Forgive me, I am Draqon.

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Valued Senior Member
The ghost of Draqon, a selection from his last 1100 posts:

well even so, even if I did, for me to be so rude and call someone out like that would be highly improper.

Asian girls are so pretty, smart, intelligent, and healthy.

lemme guess Avatar, you are settled with life, you got no major philosophical questions and your probably settled with a wonder you dont need an internet. It all makes sense.

Nonsence. We are the most intelligent and most civilized of all the species ever to live in this universe. We will leave our mark and we will prosper and fight for our survival and those who stand against us will face WAR.

Humans are the purest and most intelligent entities, we are entitled to our place in the universe and we will survive and live forever.

people they took my yogurt, about 5lbs of it, that I bought back in Russia!!! The US Costums S., took it.

I fully support the Saudi Arabian banning of dogs and cats, because they are indeed used for flirting and sexual connections. This is simply unacceptable in the Arab world.

kids more important than space?!!!!! :mad: what nonsense is that?!!!!!!! The kids are already getting tons of money, NASA is not getting close to enough it should be getting.

Excuse me, but would you stand still with a jar on your head and lots of animals running at you?

its 7am here, there are no people around me, I am in university alone with a 60 year old janitor cleaning the floor with a vacuum machine :rolleyes:

People I demonstrated the art of threadicide, here. Its was for a purpose. do know of the best way to go to sleep, right?

look I dont want to sound like a pervert, you guess ok

"Here kiddies I got some chocolate candies"....

Some people remind of myself in flowing rivers of time. All my life the more I see other people the more I see myself and the more I become distant from myself who I once was. In time there will be a person just like you and I and unlike us all he will find the key to life, he will understand the way to control time. At that point he will become God, the only God we ever knew, the only God we ever know and will ever know. That God will have the power to create and destroy, after civilization were he was born will fall and another shall rise, a miriad more civilizations he will witness, and not one will he touch, until a new God will come to light, that God will be the new human to understand a way to control time...but it will be him, the God who always existed...and history will repeat itself neverending cycle looping in eternity

well I keep on asking this Muslim girl to marry me, but she keeps on declining...I guess she does not want to be my intimate Muslim friend...citing it on how old she is...

I am not a method, I am a person as unreal and virtual as I seem to be.

Forgive me, I am dragon

I will go to sleep soon.

No I am not making up lies, I am just dramatizing the scenery to make my life and yours more lively.

No Cosmic, I am not the insane dude I portray myself on Sciforums as. I am a normal kid with educational goals and such...I just got no time, I got duties to my parents, and I am always busy.

We will leave this planet Earth in the distant 35th century, by that time the planet will be so environmentally collapsed that UV rays from space will destroy all life and the thick metal shields that protected us from nuclear bombs of our enemies above us will no longer protect us...and that is when we will leave

I am a student, my parents pay for my 20k education, I got no time for a job, my life is dull, the money I get is enough for food and classes and all. I use internet in public university computers.

please, the only thing I am obsessed with is: Sciforums, Space, Asian girls, and staying healthy. That is all.

my life is dull. I got no friends. No girlfriends. I am alone. single. I got no life. My classes drag on forever even this summer. My future is bleak. I should go hang myself, but think suicide is immoral. Like, this is the only thing there is in this life, the Sciforums.

errr I am not a genius...

if you don't see the point than you don't need it.

please do not use foul words.

Because I got eyes given to me from God. My eternal blissful gaze can see and gasp into eternity.

I dont have much to show. No wonder I am shy in front of the girls.

draqon said:
I did not say everyone is immoral, I only said western women are immoral.

Enmos your image is ripping the space time continuum of this site bandwich


Norsefire, would you be interested in a game of poker? If the wage was life and death...loose and a bullet is the prize and win and I get the bullet.

Are you kidding me...what do you think the banana represents in Roman's avatar?

doesn't anyone else want to live in the future?

I do not feel.

I cant be hurt. I also cant be loved.

My goal is to make everyone as cold as stone, have no hate and no love. My goal is to make you accept the reality and go on without it.

perhaps we are our own creations. And we already did create a creature of free will, its just we chose not to know of our past deeds.

draqon said:
you know I had like 9 virtual sex sessions on runescape...hehehe

I envision a room with white walls, one door, one window and one door to small bathroom. And a mattress on the floor for me to sleep. This is Nirvana.

I am also a creepy nerd who's waaaaay too Russian and has everything with his back allright. :D

My IQ is precisely 0, since I never bothered to measure the IQ...and for stating such an illogical statement one would precisely assume that yes my IQ does have a limit approaching 0.

I have been watching life, closely.

Myles...I just want my body to be left space...floating amongst stars

Cosmic, a person of such a good charisma and good character as yourself would undeniably never take advantage of innocent 21 year old who has not much to see the light of life...

at times I think...why not just go back to Russia and spit on all this **** around me, on all these Americans and just go back and who knows what I will be doing there, but at least I will feel happy...oh gush....*inner cry*

spiders have a calming effect on me...

She can be arrested in a more direct approach, by granting her a small cylindrical piece of metal.

clingy is a Western term. Noble, Moral, and Loyal is a term more applicable to Asian girls.

draqon said:
well becuase Western girls are less intelligent and less healthy and not honor at all...

I am a human, it is my duty to isolate the aggressors to the human society and destroy the hazard they present to the human world. For human World is the normal by which everything else is to be judged upon, and this World has nothing wrong with it. We are the rulers of this universe and we have in our power to decide and judge everything else that is not normal.
He'll not be missed by me.
the babies quote made me laugh uncontrollably and all of my family thought i was going crazy.. but it worries me when i read him saying that sciforums is the only thing keeping him alive, and that he was banned..
I predict he'll be back. Anyhow, his thoughts and philosophies are so out of whack, he needs to reconnect with the real world. I think the mods actually did him a favour, to be perfectly honest. If it's going to make him suicidal (didn't know it was that severe), then the sooner the intervention, the better.
'S cool really. I'm sick of being told how I'm an excuse for a female and how I'll never conceive a healthy baby and all that bollocks.
You're an excuse for a female, and you'll never conceive a healthy baby. :)

And seriously, that guy needed a break. I know a bunch of you miss him, but think about how much time he was spending here. He was an an addict. I just hope he's not getting his fix on some other forum.
Ahh....y'all be cool with my boy Draq, he might be a little out there...but that's what makes him special and deserving of his own little thread.

I know your reading this Draq...I miss you bro. :)

(we ain't group huggin' or nothin' so don't get any ideas :))
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Wow....Anything like a temporary ban would likely make him swell with anger. He tried so hard to be a perfect angel. :(

Prolific posting??
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