Howard Bloom (born June 25, 1943) is an American author and scientific thinker. He was a publicist in the 1970s and 1980s for singers and bands such as Prince, Billy Joel, and Styx. In 1988 he became disabled with chronic fatigue syndrome. Since then, he has published three books on human evolution and group behavior, The Genius of the Beast, The Global Brain, and The Lucifer Principle.
From wiki:
He is/was a sociologist. He has no credentials or credence in physics.
That's the little picture. The big picture is the overall entropy of the universe. (And hint: entropy is not about "disorder".)Did not the subatomic particle become ordered atoms , did not the stars formed organized into galaxy. did not ATP and ribose formed an RNA , or ATP and other pyridine and deoxyribose formed an DNA.
The other explanation is that particles coalesce randomly. The apparent order is nothing more than the filling of states as allowed by their intrinsic properties and the properties resulting from bringing them together.So what, but does he not have a point from the idea of Big Bang. Did not the subatomic particle become ordered atoms
There is not much organization there either. They appear to be randomized internally, with structures that arise from basic principles like gravity.did not the stars formed organized into galaxy.
Which is true of any other molecular structure. They appear to be organized, but they are simply the possible configurations that would be expected from the random reactions that brought them together.did not ATP and ribose formed an RNA , or ATP and other pyridine and deoxyribose formed an DNA.
The other explanation is that particles coalesce randomly. The apparent order is nothing more than the filling of states as allowed by their intrinsic properties and the properties resulting from bringing them together.
Again, would you say , 2 quarks up and one down fo proton and 2 quarks down and one up for neutron , is this random ? or electrons circulating around neurton and proton is that random ?
There is not much organization there either. They appear to be randomized internally, with structures that arise from basic principles like gravity.
I did not want to go much closer I stopped an galaxy. Galaxy are composes of stars and stars are organized by having their orbits were the planets reside . Would you say thet is organized ?
Which is true of any other molecular structure. They appear to be organized, but they are simply the possible configurations that would be expected from the random reactions that brought them together.