Happy Darwin Day!!!!


Registered Senior Member
OK, I wanted to wait until sunday... but I just can't.
Thanks to the "intelligent design" movement, Charles Darwin's birthday is evolving into everything from a badminton party to church sermons this weekend.
To show religion and science are not at odds, more than 400 churches of many denominations — most of them in the United States — have agreed to participate in "Evolution Sunday" by giving a sermon, holding classes or sponsoring discussions.
It did cross my mind that all the ID attacks and stuff would backfire.
When evolution and ID/creationism go against each other, evolution wins. ID only exists because of ignorance of evolution and stuff, and by being out there they're shooting themselves on the foot.
So... what are you going to do on darwin day? :p
spread the word! lol
Buddha1 said:
Bash his portrait with a stick! :D

And why not?
It would be about as meaningful as worshipping his portrait, wouldn't it?

The guy's dead. His funeral was ages ago. Let's get over it.
Thanks AlphaWolf, now we can get rid of whats unwanted and unrequired in evolution, specially from SciForums
When can we get rid of the wimps. They are good for nothing but littering the world with hordes of ugly, hungry children who will grow up to fight with each other on one pretest or the other.
Buddha1 said:
When can we get rid of the wimps. They are good for nothing but littering the world with hordes of ugly, hungry children who will grow up to fight with each other on one pretest or the other.

Did you mean "pretext"?
Buddha1 said:
When can we get rid of the wimps. They are good for nothing but littering the world with hordes of ugly, hungry children who will grow up to fight with each other on one pretest or the other.
this man has lost his nuts, he is calling hungry children as ugly
I’ve been privileged to stand near/on Darwin’s tomb in Westminster Abbey on two occasions. You are requested not to take photographs inside the Abbey so I have no photographs, but this doesn’t stop many people (as evidenced by the photograph to which I am linking).

<img src="http://www.geocities.com/carlgt3/London_Westminster_Abbey_Grave_Darwin.jpg">

Perhaps “privilege” is not the right word as it is extended to anyone who pays their ten pounds to get in. (It’s well worth it, by the way, as the Abbey is an awesome experience. It’s a bit freaky to stand next to so many kings and queens of England and the tomb of a saint.) But then again, perhaps it is the right word to use. I find it humbling that I was able to pay my respects ‘in person’ to the great man.

His head stone (set in the floor above his resting place) is very simple, reflecting the man himself. Darwin was a private and sensitive man. He was deeply hurt by the unwarranted personal and vitriolic attacks that were leveled against him. Because of this he retreated from public view and became a recluse after the publication of his famous books. (This was also partly due to ill health as he had contracted Chagas’ disease in South America.) Most of the defense of his new groundbreaking theory was left to other scientists, such as Thomas Henry Huxley. Followng his amazing world-wide scientific voyage and the publication of his two famous books on evolution, Darwin continued to write and publish his works on biology throughout his life. He lived with his wife and children at their home in the village of Downe, fifteen miles from London.

Fittingly, Darwin lived to see himself vindicated. Despite the controversy his books generated, it is a testament to the quality of his work that in the mere 23 years between the publication of "The Origin of Species" in 1859, and his death on 19th April, 1882, the theory of evolution, one of the most radical and controversial theories in the history of science, became the accepted theory of the majority of biologists of the time. A quotation from Joseph Dalton Hooker, a botanist and taxonomist, sums up the changing mindset amongst scientists at that time…..

"I knew of this theory fifteen years ago. I was then entirely opposed to it; …but since then I have devoted myself unremittingly to natural history; in its pursuit I have travelled round the world. Facts in this science which before were inexplicable to me became, one by one, explained by this theory, and conviction has been thus gradually forced upon an unwilling convert."
Now, of course, in the 21st century it is the best supported and accepted theory in all of science.

<img src="http://www.victorianweb.org/science/darwin/darwin_beard.gif" align="left">HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHARLES DARWIN! I offer a toast to one of the greatest scientists in history.<P>
Followng his amazing world-wide scientific voyage and the publication of his two famous books on evolution
gasp... two famous books on evolution? I know about "on the origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for existance", (crap, it's actually "in the struggle of life"...) but what's the other one?
The only person who has lost his nuts on this forum is you.
That's because you never had any.
lol, just kidding... i just had to say that...
TheAlphaWolf said:
gasp... two famous books on evolution? I know about "on the origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for existance", (crap, it's actually "in the struggle of life"...) but what's the other one?

The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex?
spidergoat said:
They're called scientists.
Yes funny how the modern world works.

In the medieval times they used to call themselves gods men --- you know priests and all. Followers/ upholders of the church.
spuriousmonkey said:
Those who impose their funny, far-fetched and biased ideas on others in the name of science today.

Earlier they used to do it in the name of religion.

The masks have changed. The people behind those masks are the same.
spuriousmonkey said:
Specific examples?
"homosexuality (sic) is a biological failure."

"Two female macaque monkeys who are rubbing their thighs and vaginas together and shrieking with pleasure are not having sex with each other, they are just preparing to learn to have sex with the male --- or trying to attract the male --- just as two lesbians having it attract the 'macho' :rolleyes: human male --- like they claim on nets --- like they show in the movies."

"The peacock tail is there so that it can attract the female!"