Registered Senior Member
OK, I wanted to wait until sunday... but I just can't.
It did cross my mind that all the ID attacks and stuff would backfire.
When evolution and ID/creationism go against each other, evolution wins. ID only exists because of ignorance of evolution and stuff, and by being out there they're shooting themselves on the foot.
So... what are you going to do on darwin day?
spread the word! lol
Thanks to the "intelligent design" movement, Charles Darwin's birthday is evolving into everything from a badminton party to church sermons this weekend.
WHOOO!!!To show religion and science are not at odds, more than 400 churches of many denominations — most of them in the United States — have agreed to participate in "Evolution Sunday" by giving a sermon, holding classes or sponsoring discussions.
It did cross my mind that all the ID attacks and stuff would backfire.
When evolution and ID/creationism go against each other, evolution wins. ID only exists because of ignorance of evolution and stuff, and by being out there they're shooting themselves on the foot.
So... what are you going to do on darwin day?
spread the word! lol