Gravitational Fields vs Space Curves

I’m trying to figure out if gravitational fields and gravity interactions can produces the same results as space curves to cause gravitational attraction.

You'll have to define "gravitational fields", "gravity interactions" and "space curves" for me, since I'm not quite sure what you're asking.

The Newtonian picture of gravity uses gravitational fields to describe gravitational attraction, and it works fine in a lot of circumstances. The general relativistic picture of gravity uses curved spacetime to describe gravitational attraction, and it works even better.

To have any field , that affects , effects and causes , ( in no particular order of actions ) , of a physical thing , Implys , that the field its self , is also physical in Nature .

To have any field , that affects , effects and causes , ( in no particular order of actions ) , of a physical thing , Implys , that the field its self , is also physical in Nature .
Which implies in turn that gobbledegookness is a physical reality.
To have any field , that affects , effects and causes , ( in no particular order of actions ) , of a physical thing , Implys , that the field its self , is also physical in Nature .

Which implies in turn that gobbledegookness is a physical reality.

Absolutely .

Think of the Rutherford experiment .

The one about the core of the atom .
Newton told us that the speed of the gravitational field is infinite. The gravity equation is:
F = G*M*m/R^2.
No matter what the speed of the object is, it cannot escape the influence of the gravitational field.

Now we know that the speed of the gravitational field is limited, which is equal to the speed of light c. The gravity equation is:
F = (G*M*m/R^2) * [(c-v) / c ].
When the speed of the object in the direction of the gravitational field reaches c, it can escape the influence of the gravitational field.

This is the simple chasing effect between the gravitational field and the object.
This new gravitational equation can accurately calculate the planet's orbit, which is a modification of Newton's gravitational equation.

The essence of space-time described by GR is to describe the chasing effect between gravitational field and objects.
The gravity equation is:
F = (G*M*m/R^2) * [(c-v) / c ].
When the speed of the object in the direction of the gravitational field reaches c, it can escape the influence of the gravitational field.
Sorry to remind you, no object with mass can reach c.
If you posit massless objects in that equation, you will surely encounter divide-by-zero errors.
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Sorry to remind you, no object with mass can reach c.
If you posit massless objects in that equation, you will surely encounter divide-by-zero errors.
How do you know that the speed of an object cannot reach c? It was the guy named Einstein who told you. Special relativity is a fallacy.

Using F = (G*M*m/R^2) * [(c-v) / c ], we can accurately calculate the planet's orbit. We must speak with data, not assumptions! guess!

Measuring the speed of light on the earth is like measuring the speed of sound in an airplane. No matter which direction you measure, the speed of light is constant. The light was hijacked by the gravitational field.
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