Evolution Is Just An Emergent Property Of the Action Of Consciousness

A virus evolves and, AFAIK, it isn't even alive. Is a virus conscious?

Here is the last sentence from the OP:
Using this perspective we might be able to say that Evolution does not even exist as a Thing in Itself, but rather Evolution is just an Emergent Property of the Action of Consciousness in the Universe.

You should not ignore the word "might". The purpose of the OP hyperbole is to get people thinking about the possibility that Consciousness actually does affect Evolution.

It is a logical conclusion to state that Consciousness itself can influence Evolution. Evolution is not a completely Mindless, Bio Electrical Chemical, DNA Mutating, Environmentally Influenced process. Rather, Evolution is driven by a combination of primitive Conscious Desires, Bio Electrical Chemical processes, Random DNA Mutations, and Environmental Influences.
Ah, another intelligent design variant.

How would one even test the idea of a conscious universe?
You mean it is like a lie, since he has been shown he can not bend spoons with his mind and I understand he as said as much saying it was nothing more than a magic trick


Yes, Uri Geller was very probably doing some tricks, but now imagine he would do it for real in his own material body (ouside his body... this would be spooky action).
Thats what i meant and this is what could be free will.
How would one even test the idea of a conscious universe?

It is very simple : Superiority.
If you would bet between the one who has free will and the one who can only follow the natural laws (so pre determined), who will have superiority if there is conflict ?
It is very simple : Superiority.
If you would bet between the one who has free will and the one who can only follow the natural laws (so pre determined), who will have superiority if there is conflict ?
So, your experiment involves putting two universes in a ring and having them duke it out?
Ah, another intelligent design variant.

How would one even test the idea of a conscious universe?

Life .

Life is conscious of the Universe . We Humans are conscious of the Universe . Hence the Universe is conscious .

ALL Advanced Beings , All Advanced Being , Everywhere in this Universe are conscious of our Universe . Even at the time of Ancient History , 6000yrs ago they are aware of the Universe .
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Ok, so you think that every time there is a question there will be always only one answer (for all questions) : This is because of the Big Bang.
How to become a genius in 7 words. :tongue:
Also nope.
river said:
Life .

Life is conscious of the Universe . We Humans are conscious of the Universe . Hence the Universe is conscious .

Humans are not the universe.

The Periodic Table is not about Life . The Table is about Matter . Its energy , bonds and therefore structure .

Agreed . We are part of it . Because we Humans are conscious so must thousands of other Advanced Beings , be as well . Inotherwords Life Only is Conscious , and is everywhere in this Universe .
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Agreed . We are part of it .
Which does NOT = "the universe is conscious".
Because we Humans are conscious so must thousands of other Advanced Beings , be as well .
1) Doesn't necessarily follow, and
2) So far there is no evidence of "advanced beings".
Yes, Uri Geller was very probably doing some tricks, but now imagine he would do it for real in his own material body (ouside his body... this would be spooky action).
Thats what i meant and this is what could be free will.
WHY all the speculation?

He is a fraud, pure and simple

So, your experiment involves putting two universes in a ring and having them duke it out?
I know there are some weird ideas out there but this is bending the Weird Ideas Meter Needle going well past Weirdest

Agreed . We are part of it . Because we Humans are conscious so must thousands of other Advanced Beings , be as well . Inotherwords Life Only is Conscious , and is everywhere in this Universe .
Which does NOT = "the universe is conscious".
"Which does NOT = "the universe is conscious".

But it does , since the Universe has Life . Awareness .
Dywyddyr: I think you are dismissing river too hastily. Look:

There is a radio in my car.
It can play 80s tunes.
It directly follows that there are radios "everywhere" in my car. (River's Postulate #1)
And, since they can all play 80s music...
It directly follows that my entire car, itself, is a radio that plays 80s tunes. (River's Postulate #2)

This is Direct River Logic. AKA DRiveL.
"Which does NOT = "the universe is conscious".

Dywyddyr: I think you are dismissing river too hastily. Look:

There is a radio in my car.
It can play 80s tunes.
It directly follows that there are radios "everywhere" in my car. (River's Postulate #1)
And, since they can all play 80s music...
It directly follows that my entire car, itself, is a radio that plays 80s tunes. (River's Postulate #2)

This is Direct River Logic. AKA DRiveL.

Radios play a variety of music .

Evolution .