Please define "real intelligence" clearly for us and explain how it leads to at least one useful conclusion regarding the development of life on Earth.
If you cannot do this, I think I'll close the thread, because right now you only seem to be repeating your claims that this "real intelligence" of yours is somehow important, but without actually saying why or what it is about.
I think that I've already defined to you in the OP about the
universal, realistic and
scientific definition of intelligence.
The old definitions of intelligence are probably 80 definitions if we dig all libraries around the world from the time humans knew about science.
The new one that I've discovered is one and it could summarized all 80 definitions.
The definition is
Intelligence is a principle of reinforcing an X (objects) to survive or to exist, and it is always act on asymmetrical phenomenon.
(That is the foundation of the new Intelligent Design <id> and the main argument.discovery in science. It is the Holy Grail in science if you could understand it.
Let us say X is the object for study
X' is the reinforcement to X to survive or exist
You are asking me to share to you the content of my Biology Book that is written separately from this topic. Although I'm hesitant since I've written science book for this, and I don't want to share all my discoveries FREE since many customers had been purchasing my science books, but for your sake, I will share here some.
Take note very carefully that since the definition of the new intelligence is for "...
survive or to exist...", life is included in that definition since LIFE must exist or survive. I mean, if life is X in that definition, then, we can expect or intelligence predicts that life (X) must had been reinforced (X') by any IA to live and to survive here on earth.
Let us be specific, if X is human beings, it is expected that this human beings, to live and to survive on earth, must have a pattern of a reinforcements (X') for the life of humans. And these patterns are always universal to all intelligently designed X (intellen).
Humans has life. Humans to live need eyes (X'), ears (X'), noses (X'), hands (X'), feet (X'), mouths (X')...etc..
Now, for the new Intelligent Design , if there are three X's that we could find to X as pattern, then, X is intellen and it is perfect intellen . But since in my above example, humans have 6 X's, then, for the new Intelligent Design, humans is said to be
important intellen...
Thus, if we knew this, we can say that life did not evolve with time but they had just been interrelating with time. Thus, I had falsified ToE, replaced ToE and gave science a new explanation in Biology.
Why? I will answer next...
OK, I will share you some by using that dedefinigin.
To teh new