
Sorry its John Lash

Not in His Image: Gnostic Vision, Sacred Ecology, and the Future of Belief

Thats the book I have about Gnosticism , its a start any way
Sorry its John Lash

Not in His Image: Gnostic Vision, Sacred Ecology, and the Future of Belief

Thats the book I have about Gnosticism , its a start any way

But are there any ancient teachings, "holy" teachings? I guess I prefer the originals ;-D
Interesting. Welcome to the site. This thread has gone stale, but I'm not sure it got the attention it deserves. Gnosticism is genetically linked to the modern incarnations of ancient Christianity, and rarely gets elevated to anything more than the status of a passing curiosity. The piece that strikes me as most relevant to this lineage is the impersonal Jesus seen in the Gospel of Thomas, who resembles the post-Resurrection Jesus of the canon, as well as the bizarre impersonal Jesus of the quasi-hallucinatory Book of Revelation.

If not for some freak accident, or turn of historical events, Gnosticism might have been the religion defended by, say, the Tea Party. :eek:

Never. That or they would not be called that.

Gnostic Christians are Universalists and the Tea Party is not about to give women equality.

If you work under the assumption of atheism, and assume God is a product of the imagination, this create a context for religion, but does not deny the fact that the religious POV can be a source of unique motivation and drive. Rather the dynamics are real and would be based on the operation of the brain. The Gnostic keeps his eye on the ball with respect to religious triggers, while also thinking in terms of the brain reacting to these triggers, so one unravel the mysteries of higher human potential. One uses religion triggers to gain internal experiences from which one can explain the mind.

In other words, whether your agree with religion or not, many religious people have more will power over impulses. They don't have to water it down to make it easier so they can look better. They can also have a unique drive which can be used to help humanity; Saint, or can be used to manipulate on a wide scale like a demagogue. The Gnostic is respectful of the rituals and triggers of various eastern and western religions, but is also looking for ways to harness this in a more intellectual sense. The esoteric nature of their writings is connected to trying to explain right brain spatial data organization, in the context of left brain language. Language is not processed in the right brain, and therefore is limiting when used to describe spatial data organization; esoteric.

The Gnostic sees that although religion may be considered irrational, it nevertheless creates unique drives in people. They don't throw out the baby with the bath water, but accept the rituals and use these to act as triggers for self observation. The hope is higher human potential. In the end one builds a respect for the rituals of religion because the ancients had this mind thing figured out. This is still a final frontier in science.


I have begun to try to sell this notion.

Here is the goal of Gnostic Christians.

Here is a method and mind set to get there.

When you know you know. Knowledge is God.

I read something like, if you do not see God in all, you do not see God at all.

Jesus said more or less the same thing with his kingdom of God within us. Where does God keep his little kingdoms? In the big kingdom of course. Right here and now. Everywhere and every-when.

Do you practice Gnosticism? Have you ever considered Hermeticism? I was looking into both recently and I felt Hermeticism was a more fundamental teaching than gnosticism but that they both had the same overall recognition of how the universe works. That said, I didn't do much research into Gnosticism, so don't be offended if those were falsely spoken, it was just my personal interpretation at this time. I am genuinely interested if you have compared the two and what may have made you resonate more with Gnosticism, if so?

"As above, so below." In time, this phrase will come to be understood as the most enlightening words ever uttered. Again, my personal interpretation at this time ;-D

(Sorry, if you think this is derailing the Gnostic specific thread, please ignore me!)

The trick is internalizing whatever belief you choose to follow. Even no belief. That internalization is what activates the pineal gland and opens our third eye or higher mind.

Please see the two links I put just above.

But are there any ancient teachings, "holy" teachings? I guess I prefer the originals ;-D

Google Elaine Pagels.

She is the foremost scholar for the ancient Gnostic literature.

She basically revived interest in Gnostic Christianity.

I read something like, if you do not see God in all, you do not see God at all.

Jesus said more or less the same thing with his kingdom of God within us. Where does God keep his little kingdoms? In the big kingdom of course. Right here and now. Everywhere and every-when.


I see it because I know it. If I didn't know, I wouldn't see it. So knowledge is God. It makes all things possible. Everyone just needs to realize its sentience. The kingdom is in us and all around us.
Google Elaine Pagels.

She is the foremost scholar for the ancient Gnostic literature.

She basically revived interest in Gnostic Christianity.


Passive-knowledge I hope. If you know everything what are the chances your a hater? Unless of course you know better.
I see it because I know it. If I didn't know, I wouldn't see it. So knowledge is God. It makes all things possible. Everyone just needs to realize its sentience. The kingdom is in us and all around us.

The knowledge of God that you and I have has not made all things possible. Unless you have some power that I lack. If so, please, please, share it. I sure know how I would use some of it.

Passive-knowledge I hope. If you know everything what are the chances your a hater? Unless of course you know better.


Who was speaking of hate?

Hate has a place within us just as love does but we were not speaking of those.

If you are into duality, would love exist without hate.

The knowledge of God that you and I have has not made all things possible. Unless you have some power that I lack. If so, please, please, share it. I sure know how I would use some of it.


Knowledge grew from his infancy and created the imagination and the rest of our world. The mind, and faith grew this knowledge. He has his forefathers, but he is ancient enough to be its older brother.

Who was speaking of hate?

Hate has a place within us just as love does but we were not speaking of those.

If you are into duality, would love exist without hate.


Know EVERYTHING. Does that include hate and anger? That's why I brought up hate.
Know EVERYTHING. Does that include hate and anger? That's why I brought up hate.

Who should sensor for us?

No knowledge should be denied. Possible age related exceptions. Security issues mostly.

Remember Bush and stem cell research?

I have no worthy comment on your other post.

Gnosticism looks inside, for spiritual answers. It does not depend on what is outside in terms of reading and listening to others tell you what to think and believe. An analogy is needing a new tool to do a task. The choice is invent it for yourself or buy off the shelf. Most people will buy off the shelf because it is easier.

The reason the Gnostics did it the hard way, was connected to the promise made by Christ about the Holy Spirit, who would be left behind, that could teach one all things. This spirit was not for the world or the masses (off the shelf) since the world cannot receive it. It was left to the self sufficient in faith and would help one invent spiritual tools.

1 Corinthians 2:9-13 ESV

But, as it is written, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him”— these things God has revealed to us through the Spirit. For the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God. For who knows a person's thoughts except the spirit of that person, which is in him? So also no one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might understand the things freely given us by God. And we impart this in words, not taught by human wisdom, but taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual truths to those who are spiritual.

Picture Gnosticism as a small group of spiritual inventors, taking the promise of the Holy Spirit to heart, allowing themselves to be inspired, learning even the nature of God, but all from within. This got very esoteric because the spirit used a different language, than the languages of the world. It interprets spiritual truths in ways that only the spiritual can receive and understand. It does not translate easily for the mass mind and became subjugated to politics, and others who manipulate the mass mind.

Jesus promises the spirit of truth, but if anyone tried this, it was considered heresy. The Gnostics had a window in the early days and then had to go underground. They eventually become the alchemists who invent the foundation of modern chemistry and other forms of modern science who would challenge the mass mmd with physical truth.
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All innovators and free thinkers will rise to the top of science as you say and that is why Constantine had the free thinkers killed by his new church. The dark ages and Inquisition followed. What a bastard eh?

As above so below says that we must be completely in tune with the world though so I do not agree wit your,

"It does not depend on what is outside".

The Gnostic Christian archetypal Jesus indicated that all spiritual gifts came to us through the mind. Mind is created by mater so we must embrace mater. The old notion that Gnostic Christians did not think matter to be as perfect, --- as all other things, --- has been dropped by modern Gnostic Christians. If you love your brain/mind, you have to love matter.

As is often the case, Gnostic Christian thinking is embracing the reverse of Christian thinking that sees God cursing the earth when man fell.

As William Blake said, we read white while they read black.

I say that Christians, to a Gnostic Christian, often call evil good.

The problem the church faced was, not only is truth inspired, within in the minds of man/woman, but also lies and deception can also appear to be inspired. The ax murderer also gets an impulse of fire/light. How do you tell the difference? Also the science of the day; in the early Church, was not correct by modern standards, so it a sense it was an illusion in the big picture of things, even of it was a stepping stone? Truth does not change but this would change a lot in the future.

I did a lot of work with the unconscious mind, doing exploration work on my own brain. If you stay within the realm of matter, for the sake of argument (put aside spiritual arguments for the time being), then inspiration would most likely comes from the unconscious mind; subliminal integration. The ego gets the answer.

In my experience, the unconscious mind is not one thing, but it is stacked in distinct and autonomous layers, with the cleanest inspirations deepest in the core layers. The surface layers of the (collective) unconscious are more connected to the shadow side, which a combination of our personal unconscious and our animal instincts, both modified by the superego of culture.

Inspiration coming from this layer can sound good, and give an affirming feeling to you and others around,, but it is not from a clean layer. It is more temporal and has unconscious personal, social and animal agenda. It can still appear inspired and it can have an external charisma, since it is shallow enough for most to sense or feel; both the creator and audience can be unaware of the confidence game, until it shows itself to be a fad and not lingering truth.

The Gnostics would understand this, layering, through their own experience, and kept on working to get past the shadow layer connected to personal pride and social ambition. Below that layer and deeper, the inspiration becomes more selfless and therefore bigger than the ego or the needs of the times.

Joan of Arc was selfless, but personal ambition in those around her; their projection, made many assume this was her motivation. There is confusion at both ends of inspiration. The Gnostic would be often be monks and/or work in isolation, documenting their inspiration, to avoid these conflicts, working toward the core, until they could finally transmit truth from the core; holy spirit.

Gnosticism was/is the most advanced form of psychology, because it goes beyond maximizing ego-centric adaptation within culture. But rather it evolves the collective unconscious so one steps outside of their time. Living in the present becomes like living in the past ,such that the ego, for sake of health, makes the future its present. That leaves one in the flux but not anchored with their contemporaries. This makes little sense in an ego-centric culture, where truth is controlled by propaganda and politics, inspired from the shadow.