Help with meat addiction


I wanted to ask. I don't know if it's the right place but since there is no health/medicine section in this forum, I'll ask it here.

I realized there is something wrong with me. It's my meat addiction. I never feel satiated without eating meat two or three times a day. My father often gets angry at me for eating so much meat.

And when I eat other things like hazelnuts, peanuts and asparagus I almost immediately feel tired after that and get nausea and vomiting.

What could be the reason for this? Could I have some sensitivity or allergy to asparagus and hazelnuts?

Your help will be greatly appreciated,
I realized there is something wrong with me. It's my meat addiction. I never feel satiated without eating meat two or three times a day. My father often gets angry at me for eating so much meat.

There are foods that we crave a lot, and even after eating a considerable amount of them, we still feel hungry, still wanting more.

For some people, it is meat. For others, it's pizza and other foods that contain similar combinations as pizza (esp. white flour + cheese + tomatoes + salt).

Such foods are best avoided completely.

And when I eat other things like hazelnuts, peanuts and asparagus I almost immediately feel tired after that and get nausea and vomiting.

What could be the reason for this? Could I have some sensitivity or allergy to asparagus and hazelnuts?

How do you eat hazelnuts and peanuts? Salted, fried, ...?
Don't eat things that make you puke. What's your typical diet like?

My diet consists primarily of meat but I also eat noodles, rice, bread, pizzas and tomatoes. I also eat quite a lot of sweet foods like chocolates, gums, mousses and many kinds of sweet drinks but I never feel satiated after eating these things as I feel after eating meat.

How do you eat hazelnuts and peanuts? Salted, fried, ...?

My biggest sensitivity is to asparagus. It's like my stomach simply can't digest asparagus. After eating asparagus I get nausea and often even vomiting and I feel kinda tired and fatigued.
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Try some Portebello mushrooms for a change. If you sautee' them in garlic butter they taste exactly like a steak! :)
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My diet consists primarily of meat but I also eat noodles, rice, bread, pizzas and tomatoes. I also eat quite a lot of sweet foods like chocolates, gums, mousses and many kinds of sweet drinks but I never feel satiated after eating these things as I feel after eating meat.

Replace some of those foods you list above with vegetables and fruits, preferrably fresh.

A very good course of action is to learn to cook for yourself.

Also, replace at least some of the foodstuffs that are made with refined flour (such as white bread, usually pizzas, pasta and noodles) with those made of whole grain flour.

You could get diverticulitis ( ) and a number of other problems if you continue with the diet you listed above.

Sweets like those you list above don't satiate, they make you full, but tend to leave you feeling hungry; some of them even contain substances (artificial and natural) that are meant to make you crave for more. Now, you don't want to make those food companies make money of you by tricking you like that, do you?
Mushrooms are a horrible source of energy and nutrients- they're largely water and chitin. Any nutrients and energy you get from fried mushrooms will be from the butter you put in it. They are awesome and tasty, though, fried in butter.

Try legumes- beans, lentils, chickpeas for a fairly good source of energy and protein. How old are you? It could be an age thing.
I'm kind of surprised at how little fruit and veg you're getting. Maybe try adding in some green stuff, at least some kale and maybe spinach for iron, and maybe carrots and sweet potato and lots of fresh fruit.

Roman's right on the legumes, too. Jesus, I'm agreeing with Mr. Moral Relativism... You doped me, Roman.
Go out and kill something then eat it. Might work.

Grab yourself a chicken, wring its neck or if you prefer, lop its head off. Then pluck it and gut it. Better yet, if you have a pet at home, make it your next meal.

Either you are revolted by the whole experience or you gain a whole new respect for the people who do all that for you. If you can't kill it then perhaps you shouldn't eat it.
I wanted to ask. I don't know if it's the right place but since there is no health/medicine section in this forum, I'll ask it here. I realized there is something wrong with me. It's my meat addiction. I never feel satiated without eating meat two or three times a day. My father often gets angry at me for eating so much meat. And when I eat other things like hazelnuts, peanuts and asparagus I almost immediately feel tired after that and get nausea and vomiting. What could be the reason for this? Could I have some sensitivity or allergy to asparagus and hazelnuts? Your help will be greatly appreciated.
Meat is basically good for us. The vegetarian fad is more about ethics and animal rights than it is about nutrition. (Not that I'm opposed to animal rights, I just like things to be presented honestly.) Homo sapiens is the only species of primate that has evolved into a predator. You can see it in our intestines, our musculature and our body chemistry.

We are incapable of digesting raw cellulose, which is the staple food of all herbivores. Our intestines are much too short to support the bacteria culture necessary for breaking down sturdy plant cells. That's why we call that stuff "roughage." It goes right through.

Gorillas sit around gnawing on leaves and bark, and get a little bit of protein by scarfing up bugs and the occasional hapless small vertebrate. If you try eating that way you'll first lose a lot of weight due to insufficient calories, then come down with something like ricketts due to insufficient protein, and finally (if you live long enough) something like scurvy due to insufficient vitamins and minerals.

Face it dude, you are a carnivore. Welcome to the team. So naturally your taste buds, your teeth and your desires are those of a carnivore. You're not "addicted to meat." You're normal.

Of course you still need a balanced diet since meat doesn't have all the vitamins and minerals you need, but it's a lot easier to balance a carnivorous diet than a vegetarian diet. After mankind invented farming and it became common for people to subsist on grains with only a tiny bit of milk or cheese for the animal protein, the human life expectancy plunged from the low 50s in the Stone Age to the 20s in the Roman Empire.

Those people would have sold their children into slavery for one hamburger. Of course today we know about balancing amino acids and getting vitamins and minerals, but our bodies are still the bodies of hunters.

And you should not overeat on saturated fats, which are common in meat. But as long as you're not gaining weight and storing fat, you've got no problem. The only fats that can harm you without overeating are transfats, and they do not occur naturally; they are only found in highly processed substances like shortening, fast food and convenience food.

Eat all the meat you want (and can afford!), so long as you read up on nutrition and are certain you're getting all the magnesium, potassium, omega-3, vitamins, etc., that you need to be healthy. And make sure you take those in a form you can actually metabolize; many cheap vitamin/mineral supplements pass right through you.

For that matter, try to eat meals you cook, not in a restaurant or (worst of all) a fast food joint. Too much salt, lots of transfatty acids, and not enough vegetables even for a carnivore.

You don't have to eat asparagus but you should get some leafy greens and something with a little color like tomato, bell pepper, eggplant. I love nuts and they're good for you, but only vegans absolutely require them in their diet because their amino acids balance the amino acids in grains so they get complete proteins to rebuild their bodies. You can live without nuts (and other seeds and beans too) if you want to.

Your great-great-grandchildren may live in a world in which it's socially unacceptable to eat meat, but the technology hasn't been invented yet to grow it in a laboratory. Think of them having to get by with nothing but fruits and vegetables (and maybe eggs and milk) and eat an extra steak for them.;)


BTW, we most certainly do have a subforum on Health & Fitness. But you probably won't hear those jocks and health food junkies say stuff like this over there. They're all into pain and deprivation.
I wanted to ask. I don't know if it's the right place but since there is no health/medicine section in this forum, I'll ask it here.

I realized there is something wrong with me. It's my meat addiction. I never feel satiated without eating meat two or three times a day. My father often gets angry at me for eating so much meat.

And when I eat other things like hazelnuts, peanuts and asparagus I almost immediately feel tired after that and get nausea and vomiting.

What could be the reason for this? Could I have some sensitivity or allergy to asparagus and hazelnuts?

Your help will be greatly appreciated,

Eating anything too much is not good. I assume if you eat too much you'll also feel bored. When you said you eat so much meat, how much do you mean exactly? And are hazelnuts, peanuts, and asparagus are the only other things you eat other than meat? :confused: Do you have any allergy to other non-meat foods such as broccoli, tofu, bean, etc?

As a side note, though I am not a nutritionist, I have read that eating too much meat especially red meat have bad long-term effect. For example, it has to do with the fat and the cholesterol. For more information, ask your friend google :D, or better, ask your doctor.
I wanted to ask. I don't know if it's the right place but since there is no health/medicine section in this forum, I'll ask it here.

I realized there is something wrong with me. It's my meat addiction. I never feel satiated without eating meat two or three times a day. My father often gets angry at me for eating so much meat.

And when I eat other things like hazelnuts, peanuts and asparagus I almost immediately feel tired after that and get nausea and vomiting.

What could be the reason for this? Could I have some sensitivity or allergy to asparagus and hazelnuts?

Your help will be greatly appreciated,

Wow, I think your family line has sprouted a new meat eating form of humans. Very interesting. How sharp are your k-9 teeth? :D

By chance do they have blood gutters?
As a side note, though I am not a nutritionist, I have read that eating too much meat especially red meat have bad long-term effect. For example, it has to do with the fat and the cholesterol.
The whole cholesterol thing has been revised. There's now "good cholesterol" and "bad cholesterol." But the fact remains that if you eat only a maintenance diet and don't put on weight, you're burning all the fat you eat rather than storing it, and you won't build up any cholesterol.
Wow, I think your family line has sprouted a new meat eating form of humans.
Humans are predatory carnivores. Our entire body and metabolism is adapted for hunting, killing and eating meat, from our sharp incisors and our binocular vision to our short intestines (by primate standards) and our long-distance running ability. It wasn't until we invented the technology of cooking that we were able to eat any part of a plant besides the easily-digestible fruit and seeds. And it wasn't until we invented the technology of farming, a mere eleven thousand years ago, that there were enough fruits and seeds available--including grains, which are seeds--to make up a significant portion of our diet.

Humans are predatory carnivores.
Meat is basically good for us. The vegetarian fad is more about ethics and animal rights than it is about nutrition. (Not that I'm opposed to animal rights, I just like things to be presented honestly.) Homo sapiens is the only species of primate that has evolved into a predator. You can see it in our intestines, our musculature and our body chemistry.
On the contrary, the whole meat eating thing is more of a social fad that developed due to our pre-refrigerator/non-arable cityscapes. You certainly don't see it in our intestines (3 times longer than your average carnivore, chemistry (lower stomach acid strength) or musculature (if you have ever moved your lower jaw from side to side quizzically, you have just done something that a crocodile, dog, tiger, etc has never done .... namely because they don't have a jaw designed for grinding)
We are incapable of digesting raw cellulose, which is the staple food of all herbivores. Our intestines are much too short to support the bacteria culture necessary for breaking down sturdy plant cells. That's why we call that stuff "roughage." It goes right through.
if you want to start munching on raw meat, you encounter about ten times more problems
Gorillas sit around gnawing on leaves and bark, and get a little bit of protein by scarfing up bugs and the occasional hapless small vertebrate. If you try eating that way you'll first lose a lot of weight due to insufficient calories, then come down with something like ricketts due to insufficient protein, and finally (if you live long enough) something like scurvy due to insufficient vitamins and minerals.
For someone who usually posts well informed information, you are certainly out to lunch on this one.
Even medieval voyagers discovered that a good preventative to scurvy is citrus juice.
As for insufficient calories and losing weight, I find it surprising that you have never encountered a vegetarian trying to lose weight. (Perhaps you live in texas or someplace where people eat a lot of meat and obesity is the standard norm of healthy life)

Face it dude, you are a carnivore. Welcome to the team. So naturally your taste buds, your teeth and your desires are those of a carnivore. You're not "addicted to meat." You're normal.
Of course you still need a balanced diet since meat doesn't have all the vitamins and minerals you need, but it's a lot easier to balance a carnivorous diet than a vegetarian diet. After mankind invented farming and it became common for people to subsist on grains with only a tiny bit of milk or cheese for the animal protein, the human life expectancy plunged from the low 50s in the Stone Age to the 20s in the Roman Empire.
This paragraph is on par with the narnia chornicles ..... not too sure who was doing the consensus in the stone ages ... much less the roman empire ... and even better, how the (apparent) discrepancies can all be attributed solely to issues of diet ... kind of like relegating the big shift in mortality rates during post ww2 russia to vodka quality or something (err .... hygiene? population desnity? disease? war? etc etc).

Its quite apparent to anyone who comes within 10ft of anthropological issues that agrarian societies have a greater opportunity for diversity and specialized occupations ... including doctors ...., whereas hunter/gatherer societies are small, having everyone doing pretty much the same thing
Those people would have sold their children into slavery for one hamburger. Of course today we know about balancing amino acids and getting vitamins and minerals, but our bodies are still the bodies of hunters.
on the contrary, our incisors and claws can't even pierce the back side of pig
If you were on the African Savannah relying solely on your body (as opposed to the tools that your body could manufacture), you would be dead in a week!
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