Something which as yet you have not done: Shame.
Relax Paddoboy, learn to relax. Try focussing on content also; you have shown tremendous learning at 70..
Something which as yet you have not done: Shame.
I'm there, you have to get there.Relax Paddoboy, learn to relax. Try focussing on content also; you have shown tremendous learning at 70..
No. What is called the Newtonian approximation in GR, that means, the metric defined by $$ ds^2 = (1+\Phi) dt^2 - (1-\Phi)(dx^2+dy^2 +dz^2)$$ (modulo constants) with the Newtonian potential is, nonetheless, not Newtonian theory but different. In particular, particles will follow geodesics of that metric, clocks will time-dilated and rulers contracted as in relativity, and the metric is, by the way, even curved.Newtonian is simply Newtonian, and it matches satisfactorily with GR approximations in flat spacetime...There is no altered version of Newtonian in GR except when we talk of MOND...
There are multiple posts that already described this. Here's a hint for you: did not answer, what is the altered version of Newtonian Physics ?
There are multiple posts that already described this. Here's a hint for you:
The God:
Did PhysBang claim to have a PhD?
Do you have evidence that he does not have one?
Please contact me by private messaging to provide me with the details of this lie you allege. We have a site policy against knowingly telling lies, and if you wish I will enforce it in this case to officially warn either you or PhysBang - whoever is lying about this.
Is this acceptable to you? Or do you want to retract your accusation of lying?
The God:
Did PhysBang claim to have a PhD?
Do you have evidence that he does not have one?
Physbang said:I studied cosmology, but I essentially left academia post PHD. I looked at a lot of tests for GR and at cosmology as a test for GR & other theories.
I'm sure that most on this forum do know how you can manipulate, misinterpret, and indulge constantly in outright intellectual dishonesty, as well as ridiculously pedant nonsense.Post # 909
1. A PhD educated guy will never write PHD for PhD. [even keyboard accepts PhD, so it is not auto correction either]
2. Subsequent post of his, he claims to have forgotten about jovian experiments.
3. The open and too much abuses does not reflect his being PhD.
4. His posts are full of inaccuracies, he calls altered newtonian, which is not, he calls approximations as inaccurate physics, which is not, he is still disputing that lensing angle values were available to Eddington even before he conducted his experiment in 1919.
5. His posts do not reflect PhD in any topic of cosmology, pl refer to Schmelzer posts, you get the difference.
he is claiming to have a PhD, I asked him in which specific aspect, he is silent. These create a doubt about the veracity of his claim that he is a PhD.
Pot, Kettle, Black????????he is claiming to have a PhD, I asked him in which specific aspect, he is silent. These create a doubt about the veracity of his claim that he is a PhD.
Nonsense. Of course one can apply the full machinery. One prefers a simplified variant once it gives sufficient accuracy.
How can spacetime curve in the "flat spacetime" ?
Newtonian physics models a Galilean-relative, flat spacetime in all circumstances. GR doesn't. GR fits the available evidence, including all the evidence for Newtonian physics, better than Newtonian physics.
Spacetime in the universe as we see does not seem to be flat, except on some scales. We can mimic the way many physical systems behave by pretending to have a flat spacetime and adding corrections based on our experience with using a non-flat spacetime.
In the weak field approximation, GR is Newtonian Mechanics.In the "weak field approximation", which one you will prefer Newtonian Model or GR ?
In the weak field approximation, GR is Newtonian Mechanics.
There isn't in the calculations.In Newtonian Mechanics, it is flat spacetime or there is no "curvature of spacetime". So in the "weak field approximation of GR" also, there is no "curvature of spacetime".
In Newtonian Mechanics, it is flat spacetime or there is no "curvature of spacetime". So in the "weak field approximation of GR" also, there is no "curvature of spacetime".
If I was held to an academic standard that reflects "The God"'s scholarship, I would gladly refuse a PhD or a PHD.