Fundamental Theory Of Existence.

Sagar Gorijala

Registered Member
1. Any number other than zero can not be divided by zero.
2. Gods can not exist.
3. Universe has no beginning and also there is no end to the existence of the Universe.
4. Existence of anything physical can not be infinite.
5. Space is absolute.
6. Space is three and three dimensional only.
7. Time travel is impossible.
8. Velocity of light is relative.
1. Any number other than zero can not be divided by zero.
Division with zero means converting numerator into zero parts. Zero divided by zero is zero as numerator can be converted to zero parts. To divide any number other than zero into zero parts is not possible. For example 1 can not be divided into zero parts. If 1 can be converted into zero parts then we get 1 is equal to zero which is not possible. If 1 can be divided into zero parts we get 1=0 and it means failure of balance, failure of all equations and also failure of all laws that govern existence. 1 is not equal to zero so 1 can not be destroyed into 0 parts and 1 can not be created from 0. It is clear that creation and destruction between 1 and 0 are impossible. 1 can not be created from 0 and 1 can not be destroyed into zero. Therefore creator and destroyer or to say that Gods are impossible.
2. Gods can not exist.
Universe was never created as creation is impossible. Universe can not be destroyed as destruction is impossible.
3. Universe has no beginning and also there is no end to the existence of the Universe.
Physics "time" is finite. Physics-time can not be infinite. Calendar time is a number and is infinite. Calendar time is not physics-time.
4. Existence of anything physical can not be infinite.
Space is something that can be occupied. Gravity does not bend space. If space can be bent by gravity what does space occupy? Space can not be bent.
5. Space is absolute.
6. Space is three and three dimensional only.
Single dimension is line. Two dimensional is area. Three dimensional is volume. In physical world less than 3 dimensions is impossible also space can not be more than three dimensional. Single and double dimensional objects have virtual existence. In physical existence less than 3 and more that 3 dimensions is not possible.
7. Time travel is impossible.
Universe is changing and there is no earlier or later copies of universe for time travel.
8. Velocity of light is relative.
In the original train experiment velocity of objects traveling in the train were observed to be having relative velocity and light did not seem to have relative velocity. In the original train experiment the train does not carry light, only light source is carried by the train. And velocity of light is relative but its velocity is inversely proportional to change in gravity. As E=mc(c square) light has mass and when it comes to light energy must be considered. As energy and mass are considered velocity of light is inversely proportional to gravity. So in the original train experiment if gravity is not altered velocity of light is also not found to be altered. For ordinary objects velocity is directly proportional to gravity and their velocity is observed to be relative in the original train experiment.
1. Any number other than zero can not be divided by zero. Incorrect
2. Gods can not exist. It is not possible to prove that.
3. Universe has no beginning and also there is no end to the existence of the Universe. Incorrect
4. Existence of anything physical can not be infinite. Sounds good.
5. Space is absolute. Meaningless
6. Space is three and three dimensional only. Incorrect.
7. Time travel is impossible. Probably true.
8. Velocity of light is relative. Incorrect

You're 'fundamental theory of existence' is mostly fundamental errors!
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Looks like yet another relativity crank, trying to mix it up with metaphysical hocus-pocus.

I blame Indian nationalism. :D
If most of the/my theory is flagged as incorrect, what is correct? I can explain any of your doubts, if any.
Take some science courses to find out the current consensus. Your statements are incorrect, so your explanations would necessarily be incorrect, so there is no point.
If most of the/my theory is flagged as incorrect,
What you have posted is not a theory. You've posted a list of postulates.

what is correct?
You are probably right about time travel.

I can explain any of your doubts, if any.
Doesn't quite work that way. If you're going to make assertions (eg. 'Space is absolute'), you need to defend them (repeating the assertion is not defending it).
Place your bets on the number of post (within 10 either side) this thread reaches :)

1. Any number other than zero can not be divided by zero. Incorrect
2. Gods can not exist. It is not possible to prove that.
[Supernatural/paranormal concepts are unscientific and has no evidence]
3. Universe has no beginning and also there is no end to the existence of the Universe. Incorrect
[We do not know whether the universe is finite or infinite]
4. Existence of anything physical can not be infinite. Sounds good.
5. Space is absolute. Meaningless
[Space and time are variable concepts dependent on frames of references]
6. Space is three and three dimensional only. Incorrect.
[Three dimensional space as observed ignores the fourth dimension of time as required by SR and proposed by Herman Minkowski and hencforth known as spacetime]
7. Time travel is impossible. Probably true.
[Forward Time travel is allowed for by the laws of physics and GR; Possibility of Backward time travel is at this time unknown ]
8. Velocity of light is relative. Incorrect
[The speed of light in an invariable concept and a prime postulate of SR and why both space and time considered separately, are variable concepts]

If most of the/my theory is flagged as incorrect, what is correct? I can explain any of your doubts, if any.
As has already been said, you don't have a theory, you have a mixture of statements, mostly that are incorrect..
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You CAN divide an integer by zero, however it equals the whole you had to begin with. An integer with zero divisions equals the whole.

This gives credence to my theory that to divide by zero you add one to what you're dividing, add one to what you're dividing by, and subtract one from the total.


As you may have noted, this calculation is the same as division by one, but as I will retort, the calculation for division by zero INCLUDES division by one. Any other calculations attempting to unify this method of division by zero with other calculations, such as (((6+1)÷(3+1))-1) are STILL dividing by zero by conducting the methodology. :)
You CAN divide an integer by zero, however it equals the whole you had to begin with. An integer with zero divisions equals the whole.

This gives credence to my theory that to divide by zero you add one to what you're dividing, add one to what you're dividing by, and subtract one from the total.


As you may have noted, this calculation is the same as division by one, but as I will retort, the calculation for division by zero INCLUDES division by one. Any other calculations attempting to unify this method of division by zero with other calculations, such as (((6+1)÷(3+1))-1) are STILL dividing by zero by conducting the methodology. :)

In English that is how many zeros does it take to equal one.

Technically an infinite number of zeros would not be enough to equal one. And neither would zero or any negative number.

So you can divide by zero, but its not recommended if your looking for a numerical answer.
3. Universe has no beginning and also there is no end to the existence of the Universe. Incorrect
Technically it is not verifyably true to say that that is incorrect. The big bang theory has some facts that support it but to say that the universe had a beginning is just as unverifyable as god.
Can your calculator divide by zero?



This cat survived being stuck in a box with radioactive materials just to study your math.