Hand gun advice

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why doesn't anybody ever want a pretty one...like with a pearl handle. Like the gamblers of the 1800s had.
The gangstas and crooks would be so busy laughing at you, it would be easy to kill them.
what the desert eagle aint beautiful? this gun could be a supermodel.




why doesn't anybody ever want a pretty one...like with a pearl handle. Like the gamblers of the 1800s had.
The gangstas and crooks would be so busy laughing at you, it would be easy to kill them.

And I've no intention to kill anyone!
Toys for boys. Little kids in grown up bodies getting all the bang bangs they can get and then shitting themselves when realize the game is for real and there are no 9 lives. Thinking that seeing someone bleed is so cool. But then it's too late.

Personally I wish that I would have never had to consider getting a gun. Maybe I won't. It's a terrible thing.
And when in the Marines, you cleaned your pistol religiously, didn't you?
Correctamundo. I still do. I clean the shotgun once a month and/or after everytime I fire it. Much like changing the oil in your car regularly, guns need regular cleaning too, whether they are fired or not.

A Beretta 9mm, don't recall the Model # .....and one that had been carried in a holster for weeks, months without firing or checking it or cleaning it. My 38spl is so dirty that rats build nests in it ....and it shoots the first time, every time.
Sorry dude, if you don't clean your weapons, auto or not, one day they will jam. I don't doubt that the auto jammed, especially considering that the slide probably had no lube on it. Internal combustion engines also tend to seize up when there is no oil in them.

But really, this isn't an argument for me ......for me, being a carrier, weight is the biggest, BIGGEST factor of them all. And if no one believes that, try carrying a brick around all day on your hip ...you'll soon see what weight does to you.

Baron Max
I don't disagree with you there. I'd still rather have an automatic though.

he should go for something cheaper. he wont require letting of any more than 6 shots a time.
I'd rather have more shots and not need them than the other way around. Plus, if you get into a situation like that, and your adrenaline shoots through the roof, and you feel your life threatened, you're susceptible to putting as many rounds downrange as possible; that adrenaline/excitement also might cause you to miss your intended target. I'd rather have more rounds in case that happens.
why doesn't anybody ever want a pretty one...like with a pearl handle. Like the gamblers of the 1800s had.
The gangstas and crooks would be so busy laughing at you, it would be easy to kill them.

Pearl handle weapons were very expensive and more ornamental to show off your wealth rather than to kill. Patton was famous for his two revolvers with pearl handles.
when you change your mind, get one of these.

That's a Steyr Aug, isn't it?
Those are sweet. The FN-FAL is a nice piece of hardware too.

I think these would be way more weapon than you would need though, Av.
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Avatar, your question is a fairly common one, and very valid.

May I suggest you check out www.thehighroad.org and www.thefiringline.com

The merits of various pistols and cartridges are discussed at length there.

In short, the Beretta Cougar is probably suited to your use, with proper ammunition. If you are restricted to solid or non-expanding type ammunition, a four inch .357 Magnum revolver is probably the best compromise you will find.

I am hearing good reports about 'pepper spray' (oleoresin capsicum) as a defense against dangerous animals. The bad news is, the dangerous animal has to be very close in order to use it. Of course, an electronic stun gun requires contact distance - also very unsettling in my mind.

A suitable handgun has greater range than either spray or stungun, but it's also easier to miss.

Still, I wouldn't consider leaving the house unarmed. Putting myself into the mindset of a victim is just not something I do.
Your starting to learn, I hope you resolve this for your own peace of mind.

Don't talk bollox. I'm realistic. I've seen my friends shot dead and I've no illusions about the nature of firearms, but I have no intention to allow that to stand in the way of my safety.
Don't talk bollox. I'm realistic. I've seen my friends shot dead and I've no illusions about the nature of firearms, but I have no intention to allow that to stand in the way of my safety.

A person who goes to places where people are regularly shot to death doesn't need a weapon, he needs a fuckin' brain!!

Baron Max
Don't talk bollox. I'm realistic. I've seen my friends shot dead and I've no illusions about the nature of firearms, but I have no intention to allow that to stand in the way of my safety.

If you know where the places are that will cause problems, why not avoid those areas and go elsewhere? If you are really that concerned why is it that you put yourself in harms way? You are going into areas known to have many problems and even deaths as you have stated. Then why are you risking your life for some videos or movies? It would seem strange, to me at least, one would put their own life in peril rather than avoiding places that cause death and injury. I would just relocate my areas that I were going to be working in OR take along 3 or 4 people that would protect me as well as help me in my work.
A person who goes to places where people are regularly shot to death doesn't need a weapon, he needs a fuckin' brain!!

Baron Max

Ha, that was years ago, and there was this little revolution going on. I mentioned those shot dead to explain that I know the seriousness of firearms.
It's a lot more secure now and there are no black ops shooting in your direction.

By the way, one of those friends had a video camera with him, you can have a look: http://www.piparmetra.net/pagrabs/HOM2.mov
(He was a journalist)
I don't like guns.
I'm a knife person myself.

what about that gun that can shoot around corners?
Been done.
Was rubbish.

(Gun shooting round corners).
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