I find the Hindu concept of god very appealing. It fits with what western civilization is now calling "The law of attraction". Oprah Winfrey is a hard-core advocate of the "law of attraction" and can be seen arguing for its apparent magical qualities in this Larry King interview.
"The Secret"is a movie about law of attraction, and the premise is you attract into your life what you think about/expect/and ask for.
The Hindu has various gods for different wants and needs.
Indra - god and learning kama-romance etc..
It would appear whatever your need there is a separate god to pray to and ask from.
The greeks also had gods of similar structures.
Please note in the Oprah interview that she believes in the "Magic" that exists in the law of attraction very strongly. She emphasizes that she willed a movie role into her life without consciously going after it. Her thought of it made it come to her.
Interesting to see one of the most successful people of our age strongly believing in what we would need to classify as real magic.
She endorses strongly the law of attraction and says "The way you think creates reality for yourself". I could endorse strongly the law of attraction myself (or Hindu beliefs), but you trust Oprah Winfrey a lot more.