eye brain

The discussion is ridiculous, because you all keep going on about how "amazing" and incredible a dog's sense of smell is, when all it is is the equivalent of putting 1 gb harddrive on a 1995 machine.

And so its time to just admit I am right in that a dogs sense of smell is just the equivalent of the GTA arrow thing but worse. It is simply collecting of random data, memorizing the data, and using brute-force method to move to locations where the data is most concentrated. *Claps hands* amazing though amirite.
Yes..but our senses cannot do that, we need gadgets to compensate. The only remarkable thing about humans is our brains. Physically we are inferior to most all other animals in one way or another.
You say humans have better eysight than dogs which may be true, but an eagle outperforms human eyesight by several factors;
The eagle eye is among the strongest in the animal kingdom, with an eyesight estimated at 4 to 8 times stronger than that of the average human
Now you can say that we have satellites which can spot a golf ball from miles above, but that is not a natural ability, it's another gadget.

The reason I pursue this is that animals other than humans can have remarkable naturally evolved abilities and deserve our admiration and respect.
Yes..but our senses cannot do that, we need gadgets to compensate. The only remarkable thing about humans is our brains. Physically we are inferior to most all other animals in one way or another.
You are spouting in psuedothings.
There are many superior things of humans. For instance we have a longer lifespan than many mammals.
And our limb system is superior. We have arms and fingers which allow us to throw stuff and wield swords.

You say humans have better eysight than dogs which may be true, but an eagle outperforms human eyesight by several factors; Now you can say that we have satellites which can spot a golf ball from miles above, but that is not a natural ability, it's another gadget.

The reason I pursue this is that animals other than humans can have remarkable naturally evolved abilities and deserve our admiration and respect.
They deserve not to be slaughtered or put in zoos. Thats about all the respect I give 'em. I am mostly vegetarian so I respect animals more than most.
Humans can lift 100000x more weight than an ant.
And an elephant can lift some 660 lbs with his trunk alone.
Then there is the remarkable trunk. It contains no bones or cartilage, instead comprising up to 150,000 bundles of muscle fibres. The multi-use appendage allows elephants to communicate over vast distances, grasp individual twigs, reaffirm social bonds – and lift significant weights.

As with our own strength records, the maximum weight lifted by an elephant is a bit of a grey area. Still, a large bull is thought to be able to lift a log weighing up to 300kg with just its trunk. African elephants can weigh a tonne more than their Asian counterparts, so they may well be even stronger.
The pioneering scientist Galileo Galilei had it right in his 1638 book Two New Sciences, in which he wrote that smaller animals are proportionately stronger and more robust than larger ones. It all comes down to strength-to-weight ratios.
just a little news flash

When Koko died in her sleep in California on June 19, people throughout the world immediately began mourning the gorilla.
Objective is not only what is outside the mind, but everything that is based on the truth. For example: 3x2=6. This operation is composed for conventional symbols, but the relation is objective.
I was addressing the brain function. The brain is unable to distuingish objective truth. It has no direct observation of anything outside of the sensory receptors and it receives its information not from direct obseravtion but from electro/chemical bits from which it must construct a composite pattern.

Of course an artificial "observer" like a camera is an objective observer. The image passes through the lens directly on the photographic plate, which in humans is the back of the eye and consists of arrays of ganglian cells each sensitive to seperate wave lengths. After seperating the image all this encoded information is fed into brain via the optic nerve, which now has to reassemble these millions of bits and then compare it to its memory of what it is actually assembling.





While it can distinguish between relative values and can mathematically process these values, the brain never does exactly "know" what it is processing. This gives an advantage in some ways because it is not a rigidly fixed process but sensitive to new information which allows it to modify its "recognition from memory" into a new paradigm.