Faster than light with quantum entaglement

Discussion in 'General Science & Technology' started by DRZion, Jun 6, 2009.

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  1. DRZion Theoretical Experimentalist Valued Senior Member

    Quantum entanglement makes two quantum systems display the same properties no matter how distant. If a property of one system is altered, this change will instantly be altered in the other.

    When you go close to the speed of light, time slows down. Say you put a quantum entangled particle on a space ship that will travel close to the speed of light. The other half of this quantum entangled system will remain on earth.

    This space ship is traveling so fast that time only passes half as fast as it would on earth.

    On the spaceship, there is equipment to stimulate the entangled particle to 'oscillate' close to the speed of light.. meaning that the particle on earth would oscillate twice as fast, going faster than light it seems.

    Is there something wrong with this general idea? It would mean in essence that the both particles would oscillate faster than the speed of light. However, according to the time frame of the space ship the particle would not be breaking any laws.

    It is my understanding that the theory of relativity implies that there is no absolute time frame, and so one of the particles would be oscillating faster than the speed of light in it's time frame. Unless, of course, the 'resistance' of inducing oscillations on the particle would simply go up on the space ship to the point where it was impossible to induce oscillations on the space ship to over half the speed of light of the space ship. Maybe entanglement would simply be broken

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    .... duh
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  3. Dinosaur Rational Skeptic Valued Senior Member

    I do not think that particles stay entangled after you make measurements on them.
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  5. DRZion Theoretical Experimentalist Valued Senior Member

    I'm not so sure. How would a quantum computer be useful if you couldn't make measurements on it?
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  7. jmpet Valued Senior Member

    "Thou shall not add velocities." -Einstein
  8. jmpet Valued Senior Member

    This does open the window to another question: what is the speed of gravity? Is it light speed or instantaneous?
  9. Oli Heute der Enteteich... Registered Senior Member

    Current results suggest C +/-2% IIRC.
  10. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member

    That's not exactly true. You can't choose to make one particle do one thing and then have the other one do the opposite. What happens is that when you measure a particular property of an entangled particle, the property of the other one will turn out to be correlated in some way with the result of the measurement (e.g. it might be "opposite"). And, you can only do this once on each particle, after which the entanglement is broken.

    You haven't specified what kind of "oscillation" you're talking about. To make something oscillate requires a force. To make the two particles oscillate requires a force at both ends. I don't see how this would tie in with entanglement in any way.

    If "oscillation" means movement of a particle from one location to another, then relativity rules out such movement at faster than the speed of light in any reference frame.
  11. Pandaemoni Valued Senior Member

    Further to what James R wrote, it is also not that the particles have the "same" properties. Once you measure one particle (in a two particle entanglement) then that determined the measurement of the same property for the other, but that does not mean that the other particle will yield the same measurement. If you entangle two electrons and measure their spin, the spin of the two cancel out, for example. If you measure one and show that it has a clockwise spin, then its (formerly) entangled companion instantly has a counter clockwise spin (at least until something happens to the counterpart that throws it back into a superposition of states).

    As James R says, you can't use this to send messages because you can't control which particle has which property.

    It doesn't work that way, if you do something that causes the spaceborne particle to oscillate, the counterpart on Earth doesn't automatically behave in exactly the same way. It depends on whether the property you are measuring is one of the entangled properties. "Oscillation" isn't.

    You CAN create entangled oscillating particles, but if you excite oscillation in one it does not mean the other is automatically likewise going to start oscillating.

    See here:

    They even have a video explaining how they created the entangled oscillating system (N.B. that they had to start one particle pair oscillating, and then separately do the same to the other).
  12. DRZion Theoretical Experimentalist Valued Senior Member

    From what I understood influencing one of the particles influences the other one, like flipping a light switch. When you flip a quantum light switch, its entangled pair is flipped as well.

    In a macroscopic system, entanglement is intuitive and unremarkable. One can entangle velocity when momentum and mass is conserved. However, in a quantum world such an entanglement violates some basic principles of quantum mechanics, right? Isn't this what einstein's EPR paradox was about?

    However, going back to entangled pairs on a spaceship, it seems that there may be something interesting in it after all. On earth, the quantum entangled oscillating particles (this is what I meant Pandaemoni) would be oscillating at 10 times / second, while the particles on the space ship would only be oscillating at 5 times / second (because the ship was traveling close to the speed of light).
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2009
  13. DRZion Theoretical Experimentalist Valued Senior Member

    Okay fine, how about this-
    The momentum and position of a particle can both be determined if they are entangled. since you can measure momentum on one and position on the other...... it may be kind of pointless though because its not really the same particle. But it could be used to precisely measure the distance between two particles in an oscillator (going back to the oscillations that Pandaemoni mentioned) while measuring the velocity.

    Uncertainty principle- this is your first realistic contender!
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2009
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