Gravo-electri Tori Ideas


Got thinking about connecting gravity with electro-magnetic photon( charge ) and thought of using torus/tori to help complete the picture. This following is not my first choice to exhibit gravity in context of the electro-magnetic sign wave, just a new thought I had.

Below in first vertical column( Ele ) we have the electric sine wave. Not shown is the magnetic sine-wave at right angles to the electric.

In 2nd vertical column( Gr-Ele ) I complete the sine-wave by offerring the blue complementary half of a missing half of one half cycle Electric and/or magnectic wave.

In effect, this concept says that we only observe one half of a sine waves cycle that is really a full torus for each cycle so we only observe one half of a torus. One half a sine wave being one half cycle torus is gravity, the other one half of a one half wave cycle is electric( positive and negative ) halves and/or magnetic.( positive and negative ) halves

Disregard the dots/periods as they are there only for formatting purposes.


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Just a thought via texticonic expression.

^v^v is another more Euclidean-like version of the sine wave pattern.

A Euclidean 2D tri(3)angle, and 2D circle share the same topological aspects of 2D enclosure.

The former has 3 angles, the latter is conceptualized as a set of infinite angles.

Over short enough distances and relatively speaking, curved trajectories may appear to us being straight i.e. Euclidean.
Fullers OS-jbug transforms into a Euclidean version of a single cycle set of a double-sine wave electric-magnetic. Not shown in the link to Jbug in above URL.

Gravity remains elusive, invisible, missing, unseen, non-quantized.

The OS-jbug maximally expanded out in 3D is a cubo-octahedron, aka Vector Equilbrium consists of 24 chords/edges and defines 8surface tri(3)angles and 6surface squares. What we don't see is the invisible gravitational chord-- lines-of-relationship ---that exist between corners of six squares 2 additional surface chords as 2 longer diagonals in each square i.e. each square has 2 such gravitational chords/lines-of/relationship.

The OS-jbugs double-sine wave( electric and magnetic ) uses 4 chords for each half-wave-- because double-valenced/bonded chords --- and since there are 4 half waves in total, that is 16 of the chords used to define those two sine-waves( electric and magnetic ).

So, 12 gravity chords will not exactly match the electric-magnetic set of 16. However, 8 gravity chords would complete the other half of each half-wave i.e. two gravity chords for each half wave of 4 electric or 4 magnetic. That would leave 4 gravity.

So were short 4 gravity chords to have a 1-to-1 match with the electric-magnetic double sine wave set. A consideration may be that the longer surface diagonals are indeed a little longer, but I believe that excess would still not match the length of the 16 chords used to define and complete the Eucldean double sine-wave as four complete tori. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

So, there is another consideration, that would help fullfill that lack of gravitational chords. Consider, that, there also exist gravitation chords/lines-of-relationship, inside the cubo-octahedrons 12 vertexes. I forget exactly how many that is but as best as I recall the total number of lines-of-relationships between 12 vertexes is about 56-60.

So, if we subtract the initial surface 24, and the additional surface 12, then that leaves 24 internal gravitational chords/lines-of-relationship.

And those internal chords are longer then the 24 and 12 surface chords. It is also noteworthy that we found yet another form of equilibrium/equanimity involving the Vector Equilibrium. More on that later. Hopefully. ;)


Disregard the dots/periods as they are there only for formatting purposes.


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Disregrading the dots makes your post much clearer. By clear I mean instead of your post being retarded nonsense it can now be seen that your post is absurd nonsense. So again thanks for clearing that up.
Disregrading the dots makes your post much clearer. By clear I mean instead of your post being retarded nonsense it can now be seen that your post is absurd nonsense. So again thanks for clearing that up.

No, in reality it's us...we cannot ever hope to measure up to the qualities and understandings of the Universe that rr6 possesses.
We can only look and wonder at his genius. [and have a good laugh!] :)
66 Lines - 36 = 30 AdditionalLlines-of- Relationships

Ahh I found that link. It appears I was short a few lines-of-relationship. For 12 nodal vertexial events there is 66 lines-of-relationship. the formula for this ( n^2 - n) / 2.

So, 66 - 24 surface chords + 12 surface diagonals in squares leaves 30 internal, lines-of-relationship with the cubo-octahedron/Vector Equilbrium.

So no equanimity but that internal 30 matches the 30surface chords/edges that define the icosahedron.. It also has 12 nodal vertexial events.

I remmeber now, that I imagined those 30 as gravitational lines-of-relationship connect the 4 peaks of the 4 amplitude waves( whether Euclidean or curved waves ).

H,mm with these 30 extra lines-of-relationship, it may be possible to have a scenario that defines a gravitational enclosure, around the double sine-wave, and have the 4 half-wave tori.


Ha ha, that would be like getting two theoretical birds with one stone( set of 30 ). Photons are embraced by gravity, as are all particles of Universe.

So, there is another consideration, that would help fullfill that lack of gravitational chords. Consider, that, there also exist gravitation chords/lines-of-relationship, inside the cubo-octahedrons 12 vertexes. I forget exactly how many that is but as best as I recall the total number of lines-of-relationships between 12 vertexes is about 56-60.
Ahh I found that link. It appears I was short a few lines-of-relationship. For 12 nodal vertexial events there is 66 lines-of-relationship. the formula for this ( n^2 - n) / 2.

So, 66 - 24 surface chords + 12 surface diagonals in squares leaves 30 internal, lines-of-relationship with the cubo-octahedron/Vector Equilbrium.

So no equanimity but that internal 30 matches the 30surface chords/edges that define the icosahedron.. It also has 12 nodal vertexial events.

I remmeber now, that I imagined those 30 as gravitational lines-of-relationship connect the 4 peaks of the 4 amplitude waves( whether Euclidean or curved waves ).

H,mm with these 30 extra lines-of-relationship, it may be possible to have a scenario that defines a gravitational enclosure, around the double sine-wave, and have the 4 half-wave tori.


Ha ha, that would be like getting two theoretical birds with one stone( set of 30 ). Photons are embraced by gravity, as are all particles of Universe.

One day, r6, you might just say something - even a brief note, that someone can understand. But this is not that day.
I had figured the number of Euclidean lines to define a gravitational, Euclidean tube, embracing the double-sine-wave photon once before.

As shown previously, we 30 additional lines-of-relationship to define the embracing tube, and the four half wave tori, that complement the two half waves of electric and two of magnetic.

It takes only 6 gravitational lines-of-relationship to connect the peak amplitude tips to each other, and to the two opposite ends or double-sine-wave.

That leaves 24 additional, gravitational, lines-of-relationship to create the 4 half-wave gravitational tori and for those, we need 8 lines-of-relationship-- if not double bonded as the electric and magnetic are double as 16 lines.

So 24 - 8 = 16 additional lines-of-relationship are still available even after creating the Euclidean tube and the four gravitational tori.

Ok, well we also know, that, the OS-jbugs version of the Euclidean double sine-wave, has four vectors as a central axis or spinal cord. So we take 4 away from our additional 16 gravitational lines, to match the the central axis/spinal set, and still have 12 lines left over.

H,mmm this is getting to be lot of relationships to keep track of but it is obvious that we have way more--- 42 to be exact ---invisible gravitational lines-of-relationship than the initial 24 of the cubo-octahedron/VE.


Ahh I found that link. It appears I was short a few lines-of-relationship. For 12 nodal vertexial events there is 66 lines-of-relationship. the formula for this ( n^2 - n) / 2.
So, 66 - 24 surface chords + 12 surface diagonals in squares leaves 30 internal, lines-of-relationship with the cubo-octahedron/Vector Equilbrium.
So no equanimity but that internal 30 matches the 30surface chords/edges that define the icosahedron.. It also has 12 nodal vertexial events.
I remmeber now, that I imagined those 30 as gravitational lines-of-relationship connect the 4 peaks of the 4 amplitude waves( whether Euclidean or curved waves ).
H,mm with these 30 extra lines-of-relationship, it may be possible to have a scenario that defines a gravitational enclosure, around the double sine-wave, and have the 4 half-wave tori.
Ha ha, that would be like getting two theoretical birds with one stone( set of 30 ). Photons are embraced by gravity, as are all particles of Universe.
H,mmm this is getting to be lot of relationships to keep track of but it is obvious that we have way more--- 42 to be exact ---invisible gravitational lines-of-relationship than the initial 24 of the cubo-octahedron/VE.

42-to-24 ratio?

My past ratios for gravity-to-fermimomic matter were a 2-to-1 ratio i.e. the miminmal 3D tube is defined by the subdivided 2D triangle, wherein there is a central nodal vertexial event, that defines the vectorial, spinal-axis-cord, as the triangle moves on forward geodesic trajectory, over time.

Most likely we would have a spin of the triangle but the 2-to-1 ratio represents a constant set of 2 nodal vertexial events on convex outer side vs the 1 nodal vertexial event on the inner concave side of this tube on a geodesic trajectory that is either one-half of sine-wave torodial wave or the whole torus.

Remember, this above is one of two scenarios I've been considering in this thread and others.

The texticonic graphics help to visulize these relatively simple concepts, but far from being ideal. :rolleyes:

Since the torus has four differrent great circles it has 4 differrent Pi ratios.

Interesting that the Vector Equilibrium is defined by 4 cGrCp's and the torus has 4 differrent GrCP's.

SPACE (( SPACE )) SPACE = torus/tori/toroidal ex a doughnut(( ))

SPACE (*.*( SPACE )*.*) SPACE = torus with tubular content/body i.e. content/body between the inner and outer surface of tube.

Volume = 2 × π2 × R × r2

Surface Area = 4 × π2 × R × r

Ive tried for years to make correlation between spherical VE and the torus but sphere and torus are not topoogically equilvalent, so it is difficult find a synonomic/same connection. Actually been a few years since I looked into this.
