downloadable philosophy textbook?


science man

Hey I can't find a free downloadable philosophy textbook. Can you guys?
well when you take a class in philosophyu what do you learn?
At colleges, they sometimes have a textbook buy-back session, where the textbook companies buy back the books students do not want. Sometimes, they won't buy it back because it's an old edition, in which case many students throw the book away. If you are there at the time, you can search through large bins and get free books on almost every college level topic.
well when you take a class in philosophyu what do you learn?

If you want a generic overview, what you are likely to get is more of a "history of philosophy" course, with perhaps separate readings from indivdual philosophers. You will get a condensed version of some very complex thoughts in nice little snippets that help you see the breadth that philosophy can cover.

Here's a pretty short one: