Happy Earth Birthday (meh!)

Magical Realist

Valued Senior Member
"WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah reminds us today that October 23 is the day that 17th-century scholar James Ussher deduced was the day on which God created the Earth in the year 4004 BC, thus making today the Earth’s 6,028th birthday.

Farah marks the occasion by taking on some of the scientific quibbles with Young Earth Creationism, including the science showing that the earth is billions of years old and that dinosaurs roamed the earth millions of years ago.

While science “can never prove the age of the Earth,” Farah argues, ”God can, however, prove the age of the Earth because He was there. And someday, when He returns to judge His creation, He might just do that.”

He then argues that ancient depictions of mythical beasts are proof that humans coexisted with dinosaurs. “Is it crazier for me to believe the world is around 6,000 years old than it is to accept as scientific fact that it is actually millions or billions of years old?” he asks.

One thing we know for sure: Science can never prove the age of the Earth. Because science requires a methodology of observation and empirical testing that could never be done on an event that occurred thousands of years ago, millions of years ago or billions of years ago. God can, however, prove the age of the Earth because He was there. And someday, when He returns to judge His creation, He might just do that.

Until then, we have the detailed historical record He left us with in written form – the Bible.

I know what some of you are thinking: “Farah, what about the dinosaurs that were tens of millions of years old? How do you explain that?” Quite simply, I don’t believe it. Throughout man’s history, in every culture, we have stories, pictures and sculptures depicting dragons and leviathans and sea serpents. Are we to believe these were all concocted in man’s imagination? Even the Bible references such observations. If behemoths like the one described in chapter 40 of the Book of Job somehow threatened the Bible account of history, I don’t think it would be there.

But here’s the bottom line: Is it crazier for me to believe the world is around 6,000 years old than it is to accept as scientific fact that it is actually millions or billions of years old?

Where’s the proof? Either way."

- See more at: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/conte...me-facts-about-dinosaurs#sthash.qp6zRX0q.dpuf
You know if they didnt have guns and the power to vote, they would just be cute, good comic relief. As it is they are damn scary.
I wish I would have known about this earlier today. It would have made for some interesting lunchtime conversation at work. :D
I've just checked on wikipedia, and it is the earth's birthday.
But it is its 4,541,785,281'st Birthday.
Happy Birthday Earthy!