Betamax is the one who talked about the increase in size.
Well it DOES increase in size and this cannot be explained by depth change.
I just pointed out Betamax's blunder.
Nah, you have not the slightest clue what you are talking about.
First he said that the object was a piece of debris.
is a piece of debris in terms of it being the remains of something. It is probably a piece of ice but could also be something else.
Then, he said that the object increased in size and the increase was too much for it to be a bubble.
Are you really that dumb that you think these two statements are mutually exclusive? It is a piece of debris/ice coming towards the camera it is on a diagonal path.
He had forgotten that a piece of debris wouldn't increase in size at all.
It would if it was coming towards a wide angled lens - are you actually being serious here?
He then attributed the increase in size to its coming close to the camera.
This was always his position - he even quoted where he made that statement. You shouldn't leave links to these threads - he really does kick your sorry butt.
The same thing would happen with the bubble.
Oh really. How does that work then? Bubbles go UP!
Betamax made a big blunder and then he tried to control the damage. It's pretty clear that he was trying to obfuscate some clear proof.
No blunder was made - I think you must be a few sandwiches short of a picnic.
So to summarise, you claim the flat, clearly rotating, clearly jagged, diagonal trajectory bubble coming towards the camera and not vertical is a bubble, because of reasons that you have failed to provide, meanwhile all the other objects firing out of the hatch at a whole myriad of angles don't actually help you understand how colossally dumb your claim is. Is that about right?
And you have the audacity to question people's credibility when you have absolutely none whatsoever. You are clearly a troll trying to play idiot games on as many forums as possible.
You avoided this:
Only 3 seconds before the idiotic "fluttering" video which is being moved by his hand ridiculously fast in water, we see the flag being PUSHED edge first. In water, it is absolutely absurd to suggest that is possible in a viscous medium with drag!"
To add to your unbelievably dumb claim about the obvious NOT bubble we now have the 100% impossible fabric being pushed edge first in water.