God does exist.

Daiel Hegarty

Registered Member
I believe that God exists. Do you not believe in him because of scence? Well you can believe anything you want but there is scientific evidence of Jesus, Noahs Ark, and alot more religeous happenings and people. Some of the most famous scolars like Einstein and Newton believe in God. If you don't believe because of science thnk about that. There has also been scientific proof of angels also.

thank you.
God does not exist

I do not believe that god exists. Do you believe in him because of religion? Well you can believe in anything you want but there is no scientific proof of Jesus, Noahs Ark, and alot more religious happenings and people. Some of the most famous scientists like Einstein and Newton do not believe in god. If you believe because of religion think about that. There has been no scientific proof of angels, also.

thank you

PS--the line blurs, the plot thickens

(thanks to avatar for reading through this thread, I saw it on who's online and went looking for something more endearing. Oh well)
/Avatar wonders in, sees the same level of intelligence and leaves with a grin

edit- hi Pollux- was writting a reply when you posted
Yep there isn't, but to deny Jesus' existence is to deny most of ancient history.

don't be silly, you just deny it.
many many scientists believe in God.

God is a living God, he reveal himself. Trust him and never be dissapointed.

If you don't believe because of science thnk about that. There has also been scientific proof of angels also.

Wow, this thread attracts asinine comments like a Sci-fi convention attracts geeks.
Re: Re: Re: God does exist.

Originally posted by ~The_Chosen~
Yep there isn't, but to deny Jesus' existence is to deny most of ancient history.

I didn't say that Jesus didn't exist, I just said that there isn't any evidence supporting his existence. To which our friend Daiel said there was.
"don't be silly, you just deny it.
many many scientists believe in God."

And many more don't. What does that prove? Absolutely nothing. If I said the majority of arab scientists believe in the Qu'ran would it prove Islam? Hells no.
Noah took a few years to complete constructing the ARK.
He was a prophet of GOD.
At the meantime, he had preached to his fellow people to repent and warned them about the flood. But they simply ignored his advice.
God had to punish the wicked generation accordingly, by his justice and sovereignty.
The babies offcourse hadn't sinned yet (but will sin when they grow up), God had the power to kill the adults and spare the babies, but the problem is, who will take care of the babies after the parents died?

To analyse this problem thoroughly, you must agree with the basic knowledge of bible about man's having physical body and soul, there is life after death.
If you disagree, then nothing can we discuss further!
A christian analyses problem of bible from the point of view of Secular as well as Spiritual world.

From the whole context of bible, man's existance does not cease after physical death.
Therefore, the fate of the babies who got killed in the flood did not end when there were drown.
God is just, he will not count those who are not guilty to be guilty, he will deal with their souls justly in another world.