Oh, so it is a numerological thing for you, then? Okay.
I can dig that to an extent.
Although isn't three the number of "perfection"?
I wouldn't say it's necessarily a numerological thing for me, it's the idea that, for example, if you work black magic or do evil deeds, karma (or what you may call it) will always find its way back to you in a much stronger force. It's the idea that if your will and intent is strong, then what comes back to you will be even stronger and knock you on your ass so to speak.
I don't know if the number three is the true number of perfection, but it does seem to play an extremely important role in mythology as well as society today. If you think about say, the Triangle, considered to be a solid, substantial geometric shape; you can find the triangle every where in mythology along with the symbolic power of three; Birth, Life, Death; Maiden, Mother, Crone; Body, Mind, Spirt; Waxing, Full, Waning; Past, Present, Future; Subject, Predicate, Copula; Mineral, Vegetable, Animal etc.
Many ancient buildings were based on the triangle such as the pyramids and the Egyptians worshipped Orion who has a three star belt. The celtic Triquetra knot is a symbol of power and many other ancient cultures found significance in the number three. The Holy Trinity; Father, Son, Holy Ghost. The celtics were especially fond of the number three; Oak, Ash, Thorn were the fairy Triad of trees. The Brigids had three faces. The Greeks recognized three Fates, three Graces, three Gorgons, three Furies. King Solomon's seal is two interlaced triangles, now the most widely recognized symbol for the Jewish faith. Even people who have claimed to be abducted by aliens and taken into UFO's have reported being marked with triangle symbols.
So yes I believe in the threefold law, not necessarily because of the number itself, but one can't deny the significance the number has held throughout history. So while I'm not picky about the number of times Karma will come to kick you in the ass, I do believe in it and I have to disagree with you just a little bit (

)when you say that the threefold law is just some fluffy Wiccan idea pulled out of no where. If you believe in Karma and also recognize the power the number three has held for a variety of cultures throughout history, then why not believe that the universe will repsond thrice as powerfully? Still, it's the idea behind the law that matters. Do unto others and all that. The Golden Rule. I do believe that you reap what you sow.