Homosexuality vs Evolution


Why not evolution?

first,i said i prefer adaptation more than evolution, that didne mean i deny evolution, anyway, if you are talking about the evolution is what gived the homo thing, and the next step in evolution is homo, no i think that's bullshit, first, it's against nature, you can't reproduce with homo sex, inless you change some sexual organs of one of the two homos who would have sex, praticly, it would be not homo sex, anyway, homos existed thousands of years ago, there was a arabic tribe, before islam, famous of it's homos, all men have sex and stuff, with each other, gay, and all everywhere, also it existed in places in asia, you can say everywhere, also, the difference between now and past, is that in past, the homosexuality, is not a normal thing, i mean, it's all in secret or behind sceans,while today, in many countries, the homosecuality is a normal thing, they even get married and have sex, and etc... the only difference, that in past you don't see it, while today, uhm uhm, they are proud of and you can see them clearly,

Then you HAVE misunderstood the question.
The question asks, "since homosexuality occurs how does the theory of evolution ACCOUNT for it?"

I.e. homosexuality doesn't (apparently) help the species continue, yet both are still around.

ah, you mean, how does evolution, play with homosexuality?
well, let me tell you it have nothing to do with it, it's a sicologic matter. many studies approved that, and it's blamed on the fother, and after the both parents, and the chilshood effcorse.
well, let me tell you it have nothing to do with it, it's a sicologic matter.
Support this claim please.

many studies approved that
Yes, just about as many as have shown there's a genetic component.
As has been shown in threads on this forum.
Try here, I think, for more information.
Or here.

and it's blamed on the fother, and after the both parents, and the chilshood effcorse.
Support this too, please.
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and the next step in evolution is homo
That isn't what was claimed or suggested.

it's against nature
No it isn't, since it occurs in nature.

the difference between now and past, is that in past, the homosexuality, is not a normal thing, i mean, it's all in secret or behind sceans,while today, in many countries, the homosecuality is a normal thing, they even get married and have sex, and etc... the only difference, that in past you don't see it, while today, uhm uhm, they are proud of and you can see them clearly,
In the past you didn't see it?
Yet you stated:
thousands of years ago, there was a arabic tribe, before islam, famous of it's homos, all men have sex and stuff, with each other, gay, and all everywhere, also it existed in places in asia, you can say everywhere

Please try to make coherent posts, without contradicting yourself.

Support this claim please.

Yes, just about as many as have shown there's a genetic component.

Support this too, please.

Is there a gay gene?

Scientists have not been able to conclude that there is any gene or combination of genes that will make someone gay. Genetics is very complex and scientists continue to study both humans and animals chromosomes for linkage to sexual orientation.


and this

also, when it is about men, that are gay, it had backgrounds in childhood, and it concerns the fother, i forgot the ow, anyway i couln't find that link again, anyway, it's somehow, in some cases, about the fother treatement,
also it could be a very relegious family that keeps her son always away of women, i mean, keep him away and don't let him explore it, keeping him for the other sexe can make him away of the other sexe for ever(not attracted to), and turn to be gay, and like that who are from he's same sexe.(((you can ignore that if you want)))

anyway, this matter, is not scientificly prooved totally, and no gay genes, anyway, as for today;, science, couldn't solve the hall puzzle,while also sicoloy, explained many caises, but some caises can't even get fixed, and some can.
Despite social science and biological research, it is still not known what causes someone to be gay, lesbian, bisexual or straight.

Is homosexuality learned, or is it the product of certain childrearing practices, or are homosexuals "born that way"? Evidence points to the latter conclusion.
Also fail.

also, when it is about men, that are gay, it had backgrounds in childhood, and it concerns the fother, i forgot the ow, anyway i couln't find that link again, anyway, it's somehow, in some cases, about the fother treatement,
also it could be a very relegious family that keeps her son always away of women, i mean, keep him away and don't let him explore it, keeping him for the other sexe can make him away of the other sexe for ever(not attracted to), and turn to be gay, and like that who are from he's same sexe.(((you can ignore that if you want)))
Not supported by your links.

In the past you didn't see it?
Yet you stated:

Please try to make coherent posts, without contradicting yourself.

i meant, not like today it's a normal think, that tribe i told you about, that was before islam, was the only community, or group of people that we know in that time, wich also, they all finished, since they are all gay, there's no reproduction, also they had many deaseases, anyway, so, did you hear in the previous centeries about that so high number of gays like in today?
also, it may be their gays in this time more than any other time, (in the hall world in general), but it doesnt mean it didnt exist before, and it doesnt mean that it"s evolution, also we are actually more people on the planet than any time in the history.
what i meant, in past, if people where gay, or making gay sex, they would be propably excuted, killed, prison, torturing, etc... so they get affraid, for example in iran, anyone who make gay sex, get excuted, that's why there's a high number of surgeries of changing sexe in their, imagine it in past, there's no such surgeries, what would people do? they want do it, and keep it in secret. while today, they got nothing to affraid of, i mean, they are not going to be killed or something, so, it became a normal thing that men sleep with men and women sleep with women wich it is yaaek :puke:
Because your first link states that it is NOT KNOWN why some people are gay (i.e. it does not support YOUR claim that it's psychological), and the second link states there is evidence that it's NOT sociological (otherwise they wouldn't be born that way).
In other words neither link supports what you claimed.

i said you can ignore that part because i didnt bring any link
Correct, but the two links you did give showed that you were wrong.

Because your first link states that it is NOT KNOWN why some people are gay (i.e. it does not support YOUR claim that it's psychological), and the second link states there is evidence that it's NOT sociological (otherwise they wouldn't be born that way).
In other words neither link supports what you claimed.

well, i maked my point anyway ;)

Correct, but the two links you did give showed that you were wrong.

idk, but i do remember, i readed in a few sites about that matter before, and i remember that it says that most cases have sicologic backgrounds.
anyway, i maked my point anyway ;)
you win, hehehehehe
I think I understand what Shadow is saying. When we use the term evolution, it implies that it is an improvement, that it only works in one direction, to some ideal form. However this is not the case. I do not think that homosexuality will ever replace heterosexuality for the human species as a whole. The article I mentioned explains that homosexuality is a by-product of improved heterosexual drive, which is an interesting phenomenon. I do not think homosexuality is an adaptation to overpopulation. Evolution cannot think ahead.
Every human preference, proclivity, and desire must be weighed against Evolution's wishes. If someone likes garlic, it is always necessary to ask Evolution what it thinks.
If a guy likes another guy, I don't really believe or understand until Evolution puts its two cents into the game.

Evolution MUST have its say.
while today, they got nothing to affraid of, i mean, they are not going to be killed or something, so, it became a normal thing that men sleep with men and women sleep with women wich it is yaaek :puke:

Could you post some pictures that illustrate what you are talking about? I'm especially interested in this "yaaek" factor. What is it that is so "yaaek"?

Could you post some pictures that illustrate what you are talking about? I'm especially interested in this "yaaek" factor. What is it that is so "yaaek"?

yaeek, discusting it means, i mean, a man having sex with another man.
aha, you want pictures for that? ahahahahaha
go search by yourself

Why do you always throw the word "evolution" on each thing you can't really know why? why just say "evolution" while you don't know any other reasons?
and how do you understand the evolution anyway? i have an idea evolution=adaptation
Evolution isn't just adaptation, since it can produce strange structures that don't seem to benefit the creature very much, like a peacock's feathers. Evolution has an explanatory power that the mere concept of adaptation lacks.

Answer this question: If the human anus is not an erogenous zone, why is it pigmented?

Evolution isn't just adaptation, since it can produce strange structures that don't seem to benefit the creature very much, like a peacock's feathers. Evolution has an explanatory power that the mere concept of adaptation lacks.

Answer this question: If the human anus is not an erogenous zone, why is it pigmented?

just a question, why do you throw everything you can't understand on this innocent "evolution" ?
Why do you think I don't understand it? It can't be understood except with evolution.