Higher Power


Nixed Price Rack
Registered Senior Member
I don't really know much about Buddhism at all, and I would like to know exactly what their belief in a higher power is; what it is,how it is, and why it is.

Also, what would happen if the belief in a higher power was removed from Buddhism? Would you have enough have in oneself to support your faith in your beliefs?

Just a question...
piffi ...

There is a whole bunch of stuff on the Internet, but to give you a quick answer: There is no 'higher power' ... So to speak, the Buddha simply spoke of how one should live one's life.

For what it's worth, from the Encarta Encyclopedia:

"Although never actually denying the existence of the gods, Buddhism denies them any special role. Their lives in heaven are long and pleasurable, but they are in the same predicament as other creatures, being subject eventually to death and further rebirth in lower states of existence. They are not creators of the universe or in control of human destiny, and Buddhism denies the value of prayer and sacrifice to them. Of the possible modes of rebirth, human existence is preferable, because the deities are so engrossed in their own pleasures that they lose sight of the need for salvation. Enlightenment is possible only for humans."
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Re: piffi ...

*Originally posted by Chagur
Although never actually denying the existence of the gods, Buddhism denies them any special role. Their lives in heaven are long and pleasurable, but they are in the same predicament as other creatures, being subject eventually to death and further rebirth in lower states of existence.
No wonder they are denied any special role.

How low do those states of existence go?
Re. piffi ...

Asked by tony1:

How low do those states of existence go?

As I understand it, there are six realms of existence: three fortunate and three unfortunate. Man occupies the lowest of the fortunate realms. Higher movement attains nirvana, lower movement attains non-existence.
Mmmm Buddah

Now I'm not informed enough to be a buddist but I like what I know (not much). So far as I can tell Bud. was just this guy trying to help people live well for themselves and others without relying on an omnipresent Power to cajole people into or out of anything. See, as soon as you call it religion (or faith) I think you demean it (in the western world anyways). Like I say, I may just be talking out my but I'm to lazy to delve deeper.
From what I got off the prev posts. The higher powers are basically us twice removed in the proper direction. Us - Nirvanians? - Pseudo-godlike beings. Which in itself is a pretty good incentive for living a descent life.
If I'm wrong please fell free to correct me, interactive learning is always more fun.