Organic agriculture is how almost everybody farmed until the mid twentieth century. It works just fine.
Hmm, from what I can tell, the answer as to why the starving millions aren't fed is politics, not lack of production capacity: world's food supply is abundant, not scarce. The world production of grain and many other foods is sufficient to provide at least 4.3 pounds of food per person a day... According to the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 78 percent of all malnourished children aged under five live in countries with food surpluses (in 1997).
And earlier I noted 80% of the grain produced in the US gets fed to livestock, which most people probably consume more of here than is good for them.
Organic *does*, in some cases, require crop rotation: fallowing, usually one year out of four. This is how Europe went from having poor rocky soil to really good soil, over lifetimes. If someone knows if there's been a way developed to get around the need to fallow a field...
I note we started out with wonderful topsoil and have about six inches of it left in many places.