Guitar Enthusiasts


Valued Senior Member
I've been tinkering with guitars since my teens. I'm not very good, but it still gives me pleasure. I find that as I grow older, my interest and effort become more determined. I'm wondering who else plays guitar and what advise they might give to others who share the same passion.

I'm currently working on finger picking, which doesn't seem all that difficult when given some practice.
I'm wondering who else plays guitar and what advise they might give to others who share the same passion.

Acoustic guitar. For personal relaxation / amusement only, when a rare free hour presents itself. Don't enjoy it so much for the repetitious playing as just like the challenge of composing instrumentals on it. Definitely do not have any advice since most of my methods / techniques have de-evolved over time into improper monstrosities. Even use the thumb now to hold a top string bass note while trying to stretch insanely toward a distant note of the melody on the bottom treble string. Hubby: "It would help if you had been born with the long-clawed witch woman hands of one of my elementary school teachers." Have not used a plectrum since early days, so fingerstyle and fingerpicking category here.
Even use the thumb now to hold a top string bass note while trying to stretch insanely toward a distant note of the melody on the bottom treble string. Hubby: "It would help if you had been born with the long-clawed witch woman hands

I was gifted with large hands, though I still have trouble reaching those awkward notes. Bar chords have always been trouble. I can grab them pretty well, but there's always some buzz in the chord. I think a rounded fret board would serve me well.
Gourd banjo... I've an interest in cigar box guitars.
The first banjos made in America, around 1800, were obviously copied from various traditional African instruments that were built from a gourd or a shell with a skin stretched over it, and a stick neck. More modern-style instruments with tuning pegs and fretboards had already been developed in the Caribbean colonies in the early 17th century.

I remember when I was in Jr High School, Les Paul came to our school and demonstrated his range guitar skills. What impressed me the most was he did many imitations. One imitation was of B-52 bombers flying over and dropping bombs. He demonstrated lots of special effects. It was a great show.
The first banjos made in America, around 1800, were obviously copied from various traditional African instruments that were built from a gourd or a shell with a skin stretched over it, and a stick neck. More modern-style instruments with tuning pegs and fretboards had already been developed in the Caribbean colonies in the early 17th century.
I read somewhere that the lute was the predecessor to the guitar and such.
That buzz you hear when attempting bar chords is likely because of you not applying enough pressure with your index and thumb. Try just barring say the 3rd fret and slowly strum each string til you find the buzz.

Another possibility is fret buzz which means you need to have the action on your guitar adjusted.

Been playing for 23 years.
That buzz you hear when attempting bar chords is likely because of you not applying enough pressure with your index and thumb. Try just barring say the 3rd fret and slowly strum each string til you find the buzz.

Another possibility is fret buzz which means you need to have the action on your guitar adjusted.

Been playing for 23 years.
Thanks for the advice. I took my guitar to a luthier after I purchased it--the action is good. It may be that I just need to keep working on those bar chords. Part of the problem is the shape of the underside of my finger; it doesn't lay perfectly flat across the board.
Try learning some Bach, not necessarily written for guitar (although he did write quite a lot of stuff for that instrument).

I'm trying to learn how to pick out his Chromatic Fantasia, and there's a bit of stretching involved. Aim high, pick low . . .