Hand gun advice

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smoking revolver
Valued Senior Member
I with a work collegue of mine are planning to get a hand gun permit. We've decided that it wouldn't hurt to have one for protection. I'm doing a lot of hiking in abandoned places and sometimes the people I meet are ummm rather wild, especially homeless lurkers around abandoned soviet military bases, besides now I sometimes carry video equipment with me.
Potentially I'd need something to hurt a wild boar or a wolf too. I haven't been attacked myself, but my friend was assaulted by a wild boar and he barely saved himself by climbing up a tree.

But I also don't want anything too big, something that can be carried in a jacket pocket in shady parts of the city.

I'm a martial artist and I can stand for myself, but that doesn't help much if you're attacked by a wild animal or a homeless thug on drugs with an axe. So if I see that I can't disable the attacker with martial arts and the situation is dangerous to my life, I'd like to have an option of a firearm.

Any way, I've found that I like Beretta Cougar best.


Comments? Suggestions?
Since the fuckin firewall here at work blocks gun sites, I can't see what it is.
What type of ammo does it shoot? If you're looking for knockdown power, I'd suggest a .40 caliber or maybe 10mm round over a 9mm one. I'm not sure what type of ammo/guns are available in Russia so I can only suggest what I know.
If you want anything (that's common) bigger than a .40 cal, you have the .44Magnum and the Desert Eagle .50 cal. But you better know how to handle one of those. Those two guns are pretty much hand cannons that have enough recoil to jump right out of your hands if you're not careful.
I've shot with Desert Eagle, and I liked it, a very cool gun indeed, but it's too big and powerful for me.

For those at work with lame filters, here's the manual/data sheet I've hosted on my website: 8000_cougar_series.pdf
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Ok. Nice pistol. I'm getting the Beretta 92FS from a guy I work with here soon. It's a 9mm, but I won't be using it for the same thing you are.

With the ammo options listed in the pdf of that pistol, I'd get either the .357 Sig, the .40 cal or the .45ACP. Keep in mind that even though the .45 is fairly accurate to a point and has the most knockdown power, the bullets can have a tendency to tumble (i.e not spin) when they're fired, reducing accuracy.
I'd recommend the .40 cal.
get a stun gun. they aren't lethal and can bring down some hefty people.
even the ones that are pumped up on drugs cannot stand up under the tasers influence.

they are a viable alternative to a gun and a heck of a lot better than pepperspray.

here in the states they are classed as non lethal and do not require a permit to own or carry one.
get a stun gun. they aren't lethal and can bring down some hefty people.
even the ones that are pumped up on drugs cannot stand up under the tasers influence.

they are a viable alternative to a gun and a heck of a lot better than pepperspray.

true. if he gets pepper spray he would need the kind that dog - bounty hunter uses.
I hava a pepper spray. :)
On longer hikes we usually carry at least two per group.

Stun guns are not that good when you are kilometers away from civilization AND power to charge them.
Besides they're not that great when threre is more than one attacker. I think things such as rain, tough clothes/fur and short distance also complicate matters.
true. if he gets pepper spray he would need the kind that dog - bounty hunter uses.
pepperspray shouldn't even be considered.
backspray, overspray, and nospray, being the reasons why.

guns shouldn't be considered either because, well, you can't bring a person back from the dead can you?

no, a couple of jolts 50,000 volts will be enough to stop almost anybody.
I have one suggestion: don´t get one.

I concur.

Having a weapon is not a great idea if you are only going hiking. So what if there are homeless people, what are they going to do to you? You didn't state anything that these people were causing anyone any problems so why now do you want to "protect" yourself? Being friendly to others in a bad situation in life is much better than killing them if you don't like the way they look.
pepperspray shouldn't even be considered.
backspray, overspray, and nospray, being the reasons why.
They're a lot better than nothing. In the least they confuse the scent for following animals.
Besides it's liquid under pressure and wind doesn't affect it that much. Of course I wouldn't use one in a storm.
guns shouldn't be considered either because, well, you can't bring a person back from the dead can you?
Yes, including myself.
no, a couple of jolts 50,000 volts will be enough to stop almost anybody.
See my reasons why not.
I concur.

Having a weapon is not a great idea if you are only going hiking. So what if there are homeless people, what are they going to do to you? You didn't state anything that these people were causing anyone any problems so why now do you want to "protect" yourself? Being friendly to others in a bad situation in life is much better than killing them if you don't like the way they look.

Sigh... Those usually are degenerated and unpredictable people on drugs. No, they are not that much around, because most have died, but I take no chances.
Besides I'm all but trigger happy, I just want a last line of defence if everything else fails.

I'm leaning towards a firearm because now I'm a more desirable target - semi professional video equipment in bad areas.
no, a couple of jolts 50,000 volts will be enough to stop almost anybody.

but then you have to get up close and what if the assailant has a pipe or other deadly extension?

Pepper spray is great but you got to know how to use it and have a backup like a sprigloaded black jack for extra stopping power. It is doubtful he will need to match firepower with a homeless person but then he would have a problem. If he is that worried about armed attackers he would be best to stay away...ie. not worth the trouble.
I'm liking that cougar. For overall size, power and "pocketablity" ...it seems like a good choice...plus it looks cool. .40 Cal is also a nice balance between power and number of rounds.
If he is that worried about armed attackers he would be best to stay away...ie. not worth the trouble.
I'm not that worried. I can run long distances and I know how to fight. Alas now I'm getting into more dangerous areas and I want to increase my defence capabilities.
It's not that if I have a gun, I will neccesseraly use it at first chance.
I've grown up with military personel all around, and I know what they can do and what are the risks.
Three of my friends have been shot dead by Soviet military police, I've no romantic feelings towards weapons.
Avatar, guns kill. In the wrong hands, it is a very bad thing to have. I´m not saying you are the "wrong hands"; what I´m saying is that by having one, there is a high possibility of it ending in the wrong hands.
Stick to the pepper spray, that´s some cool shit... If you don´t feel safe, then buy more pepper sprays.
Also by the time you got the weapon out of your pocket it would already be to late if they wanted to attack you. All they need do is hide and wait for you to come by and then you've had it. They get the gun to hurt others,would you want that on your mind if they stole your gun and killed a child with it?
Stick to the pepper spray, that´s some cool shit... If you don´t feel safe, then buy more pepper sprays.
:D I'm sure to mention that to a soldier I know next week. He's going to Afghanistan for 4 months.
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