A question I have. Is the magnetic field continuous?
If it is continous, can the transmission of the change in magnetic field be faster than light, much as you see the change in the surface of a pond (I realise they are different) is faster than the rate a wave is conducted in that pond.
The electromagnetic force does have an infinite range, however because of the inverse square fall-off (force gets weaker with the square of the distance) there is a practical boundry in which a magnetic field can no longer be detected.
Next, no even though the magnetic field is an infinite force, it does not propogate FTL, but at or less than the speed of light. My laser can also reach an infinite distance, but that doesnt mean it moves faster than light.
As for the pond: your comparing the waves frequency to its propogation rate, wich is a rather irrelevant comparison. I can have an infinite frequency, but until the wave has propgated to the shore I'm on, I won't detect it.
Would you agree than that the velocity vector, based on the model of the change in magnetic field is FTL?
Yes I do agree, the crux of the problem is that this is irrelevant.
Bear with me here:
I am looking at the sky, and I can see the Andromeda galaxy.
I am now spinning around, relativity states that I can pick myself as a stationary referance frame. Thus, I am not spinning but the world is spinning, and the Andromeda galaxy, is spinning around, with a tangential velocity FTL. There are no problems with this, I have just witnessed an object with a speed FTL, and all in accordance with relativity.
Now, the thing is, I can't send
information faster than light (which means a space ship, since it's atoms are information.)
The tangential velocity of an object (or a wave, magnetic fpulse, etc...) is not information.
The reason why your conductor is not FTL information is because it takes time for the photons, which will tell me it's tangential velocity, to reach me, just like it takes time for the light from Andromeda to reach me, I would be recieving the same information from it weather it were spinning FTL or not (ie If I'm spinning in circles, it doesnt affect the time it takes for Andromeda's light to reach me.)