gender views cause of incel.

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Maybe you should try to make relationships with others without the motive of having sex with them. Try that first and tell us about it
I tried it before, didn't work. Also, dating books say I must never say that I love someone, only that I want to have sex with them, because if I don't I will get friendzoned and viewed as a weak beta male.
Either way, neither option worked for me. Although the closest I ever came to achieving a real relationship was the sexual road, to be honest.
Sex is love. It shows that someone is willing to accept your flaws and satisfy your needs.

Love is being willing to satisfy somebody else's needs. Mothers love their children and expect nothing in return. (It's an evolutionary thing.)

The incel's problem is that for them it's al me, me, me, me. What can YOU give ME? That attitude probably has a lot to do with their inability to get dates.
The experts wont conduct the studies, so us incels have to do their jobs for them.
The experts wont conduct the studies because they are a part of an anti-male agenda who wants to hide facts about male suffering.
The experiments have been repeated over and over, and remain true. If you dont believe me then be a scientist and test it yourself. It's like gravity. If you don't believe it, test it yourself.

OK. A study of one:

I'm poor. I'm generally not considered unattractive, but this is seriously mitigated by the fact that my body-type/skeletal frame can best be described as petite, albeit tall (like 6 ft, 28 inch waist, 135 pounds) and I'm ridiculously epileptic and prone to falling down and/or acting strangely with alarming frequency. And yet, I've not known any women who gave two shits about any of that--and (for the resident racist, pluto2) this includes plenty of "pretty white ladies."

Further, it's not as though as I've made any sort of conscious effort to avoid the vapid idiots who care only about trivialities (I know they exist; after all, there's people like you and pluto2); it's simply that I've somehow managed--quite easily-- to have never come across any.

Love is being willing to satisfy somebody else's needs. Mothers love their children and expect nothing in return. (It's an evolutionary thing.)

The incel's problem is that for them it's al me, me, me, me. What can YOU give ME? That attitude probably has a lot to do with their inability to get dates.
You and I are not so different.

Your problems with incel thought is actually no different from my problems with female thought.

When women approach the dating game, its always about ME ME ME. Never caring about the male's feelings, they judge him only by how much income and entertainment he will give her, and what his social status will have affect on her own.
OK. A study of one:

I'm poor. I'm generally not considered unattractive, but this is seriously mitigated by the fact that my body-type/skeletal frame can best be described as petite, albeit tall (like 6 ft, 28 inch waist, 135 pounds) and I'm ridiculously epileptic and prone to falling down and/or acting strangely with alarming frequency. And yet, I've not known any women who gave two shits about any of that--and (for the resident racist, pluto2) this includes plenty of "pretty white ladies."

Further, it's not as though as I've made any sort of conscious effort to avoid the vapid idiots who care only about trivialities (I know they exist; after all, there's people like you and pluto2); it's simply that I've somehow managed--quite easily-- to have never come across any.
How poor? Do you have a car and decent home?
What is your race? As I mentioned earlier, women on dating sites tend to be closet racist, and look for either purebred whites, or well-endowed black males.

Also, the epiliptic thing may trigger the female nurse reflex, in the same way women gravitate to cripples or injured males.

Also, you being skinny will only help your odds. Despite Family Guy implying otherwise, chubby dudes usually have a tougher time getting a date.

And since when did I care about trivialities? I dont think pluto did either, he was making the (somewhat racist) accusation that white women care about trivialities, not that he cared about trivialities himself. Also, you seem like a rude bully, which probably increases your attractiveness to women as well. Has to do with sheltering. Protected by the almighty police state, people can go around insulting people, calling them vapid idiots, and get thunderous applause because noone is willing to risk prison to fight them over it. It's like of like what the whites did to the native americans, Native Americans didn't have a gigantic military presence or immunity to disease, so they could just bully them freely, and the women didn't actually care if the white men were physically weaker, or more cowardly, than the Native Americans, because of the white's sheltering.
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Your problems with incel thought is actually no different from my problems with female thought.
"Female thought" isn't as easily definable as incel thought.

When women approach the dating game, its always about ME ME ME.
Again, with that attitude, it's no surprise that you can't get a date.
You and I are not so different.

Your problems with incel thought is actually no different from my problems with female thought.

When women approach the dating game, its always about ME ME ME. Never caring about the male's feelings, they judge him only by how much income and entertainment he will give her, and what his social status will have affect on her own.
Its not reasonable to expect others to socially connect to one's self if one is a burning train wreck. There is a certain point where obliviousness to one's own interests simply begets a form of sociopathy.
"Female thought" isn't as easily definable as incel thought.

Again, with that attitude, it's no surprise that you can't get a date.
It's not my attitude its theres.

When a woman goes for a date she has a long list of demands and expectations. My expectations are simple: Someone to love me, who is not absolutely butt ugly. They can even be chubby, I tried to even date an obese chick once.
Its not reasonable to expect others to socially connect to one's self if one is a burning train wreck.
Society creates the burning train wrecks then conviently says they have no obligation to socially connect with the same train wreck they were responsible for.

There is a certain point where obliviousness to one's own interests simply begets a form of sociopathy.
Not sure what you mean exactly.
I tried it before, didn't work. Also, dating books say I must never say that I love someone, only that I want to have sex with them, because if I don't I will get friendzoned and viewed as a weak beta male.
Either way, neither option worked for me. Although the closest I ever came to achieving a real relationship was the sexual road, to be honest.
You didn't do it right. Go find a woman that you are NOT sexually attracted to and start a relationship of FRIENDSHIP without an arrogant notion that they want to have sex with you.
You didn't do it right. Go find a woman that you are NOT sexually attracted to and start a relationship of FRIENDSHIP without an arrogant notion that they want to have sex with you.
When did I have the arrogant notion they wanted to have sex with me? If they wanted to, I would not be incel.

Also, been there done that, already have female friends.
Society creates the burning train wrecks then conviently says they have no obligation to socially connect with the same train wreck they were responsible for.
The very act of being the social equivalent of a burning train establishes what society is and is not obligated to.

Not sure what you mean exactly.
If someone willfully enters a burning train, they are probably a burning train themselves, so to speak.
The very act of being the social equivalent of a burning train establishes what society is and is not obligated to.

If someone willfully enters a burning train, they are probably a burning train themselves, so to speak.
Like I said, I have been bullied, traumatized, molested, and rejected by society, using the same standards that people are complaining about.

Being rejected for superficial, religious reasons, or because I wasn't good looking, or popular enough, or because I wasn't purebred white or black.

Or being bullied because I was the youngest in my class.

In no way does society get to pretend they have the moral ground and accuse me of being the burning train wreck, it is society itself which is the train wreck joke of a society. Everyone is just hedonist narcissists who stares into the void of their IPOD all day at their slave job, posting their latest dinner recipes to pretend they have class, supporting and voting for corrupt polticians every month and every day, while they wear LOVE t-shirts made in foreign asian sweat shops of child labor, as they eat butchered steak and Pork chops that were factory slaughterhoused.
Dont know what you mean when you say validate depression.
I get the impression, you think drugging people can get rid of negative feelings about lonliness, sexual frustration, and worthlessness. It's unnatural.
No one said life is fair. Change your environment, and or, how it affects you. People aren't born "incel" just as people aren't born racist.

And if I was depressed, yet was really horny and wanted to get laid, I would definitely not be seeking out some supposed "incel" therapist for advice -- the writing is on the wall for that one.
No one said life is fair. Change your environment, and or, how it affects you. People aren't born "incel" just as people aren't born racist.

And if I was depressed, yet was really horny and wanted to get laid, I would definitely not be seeking out some supposed "incel" therapist for advice -- the writing is on the wall for that one.
i plan on saving up money to eventually move, so i suppose that is good advice. Its just he is a nice person, and i dont want to hurt his feelings.
Like I said, I have been bullied, traumatized, molested, and rejected by society, using the same standards that people are complaining about.

Being rejected for superficial, religious reasons, or because I wasn't good looking, or popular enough, or because I wasn't purebred white or black.

Or being bullied because I was the youngest in my class.

In no way does society get to pretend they have the moral ground and accuse me of being the burning train wreck, it is society itself which is the train wreck joke of a society. Everyone is just hedonist narcissists who stares into the void of their IPOD all day at their slave job, posting their latest dinner recipes to pretend they have class, supporting and voting for corrupt polticians every month and every day, while they wear LOVE t-shirts made in foreign asian sweat shops of child labor, as they eat butchered steak and Pork chops that were factory slaughterhoused.
Society doesn't designate you a burning train wreck without you doing it first.
i plan on saving up money to eventually move, so i suppose that is good advice. Its just he is a nice person, and i dont want to hurt his feelings.

You and your therapist should solely be concerned about your feelings.
Yeah, that's the attitude problem I'm talking about. It's never your fault; it's always their fault.
Because it usually is. I try to be nothing but nice and a good partner, and then they give me bs reasons why they can't be with me.
Maybe its because of my zodiac. They don't like my zodiac, because they are primitive and prejudice. Or maybe it's my race. Or maybe I'm not their "type".

In no way is their criterion socially acceptable according to the standards you deem permissible for me to use. Thus, it is called a "double standard".

Society doesn't designate you a burning train wreck without you doing it first.
You are missing the point. If someone is stuck in a hellhole and loses their mind, what does it matter what the hellhole judges them about it? That's like saying someone went to hell, and the demons don't appreciate their attitude, that they should be more cool about the abuse.
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