Gross Obesity 100 lbs+ overweight

Baron Max your funny!!! I think what you say does make alot of valid points though, tell it like it is, save no feelings, shot straight from the hip kind of guy!!! Yeah they eat to much and don't excersise enough, your right, , and if you do all thoes things and are past 40, when your metabolosm isn't as forgiving, the fat will start to creep on , one average we gain 10 lbs a decade past 20!!! I know thats true with me of course I was much thinner back in high school, but now I must keep on top of my weight by excersising 4 times a week at the gym and watching what I consume everday!!! But people who don't give a shit, lack common sense, are to preoccupied or want to balme everything and everone else on their obesity, will get FAT!!! You have to start with yourself, and go from there.... I struggle with my weight all the time, this little paunch here, this little love handdle there, but I accept my faults and won't allow it to consume me and get teh best of me!!!! Fat people just somewhere forgot to care, lost interest, or are mad at the world, predominently I find the grossley obese to have alot of serious emotional problems to sometiems, I know this from experience, I have/had 2 grossly obese friends, one who has had gastric bypass nad lost a considerable amount of weight, and is actually trim by American standard now... The other friend dosn't have the money for the surgery or the insurance, but when offered to join the gym at a discount membership, won't find the time!!! What are youi going to do, its not my problem! ;0)
Christopher3 said:
And #2 Why can't they stop the process when they see its gotten so out of hand???

One of the reasons is probably that the comfort eating gives them, in their perspective outvalues their poor looks and poor health.

Something like "It doesn't matter if I look bad or am not of best health, as long as I have some peace of mind."
water said:
One of the reasons is probably that the comfort eating gives them, in their perspective outvalues their poor looks and poor health.

Something like "It doesn't matter if I look bad or am not of best health, as long as I have some peace of mind."

Water thats a high price to pay fro Peace of Mind dont you agree, and I agree it is an addiction to food, people become addicted to many things, work, love, sex, alchohol, cleaning, studying, and FOOD too!!! My friend that had the gastric bypass was addicted to food, work and also sex e.g prostitutes, strippers, now he goes to the gym everday and is a health nut!!! Go figure, one addiction replaces the other!!!
Christopher3 said:
But people who don't give a shit, lack common sense, are to preoccupied or want to balme everything and everone else on their obesity, will get FAT!!! You have to start with yourself, and go from there....

Yeah, "have to" is the word.

predominently I find the grossley obese to have alot of serious emotional problems to sometiems

Well then you are already beginning to understand what is going on with them.

The other friend dosn't have the money for the surgery or the insurance, but when offered to join the gym at a discount membership, won't find the time!!! What are youi going to do, its not my problem!

It is not your problem, but neither is it yours to judge people.
This second friend, she is a woman, right? Therefore even more likely to be ashamed of herself, probably sitting in her room thinking she must do something on her own first, to make herself presentable at the gym at all.

You can't solve her problems for her, but you should try not to make them worse for her -- like threatening to break up with her if she doesn't change, or criticizing her, even if behind her back where she doesn't know.
Christopher3 said:
Water thats a high price to pay fro Peace of Mind dont you agree, and I agree it is an addiction to food, people become addicted to many things, work, love, sex, alchohol, cleaning, studying, and FOOD too!!! My friend that had the gastric bypass was addicted to food, work and also sex e.g prostitutes, strippers, now he goes to the gym everday and is a health nut!!! Go figure, one addiction replaces the other!!!

It is an insane price to pay for one's peace of mind.
Yet people do it every day.

But peace of mind attained that way will one day soon collapse.
Water I don't date that fat chick at work, give me more credit, huh! And I don't criticise her either, I know a little about her, and she has alot of problems at home so maybe thats why she is the way she is!
Then you are not concerned about her, but about what you might think of fat people not exercising and overeating.
How many fat kids do you know who have slim, healthy parents??????

I know of none, but I don't know all that many kids, either, so...? But y'all think about that some, okay?

Baron Max
Water, What???? Are you talking about, I am concerned about her otherwise I wouldn't even bother trying to help her with a discount on my gym membership!!!
And Baron Max, funny you should mention that cause I remmebr growing up the neighbors across the street the mom was real obese the dad a fatso cop, and the young daughter real obese and then the little son getting fatter everyday and the oldest son manged to stay fit until about after high scholl when he started to pudge out!!!! But the funniest thing was this really fat lady, the moss's I remember, had a really really skinny brother, go figure, weird huh?!! So that made me think its not really genetics, its mostly lifestyle and stuff, and I always wondered what they were eating in there a few yards across the street, and imagined them eating constantly after dinner, chips soda, icecream, yodels, and I was probablly no to far from the truth!!!
Baron Max said:
I beg your pardon! We certainly DO know why people get fat/obese ...they eat more calories than they use up. It IS as simple as that ...there ain't no bullshit or fast-food explanation neccesary. Fat people eat too much. Is that so freakin' hard to understand?
Well okay, that's not quite as facile an explanation as the one I was ragging on, but it's still facile.

So answer me this, Baron: How is it that some people (like me) with desk jobs and a not very active life style can "use up" 2,500 calories every day but other people (like my wife) who exercise so long and hard that I get exhausted just hearing about it can "use up" only about half that many?

I suggest YOU try eating only eleven or twelve hundred calories a day EVERY DAY FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE in order to avoid gaining weight and then talk to me about how SIMPLE it is!

You can never have dessert without giving up a whole meal for it. You can never do something as normal as stopping for an ice cream cone on a hot day or a mocha latte on a cold day or a street-corner taco when you're in a cool-looking ethnic neighborhood. If you can muster the courage to go to a restaurant you have to stop eating half an hour before everybody else and turn down tastes of all their wonderful looking food. If you're a fabulous cook you only get tiny samples of your own creations. If you accept somebody else's invitation to dinner you spend the whole meal with them trying compassionately not to look hurt that they spent all day making that splendid meal and you only picked at it.

Actresses and models and wives of diplomats talk about how difficult this is. You eat about half an ounce of everything that comes across your plate during a banquet. You spend a hell of a lot more of your life thinking about food than you would if you just gave in and ate what is "normal" for everybody else.

How long do you think you could stand it if you had to spend cumulatively several hours every day thinking about food--and NOT eating it?

I stick by my guns. Most of us have no idea what it's like to have a weight problem and most of our suggestions are insulting to the people who have them.

And I dated a couple of "fat chicks" when I was single. They were pretty sweet actually. At least I KNEW what THEIR problem was! ^_^
Fraggle Rocker,, Your right alot has to do with metabolism, and we all have a different metabolism also, and women esp. put on more fat store than men, esp. after menopause or pregnancy, men loss weight faster on average and have more muscle on average... but thats unfortunate for your wife, but I bet she did not have to struggle as much when she was a little younger.... and you are quite lucky to have the metabolism you have,, good for you! But I was really talking about gross obesity,, 100 lbs or so overweight, which happens less often , and may be due to other problems besides a slower metabolism..
Fraggle Rocker said:
I suggest YOU try eating only eleven or twelve hundred calories a day EVERY DAY FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE in order to avoid gaining weight and then talk to me about how SIMPLE it is!

Wait! You're missing the point altogether!!!! I don't give a fuck if people want to eat so much that they get grossly obese! Fuck 'em, fuck you ....just don't try to cry on my fuckin' shoulder and try to whine and cry to get the government or something to help you!!!

If you're a fat fucker, fine, ....just don't go makin' ye're whiney-assed excuses and complaints. Accept the responsibility of your own actions ....and don't tell me to stop calling you a fat-ass ...cause that's what they are .......lazy, piggie, fat-asses!!!!!!!!!!!

Baron Max
Or the fatties can make money on those commercials like Blimpies or Weight Watcher's, hey all of a sounden it dosn't sound so bad, I want to live of of those proceeds...too!!!
Some people have an addiction to eating. Or somethig along those lines. Its a little different from just comfort eating etc.. its a constant subconcious need to stuff ones face ALL THE TIME. ( im typing this with one hand in the lucky charms box btw.).. ITs not that someone doesnt want to stop eating, or doesnt want to eat healthier.. Their are two reason i currently remain my chubby food loving self. 1) its subconcious.. when im working on something, if im thinking, im constantly reaching around for something to munch on. I have been standing at the pantry cupbaord looking for something healthy to eat for dinner only to notice halfway through my search ive almost finished off a roll of thin mint girl scout cookies. the need to eat is subconciously driven. and 2) its expensive. its a hell of a lot cheaper for me to go and buy some fried this and breaded that to throw in the oven aong with something cheesy or pasta or bread. Most people with poor eating habits know what is good for them. most of us would like the ability to eat 6 small healthy leafy meals per day. we just dont have the budget. or maybe thats just me cuz im a broke ass.