
I think government is more credible than Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, Mark Levin, Alex Jones, Sean Hannity and all the other sources of right wing entertainment. The government has a better track record of telling the truth than any of the aforementioned sources.

We have lot of ignorant and misinformed people out there owing to the previously mentioned right wing sources. Several academic studies have demonstrated consumers of information from any of those sources are less well informed than consumers of no news. That's pretty bad, and a damning indictment.

Not the sole province of "the previously mentioned right wing sources." I'd be willing to bet that the 'true believers' in UFOs, Bigfoot, 4th Dimensional Aliens & parallel Universes, are fairly-well centered on the Left portion of the Political Spectrum. While it may be de rigeur to assail the Right (& there is some good reason, I'll grant you!) for 'whackamole' ideas, the distribution of 'whackamolerie' is most probably a very binomial distribution rather evenly centered around the Mean, & more than one StD away...
Not the sole province of "the previously mentioned right wing sources." I'd be willing to bet that the 'true believers' in UFOs, Bigfoot, 4th Dimensional Aliens & parallel Universes, are fairly-well centered on the Left portion of the Political Spectrum. While it may be de rigeur to assail the Right (& there is some good reason, I'll grant you!) for 'whackamole' ideas, the distribution of 'whackamolerie' is most probably a very binomial distribution rather evenly centered around the Mean, & more than one StD away...
I will grant you outlandish ideas aren't restricted to the right, but I doubt the distribution is normal owing to the effects of right-wing entertainment. That's an influence we don't see on the left, because the left doesn't have a comparable entertainment industry. Where it not for the effects of right-wing entertainment I might agree with you.
I will grant you outlandish ideas aren't restricted to the right, but I doubt the distribution is normal owing to the effects of right-wing entertainment. That's an influence we don't see on the left, because the left doesn't have a comparable entertainment industry. Where it not for the effects of right-wing entertainment I might agree with you.

Where do you propose the bulk of the UFO/Bigfoot/Interdimensional reports come from? I would offer that they outweigh (in volume alone) any conspiracy crap arising out of the R Wing.
Where do you propose the bulk of the UFO/Bigfoot/Interdimensional reports come from? I would offer that they outweigh (in volume alone) any conspiracy crap arising out of the R Wing.

If you have any data on that I'd like to see it. The only UFO/Bigfoot aficionados I know are right-wingers. I know of know lefties who are traipsing around the forests looking for Bigfoot or UFOs. Furthermore, a bunch of kooks wondering around the forests are no threat to the nation, a bunch of kooks directing public policy in Washington are. The two are not the same.
If you have any data on that I'd like to see it. The only UFO/Bigfoot aficionados I know are right-wingers. I know of know lefties who are traipsing around the forests looking for Bigfoot or UFOs. Furthermore, a bunch of kooks wondering around the forests are no threat to the nation, a bunch of kooks directing public policy in Washington are. The two are not the same.

Not interested in arguing with politics with you. Done.