often don’t even know that we’re lying, it’s just a part of our personalities. Men usually lie to get something they want (such as sex or career advancement), but women usually lie to hide the truth.
    Little White Lies, Deep Dark Secrets - The Truth about Women and Deception

    Dodai Stewart
    3/04/08 5:00pm

    Susan Shapiro Barash has written a new book called Little White Lies, Deep Dark Secrets: The Truth About Why Women Lie. She posits that not only do women lie more than men, they're better at it, and are prone to "little white lies" to keep people happy and not step on any toes. Barash surveyed 500 women she found on Craigslist, (you know, where people never lie); she claims that 75% lie about how much money they spend, 50% harbor "mixed feelings about mothering and 60% cheated on their husbands.
    When Women Cheat: A book about infidelity, female power, jealousy and the modern beta males

    Paperback - $34.99
    Used from $30.80

    By David Nicosia Longhi (Author)
    4 out of 5 stars 1 customer review

    Why are women unfaithful to their men? And why do men allow it? And where will it all end? A saucy and provocative book to kindle debate on infidelity, jealously, the chemistry of love, dominating women, men’s desire for possession and much more!
  13. sculptor Valued Senior Member

    From the existentialists perspective: Of course it's about you, it has to be about you. You are the center of your universe.
    danshawen likes this.
  14. birch Valued Senior Member

    I really dont think so. Quite a tightwad and no sense of humor makes a dull boy.
  15. birch Valued Senior Member

    I am just surprised that there has been no proposal or volunteers for at least clinical trials to cure the 'unfaithful man' by way of gene splicing. That with the optional gps tracking device, voice recorder and truth serum. You would think there would be at least one male on planet earth that would have the epiphany or desire to make sure his vows to his beloved were actually legit.

    I mean males got with the program of circumcision but that was what? centuries ago. Dont men want to continue to evolve?
  16. birch Valued Senior Member

    Craigslist? Really? Thats very low denizon.

    But i see what im dealing with here which only confirms.

    Honestly, overall, it is well-known men are much more unfaithful than females. It is well-documented and even to the point of a foregone conclusion where both psychology and biology have pondered the issue for decades.

    Granted, with more independent women these days foregoing committed relationships, that trend is changing and largely due to the fact of male non-committance in relationships. If you look deeper into the history, you will find women even posting on sex sites that there husband pays no attention to them anymore. Looking for affection. He cheats so why shouldnt i? Boyfriend cheats so why should i be faithful? Some women just gave up altogether with relationships and do hookups for that reason. And on and on it goes with very similar themes. Yes, there are just plainly loose women and sluts but women tend in general to favor monogamous committed relationships so if that trend is changing, they are pretty much not expecting much from men anymore.

    But to have the pretense that women have been cheaters to the extent that males have in general is just unmitigated gall and ridiculous. One could pull that silly ploy with an alien that just arrived from another planet but you'd be a fool to think anyone else was just born yesterday.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2016
  17. Oystein Registered Senior Member

    Is this birch character a resident troll? You know, an in-house troll?

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  18. birch Valued Senior Member

    This is also a plain issue of power struggle and disparity. When one group or gender has more power, what usually happens? Abuse of that power and taking for granted. Males have been doing that to women for a very long time.

    People get tired of it and they will retaliate eventually to try and balance. That is what is happening, more or less. Unfortunately, its sad for both genders. The human weaknesses and vices..
  19. birch Valued Senior Member

    This thread seems to get to you? Insecure or hitting too close to home?
  20. Oystein Registered Senior Member

    Yep, in-house troll. I'm not feeding the troll anymore -- fed it too much already.

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  21. DaveC426913 Valued Senior Member

    birch, you freely admitted (in fact, made a whole thread about it) that you are in control of the kind of men you hook up with, knowing they in particular will hurt you.

    It's hypocritical that you then try to label all or most men bastards.

    Why don't you take responsibility for yourself? Surely that would be the first step toward healing.
    ajanta likes this.
  22. Daecon Kiwi fruit Valued Senior Member

    Maybe you're the problem?

    You've made what, three threads now about how men are all bastards.

    Maybe you should raise your standards a little.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2016
  23. billvon Valued Senior Member

    I recall a time in american history where it was a given that blacks were inferior to whites. Things like freedom, the right to vote, even the right to be counted as population was withheld from them for their own good. Everyone knew they weren't capable of that sort of responsibility. It was common sense.

    Turns out, of course, it wasn't.

    Today it's just common sense that men are much more unfaithful than women. You see it on TV all the time. You hear women talking about it all the time. It's a foregone conclusion; everyone knows it's true.

    Once again, though, it isn't.

    Indiana University

    Last modified: Friday, June 24, 2011

    Insights into infidelity: Study examines influence of sexual personality characteristics

    June 24, 2011

    BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- In a new study, men and women were more likely to report infidelity, or cheating -- often a marriage or relationship deal-breaker -- when they also experienced an increased sensitivity for sexual performance problems and a decreased likelihood to lose their sexual arousal in the face of risk or danger. . . .

    Consistent with previous studies, the IU study found little difference in the rates of infidelity reported by men and women (23 percent and 19 percent, respectively).
    I find people believe whatever they like no matter what the facts are.

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