How do you explain Nazism, Fascism or even the Communist Terror ?


Registered Senior Member
At the individual level.

Why some people want it ?
Why some people do it ?
Would the people who suffered from it do the same if they held the other position ?
Do you think that those "thinking ways" look like Racism ?
Why Hitler was literally elected by the good people in Germany ?
That the first "winners" (Nazis) were transformed into losers ?
Why the same people now say that only Hitler was mentally ill ?
Have you heard of the "Milgram Experiment" which was run in the middle of the "Allied Territory" ?
Do you really think that the 21st century will be miraculously exempt of the things humans did in the last century (for example) ?

Which side will you choose in the upcoming years ?
How does one explain Nazism, Fascism or Communist Terror?

The French Revolution, today's spread of ISIS and probably the original eruption of Islam in the 7th century are more examples of the same dynamic. There are more historical examples, many on a smaller scale.

What they all have in common is that they are all grand utopian social change schemes, promising some wonderful desirable result if they are put into effect. So anyone who stands in the way - Jews, class-enemies, or unbelievers - is an enemy to be killed or subjected without sympathy or compassion, all in the name of fighting for Good. So heads start rolling and mass-graves proliferate.
How does one explain Nazism, Fascism or Communist Terror?

The French Revolution, today's spread of ISIS and probably the original eruption of Islam in the 7th century are more examples of the same dynamic. There are more historical examples, many on a smaller scale.

What they all have in common is that they are all grand utopian social change schemes, promising some wonderful desirable result if they are put into effect. So anyone who stands in the way - Jews, class-enemies, or unbelievers - is an enemy to be killed or subjected without sympathy or compassion, all in the name of fighting for Good. So heads start rolling and mass-graves proliferate.

Someone that I won't name once said the following : Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former...

and as it is true every single day : Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.

Let's pretend that the leading majority is not mediocre right ? I predict the end of human stupidity though...
today's spread of ISIS
Have you read what the alternative press says about the ISIS?
From the very outset, this air campaign has NOT been directed against ISIS. The evidence confirms that the Islamic State is not the target. Quite the opposite.

The air raids are intended to destroy the economic infrastructure of Iraq and Syria.
Tribalism is an aspect of love. The same thing that makes us identify with a sports team, your family, city, state, or country... the same thing that makes us die for anything more than selfish causes, also has a dark side. It was identity with one's countrymen that led people to support fascism, which claimed to defend a culture.
Tribalism is an aspect of love. The same thing that makes us identify with a sports team, your family, city, state, or country... the same thing that makes us die for anything more than selfish causes, also has a dark side. It was identity with one's countrymen that led people to support fascism, which claimed to defend a culture.

Thats probably why I call them "Naive People"... they all gonna die being so in love with murdering and domination (huh... I mean having some sort of gregarious instinct). Go watch "The Road" and tell me which cannibalistic tribe you will be in sharing "love"... Don't give up ! =D
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Thats probably why I call them "Naive People"... they all gonna die being so in love with murdering and domination (huh... I mean having some sort of gregarious instinct). Go watch "The Road" and tell me which cannibalistic tribe you will be in sharing "love"... Don't give up ! =D
The up side is that this is what made us so special and effective as a social species.
The up side is that this is what made us so special and effective as a social species.

Even if the encyclopedic Dawkins literature is not always enjoyable, his clue for comparing that "species" with some sort of virulent bacteria unable to handle itself in a sustainable way and having a strong tendency to die in mass after consuming all the available food could strike some of us... Add religion and we are all literally cursed. Plz, nobody looks toward the Easter Island...
Why Hitler was literally elected by the good people in Germany ?
Because the terms of surrender after WWI were so crippling to Germany that they were looking for anyone who could help them recover from the hole they were in.
Do you really think that the 21st century will be miraculously exempt of the things humans did in the last century (for example) ?
Of course not. People don't change much - although society does, and it's good to see a (very gradual) shift away from wars of religion and acquisition. They will still be with us, but in a diminishing form.
Because the terms of surrender after WWI were so crippling to Germany that they were looking for anyone who could help them recover from the hole they were in.

Vengeance is a good point, and a justification for war at all granularity levels. Would you forgive the people who starved you, used coercive methods or even the killers of your wife and children ? I doubt so. But lets be honest, it will be impossible to know which country started if one looked back in history... We don't even know if Germany and Austria-Hungary really planned the WWI in the first place.

The point is, it doesn't matter the reason... they just want to fight and the government know this very well. When people hate each other so much, lack of good thinking and have a thirst for glory (read ego), they just wait for the permission to strike anything they can. Especially if they believe that they are stronger (which is obv. not true). And you know the music, when "privates" conquer a city you better have the wives gone...

Of course not. People don't change much - although society does, and it's good to see a (very gradual) shift away from wars of religion and acquisition. They will still be with us, but in a diminishing form.

On the contrary, it seems that Religion is becoming more and more present as the time goes by. As it is true that The Church doesn't have the power it used to have lets face it, all our legal system is based almost solely on closed families that were in the Clergy and they are not going to share that power. It's just hid from the mass. The funny thing is that even the pretty face of religion is almost never accompanied with virtues and is another pretext for discrimination, groups destruction and eternal dispute.

By the way, how is the situation in Israel now ? Can't remember how many generations they switched persecution with being persecuted...

Enjoy the ride...
On the contrary, it seems that Religion is becoming more and more present as the time goes by.
We haven't had an Inquisition or a Crusade for quite a while now. So while we do see problems with religious extremists, we're not seeing the abuses by the larger religions that we used to see.
There are lots of ways to explain those things that do not involve conspiracy theories. Democracy and capitalism not being so constructed as to work out every issue human societies have is a big one.
We haven't had an Inquisition or a Crusade for quite a while now. So while we do see problems with religious extremists, we're not seeing the abuses by the larger religions that we used to see.

Religion/Church = State. Power just changed its shape but its more or less the same people... I'm sure you are faking naivness by saying that crusades were for the Holy Land and not for expanding empires... only little "privates" believed that story and sacrificed themselves in the process for basically nothing.
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There are lots of ways to explain those things that do not involve conspiracy theories. Democracy and capitalism not being so constructed as to work out every issue human societies have is a big one.

Some people think that "Democracy and Capitalism" are bad systems but not the worst... I do think that there are better systems though.
You mean those easy to read books he writes to make science understandable to the layman?

Well I was meaning a bit "boring" books... It seems that we both know that evolution theories are much simpler than physics or other hardcore scientific areas. But still one can make good use of them and his views on Religion Extremists are defensible... although to polemical for me as there is no end to this discourse... The gained media attention may not be worth it.
At the individual level.,

Why some people want it ?
Socialism offers a remedy for economic woes. It takes on the management of commodities and redistributes them to the larger populace. Often this requires a strong-arm approach that involves a tyrannical government.

Why some people do it ?
Desperation. If you are starving and suffering under some other failed system, you too might opt for any possible solution.

Would the people who suffered from it do the same if they held the other position ?
Not certain about this question. I think that such system has no appeal if there is no large scale suffering. But, if I understand your question, yes, I think they would if facing the same situation.

Do you think that those "thinking ways" look like Racism ?
Again, not certain about the question. Nationalism is often used to create solidarity, unifying people for a common purpose.

Why Hitler was literally elected by the good people in Germany ?
The German people were grasping for any shred of hope. Hitler made promises, many of which he kept.

That the first "winners" (Nazis) were transformed into losers ?
The Nazis were relatively successful until they found themselves fighting half the world.

Why the same people now say that only Hitler was mentally ill ?
It's easier to throw the blame on a central figure.

Have you heard of the "Milgram Experiment" which was run in the middle of the "Allied Territory" ?
Yes. It was first conducted at Yale University. They wanted to understand why some people were willing to follow the directives of authority when those orders conflicted with the individuals own sense of morality.

Do you really think that the 21st century will be miraculously exempt of the things humans did in the last century (for example) ?
People are people. All that seems to be required is some economic catastrophe where people are starving in the streets and suffering wholesale.

Which side will you choose in the upcoming years ?
I'm hoping we never face such hardship that extremism becomes a possible solution.