You know, the problem with laboring to construct such a straw man is that at some point you actually need to stuff it.
Let me know when you're ready to try something other than desperately changing the subject.
1- not a straw man- it's an analogy and it is perfectly accurate
the bulk of your argument and posts are about the refusal of the legal system to actually prosecute the laws we have in place: therefore, taking an analogous tool that is also a part of society, it would be the same as the above mentioned.
2- it isn't changing the subject. let me reiterate: the bulk of your argument and posts are about the refusal of the legal system to actually prosecute the laws we have in place
lets review that again, T...
the bulk of your argument and posts are about the refusal of the legal system to actually prosecute the laws we have in place...
plus, you are intentionally misrepresenting "responsible" gun owners (obvious as you choose to typically put the word "responsible" in quotes) because you want a criminal act to be punished (well, so do i) but they were NOT... but somehow that is the fault of everyone else BUT the legal system?!?!?!!
You don't even hide the fact that you group anyone who claims to be a responsible gun owner in with the group of criminals who were not responsible... again as demonstrated by your use of quotes and choice of argument while ignoring,
IGNORING the fact that it was the fault of the legal system in most of your cases.... NOT, and i must repeat this....
not the fault of "responsible" gun owners. it is
NOT responsible to shoot a kid with an unloaded gun anymore than it's responsible to let a 5 year old to play with your loaded one. that is NOT responsible... it is
criminally negligent!
you want to fight about what constitutes a definition of
responsibility while ignoring the fact that it is the court and legal system being the irresponsible one! Where is your righteous indignation in the lack of prosecution? why aren't your arguments targeted at the "
responsible prosecutor representing the people and the state"????
lets review:
The "responsible gun owner" who shot someone in a movie theater last year? Or how about the one who shot someone in a movie theater
this year↱?
you see? your misinterpretation of reality (and the word responsible) and the refusal of the legal system to actually prosecute the laws we have in place (this is
analogous to the "responsible car owner" who didn't service their vehicle and drove into a theater killing [x]# people.)
There was the "responsible gun owner" who killed his seven year-old son while illegally carrying a handgun he apparently thought was unloaded but didn't check.
your misinterpretation of reality (and the word responsible) and the refusal of the legal system to actually prosecute the laws we have in place (this is
analogous to the "responsible car owner" who ran over his kid because he wasn't paying attention)
Or the sheriff's deputy who left a gun for his three year-old to find and kill himself with?
your misinterpretation of reality (and the word responsible) and the refusal of the legal system to actually prosecute the laws we have in place (this is
analogous to the "responsible car owner" who let his three-year-old have the keys to the car and drive ... and the kid got killed in an accident)
like "responsible gun owners" head on down to the range and someone ends up
shooting a child↱.
your misinterpretation of reality (and the word responsible) and the refusal of the legal system to actually prosecute the laws we have in place (this is
analogous to the "responsible car owner" who isn't paying attention to the road, in public or on a race-track, who kills a pedestrian -lets just assume it's a kid who ran out on the track to get a better view, because obviously an adult would never do that... which, ironically enough, i just watched happen in a video recently in a French mountain race )
now, T... i can PROVE this is the motivation and argument that you are intentionally making...because you have said this
That "responsible gun owner" should never handle a firearm again. If there was any real accountability, that's what would happen.
again, you misrepresent "responsible"... if there was a criminally negligent driver who ran over a bus full of nuns escorting children, that person would not be considered "responsible driver" would they... NO they wouldn't.
and your non-sensical argument of
"Every "responsible gun owner" is a "responsible gun owner" until he or she isn't" is crap, because this applies to cars, busses, tankers, trucks, and everyone else in life...
it is how the court system and cops stay in business because, like it or not, this is the exact same thing as saying :
Every "responsible citizen" is a "responsible citizen" until he or she isn't... and since i don't see you advocating for the removal of rights from all citizens on the potential possibility that they (you) may, at some time in the future, become irresponsible... then your argument is actually the strawman (unstuffed, to boot).
lets re-cap: it isn't changing the subject to keep pointing out that the primary argument of yours is a strawman, and flawed fatally, because you are
not only intentionally misinterpreting and misrepresenting the legal (and every other) definition of "responsible" , but your argument (as noted above) has nothing to do with the gun laws or the responsible gun owners (of which there are tens of thousands for every irresponsible idiot you've posted about above)
the bulk of your arguments are NOT about "responsible gun owners", but rather
irresponsible prosecutors who don't actually enforce the existing laws
so the only one here that is changing the subject is you... by ignoring the part played by the legal system and intentional misrepresentation of definitions. and by repeating the exact same argument ad nauseum while ignoring the fact that you are actually reinforcing MY argument