

Registered Senior Member
Does every thing mean each thing will happen to you and not happen to you (you see it happen to another person)?

Every. Thing.
Dictionaries are a thing.

everything (n.) 1. All things; the whole quantity or number. 2. All things that are of importance to a person
Every. Thing.
I take one, one, one cause you left me
And two, two, two for my family
And three, three, three for my heartache
And four, four, four for my headaches
And five, five, five for my lonely
And six, six, six for my sorrow
And seven, seven for no tomorrow
And eight, eight, I forget was eight was for
But nine, nine, nine for the lost gods
Ten, ten, ten, ten for everything, everything, EVERYTHING!
I take one, one, one cause you left me
And two, two, two for my family
And three, three, three for my heartache
And four, four, four for my headaches
And five, five, five for my lonely
And six, six, six for my sorrow
And seven, seven for no tomorrow
And eight, eight, I forget was eight was for
But nine, nine, nine for the lost gods
Ten, ten, ten, ten for everything, everything, EVERYTHING!
I’ve heard enough if this everything bull crap it’s time for action here in about two years