George Zimmerman found Not Guilty.

Is this sarcasm? "Reasonable doubt" should not be given to someone that chases down someone, get in a hand fight with them and then shot them dead.

It's not sarcasm. That's the definition of innocence in the US code of justice. How reasonable is reasonable? I don't know. Each incident though will be described according to the perspective of the viewer; Zimmerman's proponents will say that he followed Martin and was engaged in a fight by him. But maybe the fundamental problem is 'reasonability' as a threshold.
Maybe we should ban jewelry to reduce gun crime (gun use during robbery is in the +30% of all gun crime).

If you are seriously comparing the risks of owning jewelry to the risks of owning a gun - you probably shouldn't be allowed to own a gun.

A gun is a deadly weapon that must be handled VERY carefully if it is not to become the instrument of your own death - or the death of a family member. It is nothing at all like a piece of jewelry.

Suicide is NOT being killed by other Americans.

Neither is accidentally shooting yourself with your own gun, or having your 4 year old son shoot and kill you or a family member.

Total gun deaths in the US in 2011: 32,163 (including intentional use, accidents and suicide)
Total car deaths in the US every year: 32,367 (including intentional use, accidents and suicide)

Bad judgement gets lots of people killed each year. In car wrecks, drowning in rivers/lakes, whole bunch of ways bad judgement can get ya killed. Hence the Darwin awards.

Yep. And if that bad judgment is paired with a gun, often other people die as well. Sort of a Darwin award, but for people who are foolish enough to simply be near someone with a gun.
There are many instances where a person is actively breaking into a home, forcefully and violently trying to enter a home, sometimes intoxicated and the police cannot come in time. It must be very frightening to have someone banging on your door in the middle of the night. In those cases i would hope a person had the right to defend oneself and often times people are too afraid to leave the house due to then removing the barrier that the perpetrator was trying to remove to begin with, and also they figure there may be accomplices. That said, i have read a few cases similar to that last example. Seems it would be cruel and unusual to have to allow people to force their way into your home.

Many people wont see it that way unless, of course, it was them on the other side of the door. Then it would be ok.

I didn't say you had to let them in. I'm just saying you don't have to shoot them through the door. Maybe you could just shout out, "Go away, I called the Police." rather than shoot them through the door without a word of warning! I've actually had this kind of thing happen to me. I lived in an apartment complex where people would sometimes walk in because they thought they had the right door. Heck, I've had crack heads try to rob me, I've been in many fights in which they're friends jumped. I've been hit over the head with bottles. Throughout all that, I never felt the need to do excessive harm even when I have people trying to beat the crap out of me. i usually do carry a pocket knife of me, and never have I ever thought to pull it out while in a fight. I've always had an extreme distaste for the pussies that needed to pick up a weapon in a fist fight. I'm so lucky that I made it through all that without being shot! I'm not talking about what should be the law and what shouldn't. I'm talking about how a human life should be more valuable. You should be willing to suffer a ass whoopin if it means nobody has to die. I'm not saying you have to be willing. There are other options though rather than engaging someone who wants to fight you. you could call the cops or run. I just believe that taking a life should be the last resort not the first!
There are many instances where a person is actively breaking into a home, forcefully and violently trying to enter a home, sometimes intoxicated and the police cannot come in time. It must be very frightening to have someone banging on your door in the middle of the night. In those cases i would hope a person had the right to defend oneself and often times people are too afraid to leave the house due to then removing the barrier that the perpetrator was trying to remove to begin with, and also they figure there may be accomplices. That said, i have read a few cases similar to that last example. Seems it would be cruel and unusual to have to allow people to force their way into your home.

Many people wont see it that way unless, of course, it was them on the other side of the door. Then it would be ok.

I didn't say you had to let them in. I'm just saying you don't have to shoot them through the door. Maybe you could just shout out, "Go away, I called the Police." rather than shoot them through the door without a word of warning! I've actually had this kind of thing happen to me. I lived in an apartment complex where people would sometimes walk in because they thought they had the right door. Heck, I've had crack heads try to rob me, I've been in many fights in which they're friends jumped in. I've been hit over the head with bottles. Throughout all that, I never felt the need to do excessive harm even when I have people trying to beat the crap out of me. i usually do carry a pocket knife of me, and never have I ever thought to pull it out while in a fight. I've always had an extreme distaste for the pussies that needed to pick up a weapon in a fist fight. I'm so lucky that I made it through all that without being shot! I'm not talking about what should be the law and what shouldn't. I'm talking about how a human life should be more valuable. You should be willing to suffer a ass whoopin if it means nobody has to die. I'm not saying you have to be willing. There are other options though rather than engaging someone who wants to fight you. you could call the cops or run. I just believe that taking a life should be the last resort not the first!
Yeah well, you say that now while you are young and aggressive. How about when you are old and cant run fast enough? I dont own a gun, as a matter of fact I have never owned a gun, so i wont be shooting anyone. I only heard of this law a few years ago.

I would hope that when I become old I don't become so fearful as to shoot people simply because I was afraid.

The law you referred to in the link is over 100 years old. Did you read the whole page or just google the title?

How long was slavery legal? I don't see how a moral depraved law being on the books for even hundreds of years makes it any less morally depraved.

Honestly, i dont think you guys read or understand things. Too many responses based off of emotion. Stand your ground laws, which I never heard of before a few years ago, are remarkably similar to self defense laws. Do you think they only apply in the U.S?

Does it matter where else it applies. The difference between self-defence and stand your ground, is that if you can run away you don't have too, you can just kill a human being instead. That is not emotional, that is exactly what the law states.
It's not sarcasm. That's the definition of innocence in the US code of justice. How reasonable is reasonable? I don't know. Each incident though will be described according to the perspective of the viewer; Zimmerman's proponents will say that he followed Martin and was engaged in a fight by him. But maybe the fundamental problem is 'reasonability' as a threshold.

I would say it is reasonable if you kill someone there needs to be "reasonable doubt" that that person was not going to kill, maim or rape you for you to avoid conviction. Your still innocent until proven guilty (what ever that means as is it BS because we would not have innocent people in custody or having to pay bail if innocent until proven guilty was really true policy, in reality a person is "suspect" and held to prevent flight until proven innocent, thus they are neither innocent or guilty under the law until a court case determines their state) until they are proven beyond reasonable doubt that that the person you killed was not going to kill you first. Say you catch a robber in your home and shoot him dead, if its found said robber was unarmed and their was no evidence that he attack you, you need to be imprisoned for at least manslaughter in my opinion. Now if you chase a man down, get in a fight with him and shoot him dead, the fault is completely on you, beyond any reasonable doubt! The only exception would be if your a police officer and have the right to stop and question someone, then if they pummel you, you can shot them in "self defence". but Zimmerman, police wantabee, pig to be, did not have that right.
Your still innocent until proven guilty (what ever that means as is it BS because we would not have innocent people in custody or having to pay bail, in reality a person is "suspect" and held to prevent flight until proven innocent, thus they are neither innocent or guilty under the law until a court case determines their state)

The legal term is actually "presumed innocent."
The legal term is actually "presumed innocent."

Well it makes no sense, you would not put someone in custody or make them pay bail to leave if you presumed they are innocent, clearly in actually they are seen as potentially not innocent, warranting being held physically of financially to prevent them from running away.
Well it makes no sense, you would not put someone in custody or make them pay bail to leave if you presumed they are innocent

Because there is sufficient evidence against them to warrant a trial. The outcome is presumed to be "not guilty" - but they must be compelled to show up for the trial. If they are an upstanding member of the community, present no flight risk etc then often they are simply released back to their regular lives to await trial. If it is likely they will try to flee the jurisdiction to avoid going to the trial, then you have bail and/or jail time.
If you are seriously comparing the risks of owning jewelry to the risks of owning a gun - you probably shouldn't be allowed to own a gun.
No. I wasnt seriously comparing the risk of jewelry vs guns. It was in response to the ridiculous claim that if people didnt own guns criminals wouldnt steal them. You would be amazed at how many home burglaries the thief leaves the guns. Its a LOT of trouble to get busted for stealing a gun vs stealing a computer.

Farm I grew up in was robbed once. By a foster child (the only way someone could get past the dogs without killing them). He took money, no guns.

House my ex lived in was robbed once. By a neighbor. He took stuff and money, no guns.

And I like your ending. Thought police. Typical anti-gun effort to restrict freedom. I dont like what you say soooo you probably shouldnt own a gun regardless of whether you threatened anyone, encouraged violence, etc.

Gun ownership is more common in the South (54%) and Midwest (51%) than in the East (36%) or West (43%) -- a finding typical of Gallup's trends in gun ownership by region.

And keep in mind thats self reporting.
No. I wasnt seriously comparing the risk of jewelry vs guns.

Good! Far too many people do, using logic like "You can be killed by a butter knife you know. Why don't you BAN BUTTER KNIVES, huh? That would be the same thing!"

And I like your ending. Thought police. Typical anti-gun effort to restrict freedom. I dont like what you say soooo you probably shouldnt own a gun regardless of whether you threatened anyone, encouraged violence, etc.

Nope. Not even close.

Gun ownership is more common in the South (54%) and Midwest (51%) than in the East (36%) or West (43%) -- a finding typical of Gallup's trends in gun ownership by region.

Interesting. That's also where violent crime is highest.
I would hope that when I become old I don't become so fearful as to shoot people simply because I was afraid.

How long was slavery legal? I don't see how a moral depraved law being on the books for even hundreds of years makes it any less morally depraved.

Does it matter where else it applies. The difference between self-defence and stand your ground, is that if you can run away you don't have too, you can just kill a human being instead. That is not emotional, that is exactly what the law states.

Your life has to be in danger, do you understand that part?
Your life has to be in danger, do you understand that part?

You keep saying that, but you are yet to prove it. If it were truly so than a person could only kill when someone threatened to kill them. A person committing a forcible felony doesn't always intend to end your life. Maybe they are just pounding on the door to see if you are home so if you are not home they can steal your tv. Does that person truly deserve to die? To be shot through the door without any even warning? If so, why don't we execute all burglars?
Your life has to be in danger, do you understand that part?

How do you know your life is in danger? As is with most "stand your ground" laws all you need is to say you thought you were endangered, not actual physical proof you were, I could in theory kill a man and claim he was attacking me, without witnesses testimony otherwise, I would go free. That's simply too subjective for my taste. The courts for EVERY CASE of deadly self defense should decide if the physical evidence justified the suspects claim of self defense, that the suspect was in fact in danger, not that he thought he was. As is the police judge if a case of self defense occurred on the spot, I think that is grossly unfair and open to abuse, rather EVERY CASE of self defense needs review in court.
How do you know your life is in danger? As is with most "stand your ground" laws all you need is to say you thought you were endangered, not actual physical proof you were, I could in theory kill a man and claim he was attacking me

The odd part is that under such laws you could have people killing each other - with no one at fault.

Guy 1: "Hey what are you doing here?"
Guy 2: "What are YOU doing here?"
Guy 1: "I watch out for my family and I check out any strangers around here. You better hold still while I call the cops."
Guy 2: "I live right there and I'M going to call the cops! Don't move, I have a gun!"

Guy 1 reaches for his cellphone. Guy 2 seeing a sudden move, draws his gun. Guy 1 now sees a stranger pointing a gun at him and has reason to fear for his life; he draws and fires his gun in self defense. Guy 2, seeing himself being attacked, fires in self defense. Both are killed. No one is at fault; they were both just "standing their ground."
How do you know your life is in danger? As is with most "stand your ground" laws all you need is to say you thought you were endangered, not actual physical proof you were, I could in theory kill a man and claim he was attacking me, without witnesses testimony otherwise, I would go free. That's simply too subjective for my taste. The courts for EVERY CASE of deadly self defense should decide if the physical evidence justified the suspects claim of self defense, that the suspect was in fact in danger, not that he thought he was. As is the police judge if a case of self defense occurred on the spot, I think that is grossly unfair and open to abuse, rather EVERY CASE of self defense needs review in court.


The same applies for any self defense case.
There are many instances where a person is actively breaking into a home, forcefully and violently trying to enter a home, sometimes intoxicated and the police cannot come in time. It must be very frightening to have someone banging on your door in the middle of the night. In those cases i would hope a person had the right to defend oneself and often times people are too afraid to leave the house due to then removing the barrier that the perpetrator was trying to remove to begin with, and also they figure there may be accomplices.
Just a few weeks ago, right here in the D.C. region, there was a news item about that. A family had recently moved into one of those unimaginative housing tracts where all the homes fit one of three designs. Their teenager sneaked out of an upstairs window to go out carousing with his friends. Coming back drunk, he had a hard time finding his own look-alike house, until he finally yelled, "There it is, the one with the open window on the second floor."

He climbed in the window and the homeowner shot him with his fucking goddamned gun. The teen's family is in inconsolable grief, and the killer is a basket case who will spend the rest of his life in guilt and shame--just like Zimmerman, although he's such a one-percenter he probably doesn't have any feelings so he'll be okay.

Have you ever lived in Ye Olde South or spent anytime at all there?
I've done some consulting gigs in Florida.
I am a southerner and Boy you are just a little harsh.
You're one of our most reasonable and valuable members so please excuse the insult. I'm really steamed about this miscarriage of justice so I'm not in a mood to be civil about it. But that's not your fault, sorry.

I have traveled and lived all over these United States and there are Rednecks everywhere I have been.
Sure, but they were all born into Southern families who migrated after the Civil War, and then again after WWII. Particularly in the Southwest, where cowboys talk with an accent very similar to Southern, and country-western is a single genre of music.

After raising my children for part of their lives in Northern California where African-American culture was pretty much non-existent . . . .
Yes, Mrs. Fraggle and I live in Humbodt County. Lots of Native Americans, but very few Afro-Americans. Nonetheless reggae is arguably the most popular genre of music.

. . . . I took my children back to Northern Florida (my stomping grounds) in part so that they could be introduced to that culture and in part because I missed that culture.
Afro-American culture varies greatly between the regions where hatred and discrimination against them is still rampant, and where they are somewhat more welcome. Here in the Washington DC region (I've been working away from home for years because there are no jobs up there) there is not much "black culture" at all, because this is surely the most well-integrated area in the whole country. D.C. was majority-black until a few years ago (they called it "Chocolate City"), Baltimore still is, and all the suburban counties have a much higher percentage of Afro-Americans than the nation as a whole. Only in DC itself and majority-black Prince George's County MD can you get the feeling of a true "black culture." This is the ultimate melting pot: after all these generations we're finally absorbing the descendants of the slaves.

I know that and I'm sure you know I know that. Here where racial animosity ranges from muted to almost undetectable, people are walking around in a daze. "You mean some asshole actually GOT AWAY WITH THAT?" We're all likely to be easily angered, in between hugging each other.

Let me give you a few examples of racism that I and my children experienced in the Old South.
Well sure. In a region where Afro-Americans are still discriminated against (now they're repealing the Voting Rights Bill so they won't even be able to vote any more) they get rather angry. Duh?

I had the same experience as a kid in Arizona with the Latinos. Fortunately as a li'l baby linguist I got points for trying to learn their language so they gave me some respect. (The Chinese are the same way, a complete stranger will spend 15 minutes tutoring you. But don't try it with the French or Japanese, they'll run away screaming with their fingers in their ears because of your "terrible accent.") We had very little white-black trouble, because of the lingering Frontier mentality that anybody who can carry his weight is an asset to the community; there had been plenty of Afro-American cowboys and although some establishments practiced discrimination it was not insitutionalized and our schools were already integrated when I arrived in 1953. But the Mexicans were "foreigners," even though some of their families had lived there for 200 years. The pachucos beat up quite a few anglos, because their parents had been discriminated against by the anglo parents. When we say "shit flows downhill" sometimes that means simply down to the next generation.

I doubt that you would have that experience in Los Angeles (at least not in the daytime when everybody's sober), and certainly not it my old stomping ground, Tucson.

. . . . I could go on and on, but from here I would like to make my point. this hatred is taught in both black and in white homes.
But you surely understand that we started it. We see the same thing happening in Israel/Palestine. The Palestinians were kicked out of their own land and they're supposed to be philosophical about it because 2,200 years ago somebody did the same thing to the Jews.

Our entire country was founded on stolen land. We have no right to complain if somebody hates us.

Nowhere in America is the animosity and hatred between these two peoples as prevalent as it is in the South, but damn it bombing them is just more hatred . . . .
You probably realize that I don't actually have that red button on my desk so this is all just mouthing off.

. . . . and what is really needed is patience and maybe for one more generation of those ignorant rednecks to die off. Nowhere in your tirade Fraggle did you mention the hatred being taught to the African American children in their homes.
Hatred becomes part of a culture. It's passed down from parents to children on both sides. Look at Northern Ireland. Or even worse, the Sunnis and Shiites. That goes back more than a thousand years! I'm sure many of the children in that part of the world don't even really understand why they hate each other.

Patience, unfortunately, doesn't have a good track record as a strategy for eliminating hatred.

I wonder what this says to other gun totting folks in places like Florida with very relaxed gun laws. Will this verdict embolden those folks? Will this acquittal result in more gun killings? Will Zimmerman kill again? Will he be emboldened with this acquittal?
When a person kills someone, its rather common to be so shaken by how bad it feels, that he will make sure he never does it again. However, Zimmerman seems to be a dedicated loser, so his emotions don't necessarily work the way ours do.

Yet here I am. Still alive. Suicide isnt a crime. Painful for the family, but none the less, not a crime.
Painful for everyone who ever loved you and tried to help you. They all feel guilty. Modern civilizations attempt to convince people not to do dumb shit even if it's legal, so your argument is weak. Besides, suicide actually is a crime in many places. It will also invalidate your life insurance policy so your spouse and kids will be left with nothing.

I love the approach of the anti-gun. You can't have something because a criminal might steal it and/or use it.
You're understating it. It's not just that it might be. It is actually more likely to be used by yourself or someone else to commit a crime than by you in self defense. We're all scientists here, or at least wannabees. Surely you understand probability and statistics. Don't pretend that you don't.

Oh great. There's no official, trusted source on these figures. So you've managed to dig up one that still puts road accidents barely above guns as a cause of death. And we're supposed to fall on our knees and beg your forgiveness, while we wait two more years for the numbers to finally become incontrovertible? Cars, roads and drivers are becoming safer every year, and the traffic death statistics have been falling for fifty years. Meanwhile the number of guns in America keeps increasing and so does the number of gun deaths. I'd say surely you can do that math, but based on your disingenuous opening, I have to wonder.

Suicide is NOT being killed by other Americans.
Well sorry. I should have said "More Americans are killed by Americans with guns than by road accidents," to account for suicides. But then you'd probably say that since a certain percentage of those dead people were not American citizens, my assertion is still false.

You argue like a creationist, not a scientist. You're not interested in the truth, you just want to win the argument.

And finally, 32,367 (all gun deaths including suicide) is 0.01% of 311,800,000 (the population of the USA in 2011). That is 1/100th of one percent. Quite a bit smaller than FraggleMath.
Now you've really revealed your own innumeracy. That's one percent per year. I said that you have a one percent chance that the cause of your death will be a gun. That is a lifetime statistic. The current life expectancy is about 85, so it's really more like 0.85%. Pardon me for rounding.

Your lifetime probability of being killed in a road accident is in about the same range. But it's falling precipitously, so for young people the lifetime odds of being killed by a gun really are greater than a road accident.

Chance of being murdered by an American with a gun? 11,101 (murders via all guns) is 0.003560% of 311,800,000 (population of USA 2011). That is 4/1000th of one percent (I rounded up). FraggleMath... FuzzyMath... you get the picture.
You keep making a fool of yourself. Once again, that is an annual figure, not lifetime. The lifetime probability is .4%, which is less than my 1% because for some ridiculous reason you don't think that suicide with a firearm counts as gun violence.

It certainly does. If you feel rotten and there's a gun in your desk drawer you can pick it up and shoot yourself before you have a chance to think twice. But if you have to figure out what a lethal dose of a drug is and whether you even have that much of it, or steel yourself to the idea of slitting your wrists, or fill your garage with carbon monoxide and take a chance of killing your faithful dog too, or tie a noose and hope you did it right or otherwise you'll hang there in pain for twenty minutes while your brain slowly runs out of oxygen and then your family will find you and pull you down and you'll spend the rest of your life in an institution with an IQ of 50... you'll think twice about it, and then think twice again, and then the odds are very high that you'll change your mind.

Chance of being murdered by an American with a gun? 11,101 (murders via all guns) is 0.005394% of 205,800,000. That is 5/1000ths of one percent.
Per year, dude, per year. I'm talking about the chance of you dying that way, period. In any year of your life. Both road accidents and gun violence, the statistics were calculated the same way.

Yes, the odds that the cause of your death will be somebody else with a gun is only half of that number. But I'm way curious as to why you dismiss suicide by bullet as gun violence. What the hell else is it? If you have a gun in your home and you've been feeling especially down, you can very easily commit suicide. If you don't, it is really, really difficult.

How long was slavery legal?
About 250 years.

Does it matter where else it applies. The difference between self-defence and stand your ground, is that if you can run away you don't have too, you can just kill a human being instead. That is not emotional, that is exactly what the law states.
As I've often postulated and no one has disagreed, the fundamental rule of civilization, which in fact makes civilization possible, is that you may never kill another human being except under present threat of lethal violence (or at least very injurious either to a person or to civilization itself)--in other words, you can defend yourself against someone else who has opted to become uncivilized first.

The reason is that if we each had to devote a considerable portion of our attention, energy and assets to protecting ourselves from each other, the surplus wealth and productivity that drives civilization and makes it possible would be dissipated and we'd be right back in the Stone Age.

This is why I have so little respect for gun lovers: They want to take us back to the Stone Age because civilization is just too complicated and difficult for them.

They illustrate my point. There are now so many guns in America that we're all scared shitless by them. People are changing their habits to avoid being in a place or a situation in which they might be shot. This attention to a risk that should not even be allowed to exist saps our energy and impedes the advance of civilization.
You keep saying that, but you are yet to prove it. If it were truly so than a person could only kill when someone threatened to kill them. A person committing a forcible felony doesn't always intend to end your life. Maybe they are just pounding on the door to see if you are home so if you are not home they can steal your tv. Does that person truly deserve to die? To be shot through the door without any even warning? If so, why don't we execute all burglars?

I agree with many of your points. Although my understanding is forcible means force upon a person or intent to do harm or even the perception that you will be harmed. By perception i mean a real threat to do harm.
Oh great. There's no official, trusted source on these figures. So you've managed to dig up one that still puts road accidents barely above guns as a cause of death. And we're supposed to fall on our knees and beg your forgiveness, while we wait two more years for the numbers to finally become incontrovertible? Cars, roads and drivers are becoming safer every year, and the traffic death statistics have been falling for fifty years. Meanwhile the number of guns in America keeps increasing and so does the number of gun deaths. I'd say surely you can do that math, but based on your disingenuous opening, I have to wonder.
So when you spew out no trusted sources its OK (without providing links) but when I do it including link to NTSB National Highway Transportation and Saftey Admin (dot gov) and

About and Gun Policy News is hosted by the Sydney School of Public Health, the University of Sydney. The School provides internationally recognised leadership in public health by advancing and disseminating knowledge — in this case, supporting global efforts to prevent gun injury.australia)

At least I show my sources. Lifetime odds. National Safety org.

Motor vehicle incident 1-98
Intentional Self Harm (all causes) 1-109
Assault by firearm 1-321 Picture Library/News/web_graphics/Injury_Facts_37.pdf

May 2013:
"Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49 percent lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation's population grew," according to the Pew study.

Well, its become obvious you are so biased you wont Do the Math.
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