Here I am.

There's no actual sport here?

Checkers, not chess.

Got it.
I learned to play chess when I was eight. My dad was teaching my older brother, so I had to be included.

My brother eventually became a pretty good player. He's very logical and very methodical. Dad got better by playng against him. I, on the other hand, was something of a loose cannon. I couldn't beat them but I could scare the bejeebers out of them because I didn't know the "right" thing to do and they didn't know how to respond to the "wrong" thing.

It works about the same here.
I learned to play chess when I was eight. My dad was teaching my older brother, so I had to be included.
When I was about thirteen or so, I taught a younger cousin how to play chess. When the time for a game, in which I did not pull my punches, she beat me . It was her brother who taught me.
Wow, Mr, G. Long time. I would love to hear what it's like living in a Fascist state under a Fascist dictator? Does it look like he'll get another term or will logic, compassion and common sense prevail and he gets voted out?
There's old CC turning out numerous empty threads daily over on SciVillage, and getting NO replies to the bulk of them. And here's Mr G popping up now and again and getting more replies in one post than CC does in a week of daily numerous postings. Funny old world.

I appreciate the gift, but I cannot accept the mutilation of a person offering a piece of themselves to another.

Which is to say, projecting upon me what your own egotistical motive would be for posting "news and information" related items. Which curiously seems to entail the eccentric expectation that the "majority will or should be receiving replies".

Due to the absence of even a "like" button/feature over there, little wonder why you're just a lurker. Sorry about the forum's insensitivity to such personal needs, but it's out of my hands.

"Karen needs her popularity score incentives."--Madelyn Brilly

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Wow, Mr, G. Long time. I would love to hear what it's like living in a Fascist state under a Fascist dictator? Does it look like he'll get another term or will logic, compassion and common sense prevail and he gets voted out?

I moved to Florida because Californians moved into Oregon and F'd it up.

I've been in Florida 32 years. Finished a professional career and have since retired from a lucrative small business. Have investments, savings, cookie jar cash, resources.

Oregon, my beloved state, could never have done that for me because of Californians.

North Easterners have moved here for years (different Californian sect). They hold sway in at least four counties with large urban populations.

Florida still remains a MAGA state. Triggered? Of course you are. MAGA, MAGA, MAGA. How's your breathing?

Relax, breath through your nose, exhale through your mouth, accept that people smarter than you actually exist and are thriving.

It's hard to believe considering your continued presence in this comfortable neighborhood.

Wasn't important around the time you posted that video link.

Just checked it out.

What's actually pretty funny is once upon a time I earned income producing and performing laser light shows (I learned the ropes from stage show producers for Santana & Jefferson Airplane/Starship).

What's really funny is I once used that video to make actual money.

You can do such a thing by paying your licensing fees to ASCAP or BMI (back then, anyways).
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I moved to Florida because Californians moved into Oregon and F'd it up.

I've been in Florida 32 years. Finished a professional career and have since retired from a lucrative small business. Have investments, savings, cookie jar cash, resources.

I moved to California from New York for the opportunities in both work (electrical engineering) and skydiving. I've made my fortune, set a few world records and now have the same sorts of investments. Easier to do in California because of the wealth of technical resources here - schools, workers, incubators, infrastructure.
Florida still remains a MAGA state. Triggered? Of course you are. MAGA, MAGA, MAGA. How's your breathing?

Relax, breath through your nose, exhale through your mouth, accept that people smarter than you actually exist and are thriving.
Are these ideas supposed to be linked somehow?
Are these ideas supposed to be linked somehow?
Sport can still be had here.

Smart people made to demonstrate that they don't know that they don't know.

Or what, too.

"Free thoughts" affords additional latitude for free humor.
I moved to California from New York for the opportunities in both work (electrical engineering) and skydiving. I've made my fortune, set a few world records and now have the same sorts of investments. Easier to do in California because of the wealth of technical resources here - schools, workers, incubators, infrastructure.

You and I have no previous history. I have no reason to disrespect you other than you're now a Californian.

Modern day carpetbaggers.
My wife is from Portland. Great city.
It used to be. Now it's a cluster f'k.

I used to take great pride in claiming to be from Portland. I'm 3,000 miles away and an ambassador of the Rose

Now I avoid the admission as best I can. The folks in charge have turned the place into a solar system-sized embarrassment.
The folks in charge have turned the place into a solar system-sized embarrassment.
Funny, I was up there shortly after a FOX News story talked about how Portland had been destroyed by their "autonomous zone." Went to Powell's, McMenamins and Rogue. Not much had changed. It's almost as if FOX was . . . lying!

If you're happy in Florida, great. I'd suggest getting your news from a place other than FOX News though.
Funny, I was up there shortly after a FOX News story talked about how Portland had been destroyed by their "autonomous zone." Went to Powell's, McMenamins and Rogue. Not much had changed. It's almost as if FOX was . . . lying!

If you're happy in Florida, great. I'd suggest getting your news from a place other than FOX News though.

I've spent so many hours in Powell's & much more money.

My first lesson in small business success.

[Edit] Oh, I don't watch the "news". Occasionally I'll watch local "news".

National "news"? Not at all.

Walter Cronkite was the last "newsman" I watched. Didn't trust him, either.

We don't have to grow up to be stupid.
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