After years of meditation and study on philosophers like ramana maharshi, rajneesh, jiddu krishnamurti, adwait vedanta and many othets , i found the fact that this concept of enlightenment is all bogus. This is market to earn money. People are running from their lives in the name of meditation. Thoughts and thinking are the basic functions of human brain. You cant shut them down by meditation. Enlightement is the result of boredome of man from ancient times.
What are your thoughts about it. Please write here. Thanks.
This is market to earn money.
all facets of life require currency exchange for food to survive
greed & scams is not unique t any one culture or religion
it is factually disingenuous to ascribe the function of money to be the drive of something that requires money as a base cause
those religious people who swear off money beg for free money while others pretend salvation is achieved by giving them money.
that has nothing to do with enlightenment
People are running from their lives in the name of meditation.
yes a fact
but a fact that stands individually
suggesting that enlightenment is bogus because people are chasing anything is also a lie
that makes 2 lies
Thoughts and thinking are the basic functions of human brain.
chemistry & electricity and biological physics drives the base form of brain function
humans are biological electro-chemical
you are suggesting meditation & any other state than what you prescribe is false
this means you are dictating others reality
this is fascism & manipulation rather than liberty & freedom of thought
You cant shut them down by meditation.
shut what down ?
who said something is shut down ?
what are YOU saying is "supposed o be shut down"
by what ?
meditation ?
your making a claim !
you need to back that claim up with some basic concepts otherwise your just preaching like a crazy person on a street corner
Enlightement is the result of boredome of man from ancient times.
complete bullshit scammery
your dictating what others reality of their mind is. telling them what they should think & how to think it
this makes you a fascist manipulator
2 lies
2 claim with no substantiation facts links or any explanation
2 dictations of thought to your own desires
& you think that invalidates what ?
enlightenment ?
meditation ?
What are your thoughts about it. Please write here. Thanks.
and so i have
read like a scammer(im not stating i think you are, i am saying your comments read that way) looking for people to scam rather than someone wanting to discuss something
reading a book does not make you experienced
just because 99% of all religion may be a scam(are you proving something somewhere?)
does not invalidate any concept of meditation
(i personally believe around 80% of American Christianity is a money scam offering loos concepts that make people psychologically dependent on them rather than independently minded they then exploit that psychological dependence by forced compliance donations of money)
other forms using power scams are of the same nature
keeping in mind
Enlightenment covers both
Christianity &
Catholacism & potentially Islamism Shinto & Hinduism
are you saying all forms of enlightenment(all religions) are fake ?
You cant shut them down by meditation.
shut "what" down ?
(((i am expecting you will not answer i hope i am wrong)))