Film/Movie Recommendations

Nice huge poster, Cosmic. I had to walk across the room to read it.

A good movie, however, I watched yesterday with my wonderful son. Quentin Tarantino's "The Hateful Eight". Bloody and gorey and everyone is very nasty. An excellent study in human complexity.
Disney's remake of the Lone Ranger was really neat. Second watch-through was yesterday. :) Looks like someone who grew up with the series answered a bunch of questions that were pertinent to the story. Who is the Lone Ranger anyways? Where did he come from and how did he become who and what he was? Same for Tonto and Silver as well. My respect and admiration for Johnny Depp has gone up even more. He did a wonderful job with Tonto. I watched it twice. I really enjoyed it the first run-through.....then enjoyed it even more the second time around. Great movie indeed. :D
A good movie, however, I watched yesterday with my wonderful son. Quentin Tarantino's "The Hateful Eight". Bloody and gorey and everyone is very nasty. An excellent study in human complexity.
I didn't dislike it, but I found it somewhat more form over substance, and the pacing was rather stodgy in comparison to his earlier stuff. Looked good, sound was good, acting good, but the pacing and the story-telling... not quite up to what I was hoping. Although that may be more due to the high expectations I had for it.
Disney's remake of the Lone Ranger was really neat. Second watch-through was yesterday. :) Looks like someone who grew up with the series answered a bunch of questions that were pertinent to the story. Who is the Lone Ranger anyways? Where did he come from and how did he become who and what he was? Same for Tonto and Silver as well. My respect and admiration for Johnny Depp has gone up even more. He did a wonderful job with Tonto. I watched it twice. I really enjoyed it the first run-through.....then enjoyed it even more the second time around. Great movie indeed. :D

Who the Lone Ranger was & where he came from was answered in the 1st episode of the TV series. I do not recall whether it was in the radio series. Glenn Strange played a bad guy in that episode.

Just saw dunbirk. Really enjoyed it. Puts life back into perspective.

Almost everyone has a cross to bear in some fashion whether others realize it or not. This is why hatred, envy, jealousy etc are so wrong. We should never add to others pain or assume they have no problems or try to bring others down because we think ours are worse. People do this so often selfishly. Life is hard enough without that. We complain about life not going our way but many have sacrificed and suffered so we can live our lives. You never know how our lives/destiny can go and there are people and forces outside of us that will affect it for good or worse. Dont be that worse, even if those who practice evil, dishonesty and greed seem to win or gain. And then there is the pain of their parents who have to let go of their babies off to fight in a war they did not cause, never seeing their kids fulfill their lives or dreams.

No matter what you suffer, there are others who have suffered the same or worse. You are not alone in this struggle called life.
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The men left behind after the evacuation.

After the last rescue boats left Dunkirk harbor on June 4, 1940, the Germans captured some 40,000 French troops who’d been left behind as well as at least 40,000 British soldiers in the Dunkirk vicinity. Theirs is a story that is often overlooked, but for the next five years, until the war’s end, large numbers of these POWs would be mistreated and abused in violation of Geneva Convention guidelines governing the sick, wounded, prisoners of war and civilians. As described in Dunkirk: The Men They Left Behind, by Sean Longden, some were summarily executed. The POWs were denied food and medical treatment. The wounded were jeered at. To lower officer morale, the Nazis told British officers that they would lose their rank and be sent to the salt mines to work. They were forced to drink ditch water and eat putrid food. As noted by Longden: “These dreadful days were never forgotten by those who endured them. They had fought the battles to ensure the successful evacuation of over 300,000 fellow soldiers. Their sacrifice had brought the salvation of the British nation. Yet they had been forgotten while those who escaped and made their way back home were hailed as heroes.”


The last supper was a gutsy film which did not hold back any punches. The reason why it was so gutsy is because it showcased what the leftists had to suffer from a society that was mostly controlled and populated by the right, which wouldn't be a problem except they tend to be ignorant and of less merit and less evolved but nonetheless have more rank/entitlement as well as greater power in numbers. This film showcases the fantasy of annihilating those humans in society that make our lives more like unfair, difficult, exasperating, degrading, regressive etc and have contempt for because of those reasons. The ending was not fair, imo, because they in essence were correct. If you could get rid of the less worthy or assholes, then life would be better but only in the fantasy world. Kind of funny in that many have had fantasies of 'offing' those we dislike or we deem shouldn't be breathing.

I don't think this film got a lot of publicity back in 1996 and I did wonder about the general audience reaction because the majority would have been more likely to have been the guests about to be knocked out, meaning few would have been able to sympathize, identify with or understand the protagonists/leftists. Except for the minority in a sizable majority at the time of this film, the future progressives were being born around this time/era so that the leftists would actually have a space/voice/power in the world. These are the young idealists of today in their twenties. You could hardly get away with expressing any progressive ideals, opinions and ethics back then. It was just not acceptable as it was still a society that was of a conservative, religious, and prejudicial social climate/politics. So this was like a breath of fresh air. Like finally someone is expressing the insanity of it all?!

In a world dominated by the conservatives or of that nature which are often infuriatingly and ridiculously less worthy in many respects, this was a direct punch to their face (conservatives/right-wing) from having to live/exist relegated to the woodworks. Kind of like the bullied nerd getting their revenge on an ignorant, entitled populace.
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The husband and I went and saw "Atomic Blonde" last night and loved it. Our only regret is that we waited so long. Might well be the best movie of the summer.
Well let me say this about that:::

I didnt watch Atomic Blond but i did watch the trailer...

So from that alone i will now list the prollems the film has:::

The music...
fight scenes...
car chase scenes...
sesual content...
an actin was all grate.!!!

Thats right... nothin negative to say about it...
Cant wait to see it.!!!