Hospital stay

My sincere apologies.

It's just that you doubled-down and made a challenge without doing any homework. ("why answer if you couldn't prove it?")

But it appears the whole world has settled for using "COVID19" as the descriptor for everything, despite it being inaccurate in most cases. I suppose this simplifies things for the purposes of information dissemination. So be it.

Again, sorry.
Even though, say you're right, you're apologizing because of public language?
Even though, say you're right, you're apologizing because of public language?

I could be wrong....
I often am...
my wife can verify that I tend to be naive.....
but I am seeing this Covid 19 pandemic as having set the stage for the most off the scale economic boom in the history of this earth.......
(OK, certainly of the last six centuries)........but..... what I have in mind is NOT without risks because an economic boom can be
extremely dangerous to water and air and earth and humans and animals and fish..... not to mention to Siberian Dung Beetles????????????

The word neo-Malthusianism comes to mind again! (pardon my spelling)?!
how do usa covid victims rate their private hospital ?

if they had to stay in usa private hospital for a month & pay for it not with insurance
would they think they were getting value for money ?

which usa private hospital has the best covid victim 5 star ratings ?
how do usa covid victims rate their private hospital ?

if they had to stay in usa private hospital for a month & pay for it not with insurance
would they think they were getting value for money ?

which usa private hospital has the best covid victim 5 star ratings ?

I could be wrong.....
but I suspect that some residents of the USA might be tempted to travel to Australia.....
or at least to another State where their physician might be able to treat them with:

I recently spent time in the hospital, got tested for some things and only one of which I'm certain for. I was in there for a broken bone.

If you've had a swab shoved up your nose to look for covid-19 it is not a comforting experience.

I also got the other nostril swabbed (not so far up) and two rectal swabs (not comforting either.) Yet, I don't know what the testing was for. Which would leave open the question: were they all Covid tests or no?

All tests came back negative, really whatever that means.
I watched my stepfather die from covid with my own eyes. What are you suggesting Beer? I've had swabs rammed up my nose too
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