/I think the Iraqi captors should be presumed innocent until proven guilty.
Legally sure, but otherwise - shoulda woulda coulda, the most likely suspects are always suspected. We're a finger pointing species eh? Besides, their guilt is part of the propoganda war.... from the perspective of the military - attempting to justify their existence, etc, it's a beautiful opportunity to save some face.
/She was simply doing her job. She was badly injured. She was a prisoner of war.
Yeah that's a drag, but it happened and time is a bit stubborn about reversal.
/She was made use of very cynically and dishonestly by the U.S. propaganda machine.
What do you expect from a propaganda machine?
/She was feted by the media whereas her comrades who were also injured and also taken prisoner were ignored.
Yup. Gotta love an opportunistic propaganda machine. What's funny to me is that without it, she should never have gotten her million. Hell because of that shit she's "set for life". Remember, the propaganda came
after her injuries... no escapign that, we can only discuss what happened after, unless you want to talk women in the military, blah blah. Then it would have happened to some dude and we would have never thought of him as a hero anyway. Well unless someone in the propaganda machine saw opportunity there.
/''The factor that should concern us the most remains the differing treatment given to her in comparison to others in her position. But that is not of her doing, unless you blame her for being a pleasant looking blonde instead of the no less pleasant looking young black mother or the other comrades who shared her experiences.
Marketability is obviously a factor when considering how to structure your propaganda. How does blame have anything to do with anything? Pardon, I just see no point in it.
/Yes, females are raped in wartime. It is one of the unleasantnesses that besmirch all nations. And don't we just love talking about it.
Hey you brough tit up. I wasn't gonna say anything. Hypocrite. Hehe.

People love talking drama and sex. Go figure.
/The entire press has picked on just this one page in a book for its headlines. She is now back home, with a handy sum of money but a wrecked body -- I know I would rather be whole.
You say it like there's choice. It's in the past, so your "rather" is pretty well inconsequential. At least she scored some cake for having been utilized by the machine. You can't really blame the machine for performing its function. Hell many of its subjects welcome it. I wonder if ten years from now she'll rather have had anonymity or the million bucks.
/and I suspect she would too.
You mean she irrationally wants to change time too? She can't be "whole" right now because she was injured during a war. That happens to soldiers somewhat often. Sure she could have scored disability, but she was unlucky and halfassed attractive - so she got put into the machine. A rather pathetic attempt to paint a hero (for the purposes of promoting the war) from a typical soldier just trying to do their job. It's a bummer but come on man, what do you expect? It's a freakin war. No holds barred. The propaganda machine is drug out for ALL military actions. Nature of the beast. See through it or join the masses.