I am an Islamophobe. If you are not, you might not be a moral person.
As Billvon so aptly argued, if not being a bigot makes me not a moral person, then I am fine in not being a moral person.
Greatest I am said:
Some Muslims follow an ideology, as written in their religious writing, which allows slavery of Muslim women. This sect of Islam allows the sale of child brides to others within their cult. These people want a Caliphate that promotes and uses slavery.
The same could be argued for most religions. I mean, if your anger is at the notion of child brides, for example, then why aren't you railing against some Christian homeschoolers
who are advocating it to their children as a part of their education?
In the dark and sometimes dangerous world of Christian homeschoolers, children are treated as property, often with tragic consequence.
A recent Facebook discussion illuminates some of the dangers the daughters of Christian homeschoolers face, dangers like arranged marriages, often at a very young age.
In a post to his Facebook page, Michael Farris, Chairman of the Home School Legal Defense Association, issued a statement expressing concern about “a very serious problem” that he sees “surfacing in Christian and conservative circles.”
The problem: the “minimum age for marriage” and the prospect of parental sanctioned child marriage.
In his statement, Farris expressed concern about what he called “a growing tendency in the Christian and conservative movement to be seduced by a spirit of anarchy” as it relates to laws prohibiting child marriage and protecting children. Farris writes:
The way we test the propriety of a proposed legal rule is to take the rule to its extreme and see how we like the results. So I asked whether a parent should be permitted to give their permission to allow a 7 year old to be married to a 30 year old pedophile. The legal issue is the same whether or not there is a “dowry” (cash payment) offered by the “bridegroom.”
Though they are exceedingly rare, there are parents who would permit this kind of outrageous transaction. Such a plan is inherently evil and should be punished.
There can be no doubt that the Christian homeschool movement is built, in part, on the notion that parental rights trump the rights of children, and that parental rights should trump the right of the state to protect children from abusive parents. Sometimes that extreme view of parental rights translates into the attempted normalization of child marriage.
Writing at Love, Joy, Feminism, Libby Anne has done a great job exposing many of the problems associated with Christian homeschoolers, including child marriage. Writing about Michael Farris warning Christian homeschoolers about the dangers of promoting child marriage, Libby Anne briefly describes a popular stance in Christian homeschooling circles as embodied by a couple of popular conservative Christian homeschool advocates:
Maranatha Chapman married a much-older man at age 15, and the story of her courtship and wedding was told and retold as a model and aspiration in Christian homeschooling circles in the 1990s. In 2008, Maranatha’s daughter, Lauren, also married a much-older man. She had just turned 16.
The Chapmans don’t just practice child marriage, they also preach it, encouraging other homeschooling parents to follow their lead, even arguing that “a difference in age—even a significant one—with the man being older, helps make for a better fit.”
In another post, Libby Anne quotes from an article written by Matthew Chapman, a Christian homeschooling advocate who was 26 when he first expressed interest in his then 13 year-old-bride to be Maranatha Chapman. At 27, Matthew, asked Maranatha’s father for his permission to marry his 14-year-old daughter. The father agreed, and the couple was married when Maranatha was 15 and Matthew was 28.
Earlier this year, in yet another tale of horror from the Christian homeschool movement, a young woman explained how she narrowly escaped child marriage after being sold by her family for $25,000 into an arranged marriage to a man twice her age.
Any religious ideology or even non-religious culture that promotes the very notion of purity or enshrines a culture of female purity in particular, of virginity, not to mention ownership, will run the risk of having this sort of thing happen.
Parts of Asia, for example, it isn't unheard of to have a child married to a much older man.
Greatest I am said:
The Muslim men in this slave holding cult have submitted to Allah and are eager slaves to him thanks to the pleasant heavenly gifts he promises. They believe themselves to be favored by God and hate all those who are not.
Doesn't this apply to all religions as well? The goal of resting eternally in heaven as a reward of some sort?
Greatest I am said:
The assumptions that these people make of God, without any proof and based on the supernatural and the writings of imperfect men, become so arrogant, that they act as slave traders based on their beliefs without regard for moral and ethical standards. They in fact break their own reciprocity rules.
Again, doesn't this apply to any religious ideology? I mean, hell, look at Catholics, where men and women marry the Church, in the case of nuns, marry Christ and promise to lead a life devoted solely to a religious figure, and some are denied access to the outside world and are literally locked away in convents, denied access to their families in some instances. The Church itself has fostered and protected paedophiles with an arrogance that is repulsively breathtaking.
Belief can corrupt and ideology can corrupt and arrogance because of one's faith is just one phase of that corruption.
To wit, it isn't solely relegated to Islam, or to any religion. Power corrupts, politics corrupts.
Greatest I am said:
These Muslims imitate their slave holding master, Allah, and like all tyrants, hate all others not of their ilk. They allow their hate to push them to violence against the free people in the free world.
Considering just how many Muslims the West has killed in various wars, that's a bit of a stretch, don't you think?
Greatest I am said:
Islamophobia is a fear of Islam. Those who do not fear and hate this slave holding cult of Islam, along with the other inhuman and immoral policies that Islam and Sharia allow, are not moral people. Moral people will fight against slavery.
Moral people don't just single one religion out and fear and hate them because of that religion. If you wish to tackle modern day slavery, then you tackle the problem. Focusing solely on one religion will not end this kind of slavery. Blaming Muslims for what some do and fearing and hating them all is not going to end slavery. It is Muslims who end up being the victims of this first and foremost, remember? ISIS, for example, have killed more Muslims than Westerners and the same applies with other such groups. It is Muslim girls who are the victims of child brides when it occurs in that religion, just as it is Christian girls who are the victims of child brides, when they are forced into these marriages.
You want to tackle slavery and end child brides? Then start respecting women, all women, including Muslim women. By fearing Islam, you show a disrespect to Muslim women and girls, the victims of these crimes.. You are labeling them as lacking in morals, as being worthy of being hated and feared
because they are Muslims. As such, those women and girls have no recourse, if your response to their plight (and that of other religions and cultures) is to hate them.
Greatest I am said:
I fear that free people will not be Islamophobic enough, because of their fear of being labelled racist or Islamophobe, to rise up and give secours to the unwilling female slave of Islam.
How can you say you think people should rise and help these victims, if you also promote hating and fearing them? I mean, how does that work, exactly? Aren't you just becoming a part of the problem they already face? That of being disrespected and hated and not viewed as equals, if you think that more people should hate the religion and those who belong to said religion, ie, if you argue that more should become Islamaphobes?
Greatest I am said:
I am proudly an Islamophobe. If you are not you might not be a moral person.
Then you are simply ensuring more victims by being a part of the problem of hatred and disrespect.
And you think that makes you moral?