Gold Is No More Real Than Cash?
No, gold is much more real than cash. Gold is a very real, rare, useful, and a long used form of currency that is universally accepted as a payment for most debts. If you don't believe that, then go and offer to pay your current debt holders with gold. If any of them have an IQ over 80, then they will accept the gold in a heartbeat over cash!
With gold, silver, ect..., you can't just print up more while your Uncle Ben [Bernanke] is screwing the pooch behind the FedNazi Reserve building. Nor can you just enter a few more zeros on the end of a number string on a computer and magically make more gold!
Unbacked currency is ultimately valueless (especially & including the digital variety), while metals (or other commodities) have a real worth that others are willing to associate a real value to. In other words, when the FedNazi/Wall Street Piggy Ponzi scheme finally collapses under it's own weight, the value of cash will become associated only with it's ability to start a camp fire, or it's ability to wipe away the klingons from uranus, IE: when you're out of a good brand of toliet paper. he-he-he...
In fact, it takes very little gold, silver, oil, ect.. to back a currency that is made up out of thin air. Consider that a $20 gold piece from the early 20th century (say 1913..hint..hint..) would buy you hell of a nice suit of clothes that Gordon Gecko would wear, versus what very damned little a $20 paper bill will get you today at Walmart (Chinamart).
By the way, I have been hearing rumors lately that the paper gold being traded is complete crap. The rumor is that so much paper gold has been created by the Wall Street crooks that there isn't enough actual gold in existance on planet Earth to cover it all if everyone were to try to trade the paper in for real gold bars! This is part of a game that the Wall Street Piggy Pundit-Presstitutes play to make you think that we can't go back to a gold standard. They always say that 'there isn't enough gold to back our currency.' But what this really means is that they and their criminal buddies have sold counterfeit paper "gold," to a bunch of gullible dumb-asses, which never actually existed.
Although there isn't enough gold to cover the "paper gold" that is on the books, this only means that the liars have basically counterfeited the actual gold (using their paper gold). When all the counterfeit paper gold is scraped off the bottom of your shoes, the actual gold can easily back up any (or all) of the currencies of the world. Even if there was only a tiny grain of gold dust available for every $100 dollar bill out in circulation, this would be sufficient backing for the currency. It also gives you a good idea as to what has happened to the value of our dollar during the past 100 years also ! ! !
The automatic result of the price of gold going into orbit will become a necessary fact. But at least the currencies will then have a solid, relatively unchangeable backing that will assign a constant value to the paper bills and will prevent the money changers from adding more worthless paper or digital notes into the system, which is why the "currency" that you hold in your pockets is constantly being devalued/destroyed as you walk around with it every single moment of every day. They literally are stealing the money out of your pockets, every time that they "print" (or borrow) more money, by watering down the dollars that you have in your possession!
Yet Buffett and his buddies keep buying the heck out of it. George Soros (a Nazicrat) is buying the heck out of it. The Chinese government is buying the heck out of it, both openly and through many of it's 4,000+ front companies in the USA. So are many governments quietly buying (or trading for) gold around the world. I have also read that several governments that had their gold held in US repositories are now having their gold moved back to their home countries. In fact, they can't get rid of the FedNazi Reserve notes fast enough to buy gold, silver, oil, land, ect...! ! !
Buffett calling people fools is like the cheesy guy that runs the pawn shop around the corner. He's going tell you that the item you have to pawn/sell is worthless and will give you a tiny fraction of what it's worth. Then later, he's gonna put it on his store shelf and triple his money if he can! Actually, I would trust the appraisal of the cheesiest pawn shop dealer before I would trust the advice of that disgusting traitor, Warren Buffet! His job is NOT to give good financial advice to the general public to help them. His job is to screw the general public whenever he and his buddies can get you all to stampede in mass in a direction that allows him to rip you out of every dime you have.
However, if at some point in the future we find ourselves in a scenario where people are trading only for the bare essentials, such as guns & bullets, water, food, women, goats, camels, ect.., then I would agree that gold & silver will have a lesser value. But this "Mad Max" scenario would be only after the result of a mass depopulation/starvation or economic collapse around the planet. Until such a scenario happens, I'll bet that real gold, silver, and a variety of other commodities (in your direct possession) will have a much greater ability to keep it's value, while the government issued currencies will continue to lose value, thus literally allowing the FedNazi Reserve to steal, every second of every day, money from your bank account/wallet/fruit jar as long as you are dumb enough to try to store your personal wealth in a paper or digital currency that is backed up by absolutely nothing but the hot air & B.S. of a criminal scumbag-run government &/or a bunch of Wall Street Pig Con Artists!
If you think that Buffett-Babe is so hot for dollars (or other types of government issued currency), then try to find out where the bulk of his wealth is invested. I'd bet that very little of his wealth is in dollars, yuan, ect... Buffy will lick his ice cream cone all day long and lie like a dog to you as long as he thinks he can steal the lint out of your pockets. PS: "Fortune" magazine is a p.r. rag for the criminal elites if there ever was one. Those who buy that brand of toliet paper are self-made losers to the max & will eventually fall prey to criminal globalists like Buffy The Vampire-Nazi.
These old criminal clowns have really cleaned up in the currency manipulation game and also by acting as enemy agents and economic saboteurs for various interests around the world. They are traitors to the United States Of America ! ! ! Their profession is to fuck you using many different means, such as currency manipulation, the "Climate Change" scam, by flooding your country with uneducated illegal immigrants who take your jobs for a fraction of what the jobs should pay, by engaging in so-called "Free Trade," which is actually a Slave Trade that will eventually make all of us into a bunch of slaves of these Criminal Elites ! ! ! The end game of the Criminal Globalists is to take away all of your constitutional rights, your jobs, your hope at ever attaining any wealth, your ability to own land, and your ability to have any say in the way your government is run ! ! !
What a con! Really dude? I'll bet that if you cut down every tree on Earth & the FedNazi Reserve made paper notes (with $1,000,000,000 printed on each), you would still never be able to buy all the gold on the planet. No paper currency is more valuable than what any person(s) would be willing to trade their products or labors for. The Number One Rule in business is that the product or service is only worth what others are willing to pay/trade for it. If there is an over-supply of the product/service available to the public, then the value plummets. Anybody want to buy a Snickers bar for $1 billion bucks? That could well happen. On the other hand, I'd bet that no one would have to give more than a tiny flake (or two) of gold dust for a t-bone steak dinner at just about any time in history (slightly more during mass famine and starvation, ...and gold rushes).
I've heard this retarded argument coming from the mainstream-mobster-media and their prostitute-pundits (presstitutes) for many years now. Every time it is suggested that a currency backed up by nothing may eventually become worth nothing, the Wall Street Piggy-Pundits immediately start squealing at the tops of their snouts that "there is not enough gold on the Earth to back up the dollars!"
But the fact is that there has been nothing backing up the dollars other than the misplaced faith of the American People, the false credit scheme (FedNazi Reserve system), and the military might of the USA (soon to be superseded by the chinese military that Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, George Soros, Ted Turner, the Rockefeller Crime Family, Maurice Strong, Breznenski, the Bushys, Comrad Clinton, T. Boone Pickens with his natural gas scheme and fresh water hoarding monopoly, Henry Kissenger, Al Gore with his "Climate Change" scam, David Letterman, Bill Maher...ect... love so much). However, it is true that if you wanted to back up every $20 paper note with a traditional one ounce $20 gold coin, then there would not be anywhere near enough gold. But how long has it been since a $20 dollar gold piece would buy a suit that would cost you nearly $2000 today? Answer: about 100 years.
But if you divide up that one ounce of gold to match the true value of today's currency, then you would accept that a $20 paper note would roughly buy a tee shirt at Walmart today. This means that a $20 paper note today is worth about 1/100th of what a $20 gold piece was worth 100 years ago. Thus, a very rough starting point for the amount of gold to back up a $20 paper note (dollar) today would be somewhere in the range of 1/100th of an ounce gold. Actually, with all the currency games that are being played with the US dollar, through a variety of strong-arm tactics and back-room deals with other countries, the amount of gold that would really be used to back up a $20 dollar paper note would be a hell of a lot less than 1/100th of an ounce of gold. My guess: 1/500th of an ounce of gold (perhaps even a lot less than that).
As I said, other tactics and deals have, in a twisted & criminal kind of way, actually been providing a backing of the US dollar. Also in the past, the US dollar was supported by the strong industrial base that the USA had. This all seems to be coming to an end as the traitors sell us all out. Unless some other completely unforseen currency backing/leverage can be used by the USA, like an invulnerable super-weapon that could be used to force the rest of the world to continue to use the US dollar, then we are looking at a collapsed currency like so many other nations around the world. There is also the very slim possibility that the American People will finally pull their collective heads out of their assholes, enforce a gold backed currency standard, & finally convict all of these Criminal Elites_______
____The Financial Collapse Is An Inside Job____
"I have news for you, gold isn't any more real as money than cash. We absolutely don't have enough gold to back our money, and it hasn't been that way for a long time. Nor does it matter."
No, gold is much more real than cash. Gold is a very real, rare, useful, and a long used form of currency that is universally accepted as a payment for most debts. If you don't believe that, then go and offer to pay your current debt holders with gold. If any of them have an IQ over 80, then they will accept the gold in a heartbeat over cash!
With gold, silver, ect..., you can't just print up more while your Uncle Ben [Bernanke] is screwing the pooch behind the FedNazi Reserve building. Nor can you just enter a few more zeros on the end of a number string on a computer and magically make more gold!
Unbacked currency is ultimately valueless (especially & including the digital variety), while metals (or other commodities) have a real worth that others are willing to associate a real value to. In other words, when the FedNazi/Wall Street Piggy Ponzi scheme finally collapses under it's own weight, the value of cash will become associated only with it's ability to start a camp fire, or it's ability to wipe away the klingons from uranus, IE: when you're out of a good brand of toliet paper. he-he-he...
In fact, it takes very little gold, silver, oil, ect.. to back a currency that is made up out of thin air. Consider that a $20 gold piece from the early 20th century (say 1913..hint..hint..) would buy you hell of a nice suit of clothes that Gordon Gecko would wear, versus what very damned little a $20 paper bill will get you today at Walmart (Chinamart).
By the way, I have been hearing rumors lately that the paper gold being traded is complete crap. The rumor is that so much paper gold has been created by the Wall Street crooks that there isn't enough actual gold in existance on planet Earth to cover it all if everyone were to try to trade the paper in for real gold bars! This is part of a game that the Wall Street Piggy Pundit-Presstitutes play to make you think that we can't go back to a gold standard. They always say that 'there isn't enough gold to back our currency.' But what this really means is that they and their criminal buddies have sold counterfeit paper "gold," to a bunch of gullible dumb-asses, which never actually existed.
Although there isn't enough gold to cover the "paper gold" that is on the books, this only means that the liars have basically counterfeited the actual gold (using their paper gold). When all the counterfeit paper gold is scraped off the bottom of your shoes, the actual gold can easily back up any (or all) of the currencies of the world. Even if there was only a tiny grain of gold dust available for every $100 dollar bill out in circulation, this would be sufficient backing for the currency. It also gives you a good idea as to what has happened to the value of our dollar during the past 100 years also ! ! !
The automatic result of the price of gold going into orbit will become a necessary fact. But at least the currencies will then have a solid, relatively unchangeable backing that will assign a constant value to the paper bills and will prevent the money changers from adding more worthless paper or digital notes into the system, which is why the "currency" that you hold in your pockets is constantly being devalued/destroyed as you walk around with it every single moment of every day. They literally are stealing the money out of your pockets, every time that they "print" (or borrow) more money, by watering down the dollars that you have in your possession!
"In his excellent investing primer in Fortune (an excerpt of his forthcoming Annual Letter), Warren Buffett devotes a few paragraphs to gold and the fools who worship it. .......
He also explains why gold is generally a crappy investment, even if its price in dollars goes up from time to time (as it has over the past decade)."
Yet Buffett and his buddies keep buying the heck out of it. George Soros (a Nazicrat) is buying the heck out of it. The Chinese government is buying the heck out of it, both openly and through many of it's 4,000+ front companies in the USA. So are many governments quietly buying (or trading for) gold around the world. I have also read that several governments that had their gold held in US repositories are now having their gold moved back to their home countries. In fact, they can't get rid of the FedNazi Reserve notes fast enough to buy gold, silver, oil, land, ect...! ! !
Buffett calling people fools is like the cheesy guy that runs the pawn shop around the corner. He's going tell you that the item you have to pawn/sell is worthless and will give you a tiny fraction of what it's worth. Then later, he's gonna put it on his store shelf and triple his money if he can! Actually, I would trust the appraisal of the cheesiest pawn shop dealer before I would trust the advice of that disgusting traitor, Warren Buffet! His job is NOT to give good financial advice to the general public to help them. His job is to screw the general public whenever he and his buddies can get you all to stampede in mass in a direction that allows him to rip you out of every dime you have.
However, if at some point in the future we find ourselves in a scenario where people are trading only for the bare essentials, such as guns & bullets, water, food, women, goats, camels, ect.., then I would agree that gold & silver will have a lesser value. But this "Mad Max" scenario would be only after the result of a mass depopulation/starvation or economic collapse around the planet. Until such a scenario happens, I'll bet that real gold, silver, and a variety of other commodities (in your direct possession) will have a much greater ability to keep it's value, while the government issued currencies will continue to lose value, thus literally allowing the FedNazi Reserve to steal, every second of every day, money from your bank account/wallet/fruit jar as long as you are dumb enough to try to store your personal wealth in a paper or digital currency that is backed up by absolutely nothing but the hot air & B.S. of a criminal scumbag-run government &/or a bunch of Wall Street Pig Con Artists!
If you think that Buffett-Babe is so hot for dollars (or other types of government issued currency), then try to find out where the bulk of his wealth is invested. I'd bet that very little of his wealth is in dollars, yuan, ect... Buffy will lick his ice cream cone all day long and lie like a dog to you as long as he thinks he can steal the lint out of your pockets. PS: "Fortune" magazine is a p.r. rag for the criminal elites if there ever was one. Those who buy that brand of toliet paper are self-made losers to the max & will eventually fall prey to criminal globalists like Buffy The Vampire-Nazi.
These old criminal clowns have really cleaned up in the currency manipulation game and also by acting as enemy agents and economic saboteurs for various interests around the world. They are traitors to the United States Of America ! ! ! Their profession is to fuck you using many different means, such as currency manipulation, the "Climate Change" scam, by flooding your country with uneducated illegal immigrants who take your jobs for a fraction of what the jobs should pay, by engaging in so-called "Free Trade," which is actually a Slave Trade that will eventually make all of us into a bunch of slaves of these Criminal Elites ! ! ! The end game of the Criminal Globalists is to take away all of your constitutional rights, your jobs, your hope at ever attaining any wealth, your ability to own land, and your ability to have any say in the way your government is run ! ! !
"If you molded all the gold in the world into a cube, Buffett says, it would be about 68-feet per side. This is four feet shorter (and considerably wider) than a tennis court. As Buffett observes, it would fit comfortably in the middle of a baseball infield."
What a con! Really dude? I'll bet that if you cut down every tree on Earth & the FedNazi Reserve made paper notes (with $1,000,000,000 printed on each), you would still never be able to buy all the gold on the planet. No paper currency is more valuable than what any person(s) would be willing to trade their products or labors for. The Number One Rule in business is that the product or service is only worth what others are willing to pay/trade for it. If there is an over-supply of the product/service available to the public, then the value plummets. Anybody want to buy a Snickers bar for $1 billion bucks? That could well happen. On the other hand, I'd bet that no one would have to give more than a tiny flake (or two) of gold dust for a t-bone steak dinner at just about any time in history (slightly more during mass famine and starvation, ...and gold rushes).
"We absolutely don't have enough gold to back our money, and it hasn't been that way for a long time."
I've heard this retarded argument coming from the mainstream-mobster-media and their prostitute-pundits (presstitutes) for many years now. Every time it is suggested that a currency backed up by nothing may eventually become worth nothing, the Wall Street Piggy-Pundits immediately start squealing at the tops of their snouts that "there is not enough gold on the Earth to back up the dollars!"
But the fact is that there has been nothing backing up the dollars other than the misplaced faith of the American People, the false credit scheme (FedNazi Reserve system), and the military might of the USA (soon to be superseded by the chinese military that Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, George Soros, Ted Turner, the Rockefeller Crime Family, Maurice Strong, Breznenski, the Bushys, Comrad Clinton, T. Boone Pickens with his natural gas scheme and fresh water hoarding monopoly, Henry Kissenger, Al Gore with his "Climate Change" scam, David Letterman, Bill Maher...ect... love so much). However, it is true that if you wanted to back up every $20 paper note with a traditional one ounce $20 gold coin, then there would not be anywhere near enough gold. But how long has it been since a $20 dollar gold piece would buy a suit that would cost you nearly $2000 today? Answer: about 100 years.
But if you divide up that one ounce of gold to match the true value of today's currency, then you would accept that a $20 paper note would roughly buy a tee shirt at Walmart today. This means that a $20 paper note today is worth about 1/100th of what a $20 gold piece was worth 100 years ago. Thus, a very rough starting point for the amount of gold to back up a $20 paper note (dollar) today would be somewhere in the range of 1/100th of an ounce gold. Actually, with all the currency games that are being played with the US dollar, through a variety of strong-arm tactics and back-room deals with other countries, the amount of gold that would really be used to back up a $20 dollar paper note would be a hell of a lot less than 1/100th of an ounce of gold. My guess: 1/500th of an ounce of gold (perhaps even a lot less than that).
As I said, other tactics and deals have, in a twisted & criminal kind of way, actually been providing a backing of the US dollar. Also in the past, the US dollar was supported by the strong industrial base that the USA had. This all seems to be coming to an end as the traitors sell us all out. Unless some other completely unforseen currency backing/leverage can be used by the USA, like an invulnerable super-weapon that could be used to force the rest of the world to continue to use the US dollar, then we are looking at a collapsed currency like so many other nations around the world. There is also the very slim possibility that the American People will finally pull their collective heads out of their assholes, enforce a gold backed currency standard, & finally convict all of these Criminal Elites_______
____The Financial Collapse Is An Inside Job____