Dutchman to make film criticising Quran

HInduism is a term created by the British

Red herring! Where the word 'Hinduism' came from is irrelevant, and you know it! Did the Adivasis practice what the British call 'Hinduism' prior to the invasion by the Aryan immigrants 3.5 thousand years ago. Yes or no?

And all the tribes that live in India like to keep their languages and culture distinct, Adivasis or non-Adivasis.

And yet Indians who descended from the Aryan invaders seem to have a penchant for forcing Hinduism and the caste system on the Adivasis. So no, not all 'tribes' like to remain distinct. The descendants of the invading tribes love to force their way of life on the indigenous tribes. Sound familiar?

If you recall, it is you who think Morroccans in Netherlands should follow Dutch culture, and yet, you don't follow Aborigine culture.

Why would I? The two scenarios aren't even remotely similar.
Yet, the islamic nations of the world similarly disallow criticism of religion. Or, their religion. Criticizing other religions is accepted.
Which explains why there are 1.5 billion extremist Muslims. Yes?
Very much so! Muslims in general are far more extremist than say, Christians...who have watered down and compromised their religion to the extent that it would hardly be recognized by its traditional origins.