Finish my Sentence

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I was dining on roast beef sandwiches at the time, but my guilt was short lived, for the scan showed that my unborn calf was in reality a large overgrown ......
uncontrolled chaos to the wee people who lived underneath the mushrooms that needed fireflies in order to
melancholy of compulsive nose-picking, something I would like to share with you, so let's see here....probing now.....deeper ...ooh a nice sticky one..... removing finger now & what a surprise, there on the end of my digit I found .......
A piece of what I perceive to be brain matter ( having seen similar matter once on a documentary )
The question is....firstly, is it really brain matter, secondly, if it is, have I done any harm to my brain....if I have done harm and removed part of my brain, do I have the capability of working out what to do with it....maybe I should just push it back up again and see what happens.... here goes...oh no.. its
actually part of my inner ear, I should have known because of the waxy build up on that thing but I was confused not ever reaching that far up there before but I've put it back, I think, time will tell ...if only I could stop the ringing in my
rectum, can't take a crap without listening to the Big Ben chime and when I fart I hear God save the Queen as if played on a glockenspiel but the strangest thing is I don't ....
seem to smell anything......must have damaged something in my nose when i stuck my finger up there...going to check my nose now see if its ok....whats this? oh no it's
a pterodactyl, how the hell, what gives....I was thinking flying reptile and pulled one out of my proboscis and now I'm thinking a gorgeous woman, so I stick my finger up there and voila, a beautiful .......
head of blonde hair is her face...beautiful green of her body clothes.. naked...pert of her body starts to appear...but whats this...she is scaly....oh no..she a mermaid...what will i do...cant throw her back...all I can do is....
cancerous considering the #4 Black Fury Treble Hook Mepp hanging from her lower lip had caused quite an infectious sore to occur, so like Androcles and the Lion I removed it and she swam away only to reappear later to reward me with .....
a large artifical vagina that she fouund in Davy Jones' locker after he had finished with it but I thought she might...
want me to fertilize the roe that was oozing from her ovipositor but I was afraid she might mistake my trouser snake for a ......
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