Google Darwin Awards

Near where I live there's a railway crossing. They've painted on the sidewalk, "See tracks? Think trains." Don't try to read it while you're walking or you'll crash into the barrier.
I'm using the same pixels I was originally issued in 1987 with the 286 DOS machines we started with. They work find thirty years on.

Will have to get your pixel recipe

And they say us oldies don't recycle

Aye they don't make pixels like they used to

Will have to get your pixel recipe

And they say us oldies don't recycle

Aye they don't make pixels like they used to

I trick mine. I let them breed unrestrainedly. This kicks in the "Island Effect" and they get smaller. I when from a 13" CRT to a pair of 27" LEDs with 1980 pitch by this method.
I trick mine. I let them breed unrestrainedly. This kicks in the "Island Effect" and they get smaller. I when from a 13" CRT to a pair of 27" LEDs with 1980 pitch by this method.

I did try breeding some a long time ago on agar in a petri dish

They did get smaller but I had to look at my monitor under a microscope

I do not that there is an organization which actually dispenses Darwin Awards.

They are likely to be fictitious accounts intended as humor.

I do not remember seeing names of individuals who received such awards.​