give your opinion... government lying about technology

This might turn out to be true. The oil companies would want to squelch this if it worked.
Exactly! Just like they squelched solar and wind. Need more proof? Note that there are no solar panels or windmills in the world. PROOF!
Exactly! Just like they squelched solar and wind. Need more proof? Note that there are no solar panels or windmills in the world. PROOF!
Some technologies would be harder to squelch than others. If they control the media and manage to keep the public from knowing that a technology exists, they can be successful at squelching it. If too many people know about it, they can't squelch it.
Some technologies would be harder to squelch than others. If they control the media and manage to keep the public from knowing that a technology exists, they can be successful at squelching it. If too many people know about it, they can't squelch it.
So there are a thousand Youtube videos about magnet motors which means they have kept the public from knowing they exist?

Your theory might have a few holes in it.
Exactly! Just like they squelched solar and wind. Need more proof? Note that there are no solar panels or windmills in the world. PROOF!

Was going quickly through emails and at first thought you had posted "Note there are no solar panels on windmills in the world" :)

Thought what madness is this?

There are no windmills in solar panel farms

Some technologies would be harder to squelch than others. If they control the media and manage to keep the public from knowing that a technology exists, they can be successful at squelching it. If too many people know about it, they can't squelch it.
Isn't it curious. Conspiracies are a bit like diseases - they cluster.

In this case, it appears Moon Hoaxes are co-morbid with Big Energy Squashes.
So there are a thousand Youtube videos about magnet motors which means they have kept the public from knowing they exist?

The internet hasn't been around that long. People are starting to learn about this stuff but what can they do?

Start watching this at the 21:00 time mark.

Fix the World Documentary Part 1
vimeo (dot) com/68460761

Here are parts 2 and 3.

vimeo (dot) com/68427962
vimeo (dot) com/68449999

The links didn't appear in the preview so I had to post them that way. When I did a search on that video in Google, it didn't come up. I found it right away in
So there are a thousand Youtube videos about magnet motors which means they have kept the public from knowing they exist?
The internet hasn't been around that long.
Go to Youtube and search "Magnet motor." About 5 results per page. I stopped counting after the first 50 pages.
People are starting to learn about this stuff but what can they do?
Starting? The first perpetual motion machine was drawn in 1618. The first "magnet motor" was drawn in 1670. You really think that 350 years isn't enough time?
Starting? The first perpetual motion machine was drawn in 1618. The first "magnet motor" was drawn in 1670. You really think that 350 years isn't enough time?
How many people know about this? Not enough to force the forces of evil that are blocking it to allow it.
Anybody can see that the video is just sophistry. It's part of the government damage-control department.

They only gave examples of theories that can't be proven one hundred percent. They didn't show the theories that are no longer theories but facts that aren't recognized by the mainstream such as the Apollo hoax.

I'm one hundred percent sure that the Apollo moon missions were faked in a studio but I'm only about ninety five percent sure that the Manson killings were a government black operation to discredit the counter culture.

I don't know if Princes Diana was just killed by a drunk driver or was bumped by the government. She was taking stands that the government didn't like—she was against the use of landmines—so the theory that she was bumped by the government is not whacky.

John Kennedy Jr. went to Cuba and interviewed Fidel Castro. He was becoming an objective truth-seeker and when he talked, people listened. That was a problem for the government. I think he was probably killed by the government but I'm not one hundred percent sure.

You can either embrace the term conspiracy theorist and psychologically flip the language of the enemy to serve freedom, or you can use the language of the resistance, in which the smear term conspiracy theorist is dropped and replaced with the respectable term informed citizen.
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Anybody can see that the video is just sophistry. It's part of the government damage-control department.

They only gave examples of theories that can't be proven one hundred percent. They didn't show the theories that are no longer theories but facts that aren't recognized by the mainstream such as the Apollo hoax.

I'm one hundred percent sure that the Apollo moon missions were faked in a studio but I'm only about ninety five percent sure that the Manson killings were a government black operation to discredit the counter culture.

I don't know if Princes Diana was just killed by a drunk driver or was bumped by the government. She was taking stands that the government didn't like—she was against the use of landmines—so the theory that she was bumped by the government is not whacky.

John Kennedy Jr. went to Cuba and interviewed Fidel Castro. He was becoming an objective truth-seeker and when he talked, people listened. That was a problem for the government. I think he was probably killed by the government but I'm not one hundred percent sure.

You can either embrace the term conspiracy theorist and psychologically flip the language of the enemy to serve freedom, or you can use the language of the resistance, in which the smear term conspiracy theorist is dropped and replaced with the respectable term informed citizen.
List of conspiracy theories

In the interest of research, can you give your considered opinion of each conspiracy in the above list please.
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Anybody can see that the video is just sophistry. It's part of the government damage-control department.

They only gave examples of theories that can't be proven one hundred percent.
Give yourself some time. In a few years, with hard work, I am sure you will be able to convince yourself 100% that the world is flat. Don't sell yourself short!
In the interest of research, can you give your considered opinion of each conspiracy in the above list please.
I haven't researched most of those. Here's a link to where I gave my view of the 9/11 attacks.

I'm one hundred percent sure that the US government planned and carried out the attacks.

I came across this. I haven't done much research into this issue but I'm not just going to rule it out. It may reflect reality, and it may not.
So is it about drug safety or is it about politics?
If a state pharmacy board, a governor and a state medical association can do a complete 180-degree turn-around, from banning a drug to freely using it, in less than 24 hours, I hope that anyone who is paying attention can FINALLY see that these rules and mandates have nothing to do with drug or patient safety, nothing to do with scientific evidence and nothing to do with effectiveness.

It is all purely about power and control.

Why are they fighting against HCQ so vehemently? If an inexpensive drug with a long history of safe use can treat and prevent the syndrome called COVID-19 caused by a virus called SARS-CoV2, it would completely upend the necessity of a coronavirus vaccine. All that money, all those plans and all that power-grabbing effort on the part of the globalists would be wasted. The Plandemic would be over and humanity would be free.

I've said this before. An objective truth-seeker has neither a naive willingness to believe, nor an a priori incredulity. You people seem to have a naive willingness to believe when you read the official version of things and an a priori incredulity when you read the alternative version of things. You don't use the scientific method.
I haven't researched most of those.
The truth is Freddy, you havn't researched any of it. :rolleyes:
I've said this before. An objective truth-seeker has neither a naive willingness to believe, nor an a priori incredulity. You people seem to have a naive willingness to believe when you read the official version of things and an a priori incredulity when you read the alternative version of things. You don't use the scientific method.
:D You didn't take that disprin and have a good lie down did you Freddy? :rolleyes:
So is it about drug safety or is it about politics?
If a state pharmacy board, a governor and a state medical association can do a complete 180-degree turn-around, from banning a drug to freely using it, in less than 24 hours, I hope that anyone who is paying attention can FINALLY see that these rules and mandates have nothing to do with drug or patient safety, nothing to do with scientific evidence and nothing to do with effectiveness.

It is all purely about power and control.

Why are they fighting against HCQ so vehemently? If an inexpensive drug with a long history of safe use can treat and prevent the syndrome called COVID-19 caused by a virus called SARS-CoV2, it would completely upend the necessity of a coronavirus vaccine.
That's true! Unfortunately that cure does not exist, and all the magical / political thinking in the world will not make it so.

The latest, this time from Nature:
Chloroquine does not inhibit infection of human lung cells with SARS-CoV-2

" . . . We report that chloroquine does not block SARS-CoV-2 infection of the TMPRSS2-positive lung cell line Calu-3. These results indicate that chloroquine targets a pathway for viral activation that is not operative in lung cells and is unlikely to protect against SARS-CoV-2 spread in and between patients."