I see we need a summary:You just claimed that some hypothetical
1. Between 50 - 85% of an IQ score is genetic.
2. A lifetime of parenting styles has no significant effect on IQ score.
3. Some IQ test questions can only be used one time and therefore a lifetime of government school MCQ assessment has inflated IQ test scores (IQ is now decreasing each year in the USA).
4. Adoption studies showed black children have an increased IQ score when raised by white parents, and that their IQ scores as adults in the USA is around 85, insignificantly different from the average for black Americans.
5. The average IQ score for black Americans is similar to the average for blacks living outside of the USA.
6. The average IQ for black children of black Americans raised in upper-income black families is the same as the national average (around 85) whereas poor white children raised in poor families in poor depressed areas is the same as the national average (around 98).
6. E. Asian children raised in England had IQ scores that matched E. Asians raised in Asia (around 107).
7. Structural racism, such as laws that lower the SAT score required for admission to higher education, are biased in favor of black applicants.
8. There is no good evidence white racism affects the IQ of black people in the USA
9. There is no good evidence blacks are being purposely poisoned by whites.
10. There is no good evidence that blacks are purposely malnourished by whites.
11. There is no good evidence that exposure to lead, noise or pollution is lowering the national average IQ score for blacks living in America (around 85)
The above is a list of the scientific evidence.
The data.
To deny the empirical data, is to deny science (what iceaura is doing). A reasonable conclusion is that the average IQ score of black Americans is just as the Minnesota adoption study published in their peer review study, around 85.
While iceaura would like to spin a tale about how the planets dance around in various orbits as the circle the Earth, the simpler explanation is the planets circle the Sun. The simplest answer as to why some people are in the lowest socioeconomic level in the USA, is due to their biological IQ. This claim is a race independent claim and it explains why most poor people in the USA, are poor low IQ white people.
You can continue to deny science all day every day until the last of your days. In the meantime, the science will continue to demonstrate that IQ is mostly biological, that the reason why blacks have average IQs that are lower than whites, is the same reason why whites have lower average IQs than yellows - biochemistry. In the next ten years we will have 100% completely objective brain function tests, genetic and fMRI scans will easily categorise people into various categories. And, because we live under the rule of an Authoritarian State in a Progressive Socialistic Utopia, the Government will use these scores to place some Citizens of the State into some categories - where they will be given economic opportunity, including the opportunity to have children, while others will be given a nice Government Welfare social community to live out their sterile days. That will finally be your Utopia iceaura.
Then you will have no worry about 'white racism' in the least iceaura. Just objective Government enforced Progressive Socialism.
Yay for you