Yes you do. If you call it ab "observation", yet can't explain how anyone else can make that observation, then it's exposed as a mere assumption.
How do you know that no one else makes that observation?
If only one person makes that observation, is that a good enough reason to think the observation is unfounded?
Atheists can only be "without God" in your sense if God actually exists. And you haven't shown that God exists.
How can God ever exist for an atheist?
Theists and atheism are about what people believe. If you believe that God exists, you're a theist; if you don't, you're an atheist. On the other hand, "God Is" or "God Is Not" is about fact. It is about whether something describable as "God" actually exists in the world, or not.
You keep saying ''exists''
Pots and pans exist.
You accept that gravity exists?
Have you seen it, like you see pots and pans, or does the fact that pots and pans fall to the ground instead of float, when you let them go, allow you to understand it?
There are four logically distinct situations a person can find himself in:
1. God exists and the person believes in God.
2. God exists and the person does not believe in God.
3. God does not exist and the person believes in God.
4. God does not exist and the person does not believe in God.
What do yo mean by ''exist''?
Do you mean that if God does exists, then it is only a matter of time before we can all know that?
Or if God does not exist, then it will remain as it does from your perspective?
The problem with that, is that you are assuming your worldview as the default one.
Atheism covers situations 2 and 4, because an atheist is defined not by whether God exists but by what the person believes about God.
2. God exists and the person does not believe in God.
Being an atheist is more than not believing in God.
The fact is, God does not exist for the atheist.
The only reason an atheist can not believe in God, is primarily due to this fact.
Anything the atheist piles on top of that, merely highlights it. One such point is ''Does God exist'', or ''Does God actually exist''.
Putting aside debates and discussions where theist and atheist exchange ideas, and we use common language, for easy communication, what do those statements mean?
In comparison (pay attention, this is important): Jan Ardena's "without God" only covers situation 2 and excludes situation 4!
Similarly, theism logically includes situations 1 and 3, whereas Jan Ardena's "God Is" only covers situation 1.
Logically, you cannot ignore half of the possibilities, Jan.
The only thing you know about theism, James, is that theists believe in God, and you know that because that is the definition of the word.
As an atheist you cannot know anymore than that, because there is nothing to know
Your logic is based on the notion that God has to be proven to exist, because of this fact
The notion that ''God Is'' or God necessarily exists, is, in your eyes, an a priori assumption that God exists, because of that fact.
God will never exist as far as atheism is concerned, because God does not exist as far as the as the atheist is concerned, by default.
The problem is, you can't see that.
This whole thread has been an attempt by you to erect a smokescreen to obscure the fact that situations 3 and 4 are there. You pretend that only situations 1 and 2 are available. We can only conclude that either your ability to reason is impaired in some way, or you're not being honest.
They're the perspective of blind person, compared to a sighted person.
You are blind when it comes to God, and you can't accept that others (theists) aren't.
Both situations are fundamental position. We start from there, we don't end up there.
No, I'm saying you're trying to define words so that God is assumed and other real possibilities are excluded from the start. Maybe you don't even realise that's what you're doing.
God Is, from my perspective (sighted), God does not exist from your perspective (blind).
You have to show that existence is something that applies to God, in a way that it applies to other things that exist.
Obviously you're going to chant ''Ah that is special pleading''.
Then I say prove that gravity exists. Or even more controversial, prove that existence actually exists. If you can, please explain how you know it exists.
It's easy to make these one-line replies, isn't it Jan?
Because that's all it takes to respond to some of your posts.
But I will try and fatten them out, if it makes you feel better.
The difficulty lies in backing up what you say with explanation or justification. If what I suggest is not a logical implication of what you write, you really ought to highlight my logical error (if there is one). Failing that, all you're doing is denying.
The problem is James, you are so busy trying to sum me up, you miss the essence of what it is I'm communicating to you.
You end up repeating yourself, thinking that you are coming at it from a different angle, but you don't.
You come at it, all the time, from the perspective of God does not exist. Like a completely blind person, expresses the world from the perspective of sight does not exist.
Pay attention to my little list again. Consider situations 3 and 4 carefully. See?
3. God does not exist and the person believes in God.
4. God does not exist and the person does not believe in God.
Do you think an
atheist can ever know that God, as you put it, exists?
No. I see it as an assumption because it is an assumption.
It is a fact that God does not exist, as far as you're aware.
So you're assumption has to be based on that
Note that I'm not saying you assert there is no God, only that there IS no God, as far as you're aware.
You are confusing epistemology and ontology again. It doesn't matter what I believe. God will exist or not exist, regardless.
Pay attention to my little list again. Consider situations 1/2 and 3/4 carefully. See?
And so we return to the idea of theist, and atheist.
You're right, it doesn't matter what we believe, the truth will always ''be''. Because the truth just ''Is''.
And the converse also applies, according to you, I assume. Because you're a theist, God will always exist (for you), so the question never arises for you, and you have no curiosity about the ontology. Right?
It has nothing to do with ''existence''. That is an atheist perspective.
The term ''Theist'' does not include within it,
belief that God exists. It simply states, a person
who believes in God.
"Begging the question" is about logic. It's about the argument being had. It is a structural feature of a logical argument. It has nothing to do with the rights or wrongs of the premises of the argument itself.
How do you conclude that I am begging the question, when I have offered no conclusion.
If we were engaged in an argument about whether or not ''The Truth'' exists. The aim of the argument would
be to arrive at the
truth of the matter. We would hopefully be ''truthful'' in our exchanges.
But by your logic, to be'' truthful'' would be begging the question, because we assume the conclusion by assuming/implying ''Truth'' exists.
It doesn't matter whether "my position" in the argument is true or false. Either way, if you're begging the question, you're begging the question.
I am not assuming God exists, by stating ''God Is''. I am simply establishing a basis.
Just as you are not assuming God does not exist, even though God does not exist as far as you're aware, which happens to be an established basis upon which you base your perception.
There's no struggle required. "Atheist" is already defined in a way that does not imply God.
That there are both theists and atheists, imply God.
Unless you can show that God does not exist, or that God is a made up concept.
Look at my little list again. "Atheist" covers situations 2 and 4 on that list, and not just situation 2 like you believe.
"Atheist" is about epistemology, not ontology.
The established basis of ''Atheist'' is that God does not exist.
There is no God. As soon as you ask for evidence of God's existence, you assume your position ''God does not exist'' is correct.